By Mihajla Milovanovic
WOODLAND, CA – The jury in a DUI/drunk driving trial here in Yolo County Superior Court told the judge they were hopelessly deadlocked Thursday—but the judge still sent the jurors back for further deliberations.
The alleged DUI and drunk driving misdemeanors occurred on Dec. 30, 2021. The Vanguard is not publishing the accused’s name because the charges are misdemeanors.
The trial has been ongoing all week, and Wednesday the jury was sent out for deliberations about noon.
Judge Tom Dyer began by explaining to the jury the circumstances of the case by stating, “Do not hesitate to reevaluate your views.” He then asked the designated head juror to speak on behalf of the group.
The head juror on Thursday explained there had been a total of four ballots and that so far they were 11-1 on both counts, but still felt that they were in a deadlock position.
Judge Dyer said he believed they have not deliberated long enough and that they will be sent back for further deliberations.
The judge added it is important to gain a “fresh perspective” to evaluate critical aspects of the case. It is known that jury deliberations began at noon Wednesday and continued to approximately four in the afternoon.
Before being sent back into deliberation, Judge Dyer asked every individual juror if “further deliberations would not bring about a verdict in this case.” The jurors each responded with “yes,” suggesting they believed they were in a true deadlock decision.
Judge Dyer concluded the day with sending the jury back into deliberation, and they will then evaluate the jurors once again Friday.