Everyday Injustice Podcast Episode 148: Jarrett Adams from Wrongful Conviction to Attorney

Jarrett Adams – Attorney and Exoneree

A few weeks ago Jarrett Adams received the Vanguard Justice Award going to a person wrongly convicted.  Here is our podcast with him from March 2022.

Jarrett Adams was a high school student and made one mistake—he went to a college party and ended up wrongly convicted for the rape of a white college woman, having been convicted by an all-white jury and facing nearly 30 years in prison.

It took him nearly ten years to get exonerated with the help of the Wisconsin Innocence Project.

Amazingly, he took the lessons he learned as a jailhouse attorney during his incarceration and worked his way through law school and now has a non-profit, dedicated to exonerating the wrongly convicted.

As he explains, his book takes you through his journey and you feel like you are in the shoes of that scared 17-year-old, who has no idea what is in store for him.

Listen as he talks about his experience behind bars, being wrongly convicted, how he got through law school and his current work.  He also discusses the role that race played in his wrongful conviction and the criminal legal system.

About The Author

Disclaimer: the views expressed by guest writers are strictly those of the author and may not reflect the views of the Vanguard, its editor, or its editorial board.

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