Tree Davis Announces 2022 Tree Stewardship Awards

By Greg McPherson, Luke Vitanza, and Don Shor

Tree Davis Stewardship Awards honor individuals and groups who have worked to enhance our urban forest. Just by helping to water young trees, pull weeds and spread mulch, organize school plantings, caring for older trees in neighborhoods and commercial parking lots, this year’s award recipients help to establish and sustain our city’s canopy and the landscapes beneath.

Award for individual(s): Ann Trump Daniel and Judy Hecomovich
During the hottest days of a sizzling summer, Judy and Ann were diligently watering and weeding recently planted trees and other plants in the Memorial Grove. Every other week they would tend to the needs of over five hundred groundcovers and shrubs, as well as a dozen trees in the Wolk and Generations’ Groves. Their efforts helped to keep these demonstrations of Climate-Ready Landscapes alive and well. We wish we had more folks like them to help keep Davis clean, green, and cool.
Location: Tree Davis Memorial Grove, 1549 Shasta Dr., Davis, CA

Award for individual and organization: Ken McKim, Tree Harper
Besides being a past board member for Tree Davis, and current teacher at Harper Middle School, Ken continues to make local contributions to our urban canopy and climate-ready landscapes through his tireless work creating & running Tree Harper. Modeled after Tree Davis, Tree Harper, combined with Friends of Francis, generate 1200 annual service hours towards our common goal of a healthy urban forest.
Current projects & initiatives include:
– Tree ID plaques – creating their “Harperetum.”
– B.A.G.: planning for creation of a Bike Arrival Garden
– Turf Conversion – replacing grass with UC Verde. Also replaced turf with boulder, Japanese and succulent gardens.
Location(s) of tree projects mentioned above: Harper Middle School

Award for best example of street tree shade: Maple Lane.
The magnificent zelkova trees that line Maple Ln. were planted in the late 1950’s and are approaching 70-years old. They form a continuous canopy that extends from the front of a home, across the street, and to the front of the home on the other side of the street. On warm summer days their dense shade provides welcome respite from the heat. The thick trunks have a beautiful scaly bark.
Maple Lane, with its mature zelkova trees, has a glorious canopy of shade that is unrivaled in Davis.
Representing Maple Lane to receive the award is Gerald Dickinson, who has resided on Maple Lane for over 50 years.

Award for best example of commercial/office parking lot tree shade: 1205 Drake Drive.
The office buildings and parking areas at 1205 Drake Dr. appear to be within a forest. The towering Chinese elms were planted in 1977 and soar skyward like buttresses. Architects Larry Hornbeek and Ty Smalley carefully sited the parking stalls between the trees, which were planted in formally arrayed cutouts. Dr. Jolkovsky moved into one of the offices in 1992 and has made sure that the trees have remained remarkably healthy. Their lacey foliage casts delicate shadows on the pavement. The percentage of pavement shade in this parking lot approaches 100%, a notable example and worthy goal for all the commercial lots in Davis.

The recipients will be honored at the Tree Davis Legacy Celebration:
Saturday November 19th
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Tree Davis Memorial Grove
1549 Shasta Drive

Attendees can also visit the newly-planted Climate-Ready Landscapes in the Grove, with designers present to answer questions. These landscapes reduce water use, attract wildlife, and provide seasonal beauty. Artwork donated by Marie-Therese Brown and P. Gregory Guss will be offered at a silent auction.
For more information, and to register for the event, visit




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