Special to the Vanguard
Davis, CA – Interfaith Housing Justice Davis (IHJD) is excited to announce an upcoming forum “Davis Housing Solutions: A Community Conversation”. The forum is designed to address pressing housing issues and explore viable solutions.
The forum is scheduled for the evening of May 16th and will be held at Davis Community Church. IHJD has invited local and regional experts on affordable housing and social service issues. Topics covered will include “who needs housing” and “how” do we help them. In addition, to provide a deeper understanding, the stories and voices of marginalized communities that include the homeless, victims of eviction and even those struggling to purchase their first home will be presented. The event will discuss the city’s Housing Trust Fund, including funding and its role in solving the various housing needs highlighted. Attendees will gain insights into how the Housing Trust Fund could effectively address housing challenges in Davis. A key focus of the conversation will be how to ensure sustainable funding for the Housing Trust Fund.
Following the formal presentations attendees will have the opportunity to ask their own questions to a panel of the presenters including council members and city staff.
In addition to the forum and panel discussion, there will be a number of organizations available with whom the attendees can meet and talk. Organizations already registered to participate include Northern California Legal Services, Mutual Housing California, Interfaith Housing Justice Davis, Ca House and DavisCAN. All the organizations have a role in providing housing resources and support systems. This interaction will provide numerous opportunities for community members to get involved and contribute to housing equity efforts.
Davis Housing Solutions: A Community Conversation is open to all and is free. Donations to the Housing Trust Fund are welcomed and can be made when registering for this event. IHJD encourages all community members to join this conversation and participate in shaping the future for housing in Davis.
To register for the forum, go to https://bit.ly/interfaithhousing
If you wish to contact Interfaith Housing Justice Davis, email: Ellen Kolarik interfaithhjd@gmail.com