It was 17 years ago yesterday—July 30, 2006—that the Vanguard was launched. Pretty remarkable how far we have come from the days of the free blogger website.
Excerpt from the first post:
Most in Davis this summer find ways to escape the heat in the comfort of the air conditioned homes, the cool of the pool, or the leisure of a well-time vacation. For some of us though, this summer has ushered in dark times and dark events in the second-most-educated city in the country.
For the last year, a movement has been growing in the city of Davis. People of color, the few that there are in Davis, have been speaking out, coming out, and calling out for help. Numerous stories of police abuse and misconduct have arisen in the media, even more have been held just outside of the limelight of the Davis Enterprise, the guardians of the order and the status quo.
See the full post on the original Blogspot website.
I am pleased to announce that we are going to be launching (finally) a new website. This will be the first new website since 2014. We have signed the contract and hope to have a nice modern site that is easy to use and navigate.
Please consider a donation to help fund the new website.
To donate directly – hit this link
We will also be hosting our 13th Annual Event on October 19 at The Bank in Sacramento.
It will be an awards Gala, honoring at least nine people and organizations (to be announced later this week) and featuring keynote speaker, Alex Vitale, author of the End of Policing.
Tickets start at $100 per plate. Sponsors at $250. To sponsor this event and support this incredibly important cause, please click here: http://tinyurl.com/Vanguard2023
Does the new site also come with new commenting and moderation rules?
Because the current rules and policies aren’t working…
I think the current rules and policies work just swell.
One suggestion I have is to post the rules and policies for commenting and moderation in a prominent location on the new site. This will be useful for newbies and long-time commenters alike. Another suggestion is to not have to deal with anything resembling HTML or CSS tags when commenters need to edit their comments.
It would be really helpful if the frequency of page refreshes in the mobile edition of this site could be reduced or eliminated. Page refreshes seem to occur far less frequently in the computer version of this site.
This current website is literally a decade old. It’s going to work A LOT BETTER once the new one comes.
I know that, but since Keith offered a suggestion I would chime in with my own suggestions.