By Mary Jo Bryan
Editor’s note: the following remarks were delivered by Davis League of Women Voter’s President Mary Jo Bryan.
“I am pleased to appear today to represent the League of Women Voters support for reproductive rights and abortion access. The League of Women Voters of California has a long history of supporting and defending access to affordable quality reproductive healthcare including abortion care.
Our organization is greatly concerned about the current threat to the constitutional right to reproductive choice for families and individuals across the country.
League members in California know we will need to work harder and take proactive steps to protect and expand abortion care access for our in-state residents and patients across the country. We strongly support the patient’s right to make reproductive healthcare decisions with the unobstructed guidance of their medical providers and support of their trusted spiritual advisors.
Today, the League of Women Voters of California and Davis Area stand with our legislators who support and protect patient reproductive choice and provider provided abortion education, counseling and treatment.
In the words of Dr. Deborah Turner, President of the National League of Women Voters: “All people deserve access to quality health care, including abortion, and the privacy to make reproductive choices. Today Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey are still the law, and we will stand with our allies to protect women’s access to care. It is critical that we show up in solidarity, and make our voices heard for reproductive choice. Our democracy depends on it.”
Reproductive rights are civil rights. Abortion is healthcare. The League of Women Voters remains a steadfast supporter of civil rights, reproductive rights healthcare access and abortion access.”