ST. LOUIS, MO.—The Midwest Innocence Project recently released an update regarding Christopher Dunn and his exoneration after Dun spent 34 years imprisoned for the wrongful conviction of the 1990 murder of Ricco Rogers.
According to the project, Circuit Attorney Gab Gore and his team filed a Motion to Vacate Dunn’s unjust conviction and was later followed by a hearing in May, 2024.
Judge Senghesier found no evidence remaining to support Dunn’s conviction of the 1990 murder of 15-year-old Rogers, which was based on the testimony of two boys, ages 12 and 15, who both later recanted.
According to the report, “the identifications were unreliable to begin with – the shooting occurred in the dark of night and under poor lighting and viewing conditions.”
Additionally, the defense said Dunn was reported to be with his mother, watching television and talking to a friend who had recently given birth, “a fact cooperated by television and medical records.”
The Midwest Innocence Project urged new legislation to address the gaps within the current judicial system that have led cases similar to Dunn’s go unremediated.
For example, in 2020, Texas County Circuit Court Judge William Hickle found Dunn to be presumed innocent yet was unable to free him as the result of current Missouri legislation.
In Missouri, innocence alone is insufficient in overturning a conviction, unless the individual was sentenced to death, and is currently the only state with such a law, as stated in the Innocent Project’s report.
Even with presumed innocence, Dunn was serving a life sentence in addition to 90 years and as a result was held behind bars for an additional four years.
The Midwest Innocence Project urges a re-examination into the Attorney General’s Office, charging the office, “presented nothing that challenged the body of evidence showing Chris is innocent” and “the office wasted valuable resources and taxpayer money in its effort to keep Chris behind bars – even though two Circuit Attorneys had determined he did not commit the crime and even though Judge Hickle had already concluded, no jury would convict him today.”
The report also includes individuals they personally thanked as well as the team members who represented Christopher Dunn and worked on his case:
“In addition to Circuit Attorney Gabe Gore, we also thank Judge Booker Shaw, Rachael Moore, and Layla Husen of Thompson Coburn LLP, who joined the effort as Special Assistant Circuit Attorneys, and whose work was integral to securing Chris’s freedom.”
The report from the defense added, “Christopher Dunn is represented by Rachel Wester and Tricia Rojo Bushnell of the Midwest Innocence Project, and Justin Bonus. The Midwest Innocence Project team includes investigators Blair Johnson and Luke Nozicka, Bryan Cave Leighton Paiser Fellow Isabel Guariglia, paralegal Leigh Ann Carroll, and social worker Courtney Ellis.”