Special to the Vanguard
Davis, CA – The Council previously deadlocked 2-2 in November on the issue of whether to re-open G St.
This following letter was signed by 12 businesses on G St calling for it to be opened – however a number of businesses also support the current arrangement.
Letter: Why is G Street Still closed?
During the height of the pandemic, most businesses on G St. in downtown Davis, between 2nd and 3rd, initially supported the emergency action to temporarily close G St. This was specifically to help restaurants and bars carry on with their business outdoors. More than two years later, eateries have now regained use of their indoor dining rooms but the street remains closed to vehicles with no store-front accessibility to businesses or parking. Minor aesthetic improvements were made and it’s still unattractive.
The Downtown Davis Business Association polled all downtown businesses last fall. The City Council was informed of the results of the survey in November 2021 and DDBA recommended to re-open.
We ask the city council to put the matter of G St. on the agenda at the Tuesday, July 5th meeting for public discussion. The business owners and the community who are impacted by this “temporary emergency action” deserve a fair and open process to study and adopt a plan that suits all of us. Our emails to the council have not been adequately answered. We’d like more conversation and follow through.
The City Council meeting held in 11/2/2021 on Zoom, with this item on the agenda was woefully inadequate in terms of allowing full public discourse.
You can support our effort to get this matter added to the city council agenda by contacting us at: arteryinfo@omsoft.com and allow us to add your name to the letter; please speak up.
Additionally, you may email all members of the City Council directly at this email address: citycouncilmembers@cityofdavis.org
Thank you,
G St. Businesses
The Artery Illusions
Sole Desire
Davis Barber Shop
Mahin Alterations
Abaton Consulting
Law offices of Roberta S. Savage
Bankers Lending Group
Volleys Tennis Shop
Katmandu Restaurant
Brooks Byrd