By the Vanguard
Davis, CA – During the Aug. 29 City Council meeting, the Davis City Council voted 5-0 to begin construction of the Mace Boulevard Redesign Project that will include a two-way cycle track on the west side of the street from San Marino Avenue to Cowell Boulevard.
An accelerated construction schedule is planned with work on days, nights and weekends with no anticipated full road closures, to allow work to proceed at a faster pace while minimizing impacts to peak afternoon traffic flows. The project will begin in mid-September with a completion date of November 2023, barring any unforeseen delays due to weather or other conditions outside the contractor’s control.
In addition to the two-way cycle track, the approved work scope includes:
- Two, full-width, southbound and northbound traffic lanes between Cowell Boulevard and N. El Macero Drive
- Modifications to the striping between San Marino Avenue and N. El Macero Drive to accommodate two northbound travel lanes while maintaining the bike buffers
- Modifications to the protected intersection at Cowell Boulevard/Mace Boulevard including accommodation for truck-turning radii and modified signal timing and operations
- Reconfiguration of the islands at San Marino Avenue and replacement of the flashing red beacon with additional signage and no lights
- Modifications to on-street parking on the west side of Mace Boulevard., south of N. El Macero Drive to San Marino Avenue to accommodate access/wheelchairs at more regular intervals
- Reconstruction of the western bikeway buffer between San Marino Avenue and Cowell Boulevard to accommodate the two-way cycle track
- Repaving of the alley that runs behind the row of houses on the west side of Mace Boulevard between San Marino Avenue and N. El Macero Drive.
City staff engaged with the community and key stakeholders, including Yolo County, to arrive at a project that strikes a balance between vehicular and bike/pedestrian access and safety, while addressing fundamental challenges of I-80 congestion impacts on local roads.
“We listened and learned when it came to Mace Boulevard,” said Mayor Will Arnold. “In collaboration with community members and our County partners, we believe we have arrived at a design that will improve traffic flow and allow for safe travel for all users.”
The City will engage in a robust outreach campaign to keep residents informed with weekly updates on City social media and the City website. For neighbors near the affected work area, postcards and door hangers will be sent explaining work impacts.
The City has also been in communication with the Davis Joint Unified School District on coordination, communication, bike safety and more to minimize impacts to walking and biking routes during construction.
The contractor will also work with the crossing guards to provide safe passage across Cowell Boulevard during school commutes, and at least one east to west crossing shall be made available at all times at the Cowell Boulevard and Mace Boulevard intersection during school hours.
Coordination is also occurring with the construction activity on private property currently underway at the northeast corner of Mace Boulevard and Cowell Boulevard.
To assist with impacts to traffic for residents and those working or traveling through Davis, staff will provide project information to the Caltrans District 3 Public Information Officer, WAZE and Sacramento 511, which feeds information to Google and Apple maps. Staff will also work with the County in an effort to provide signage on Tremont Road regarding the upcoming work to help deter commuters from using Mace Boulevard to bypass traffic on Interstate 80.
Work will be performed by McGuire & Hester. For more information, visit the City of Davis webpage at: https://www.cityofdavis.org/city-hall/improvement-projects/mace-blvd-improvements.