SACRAMENTO, CA — Assemblymember Alex Lee last week explained why the California Legislative Progressive Cause opposes Proposition 36 after the caucus called the measure “draconian.”
Even though the California Legislative Analyst’s Office said Proposition 36…changes state law so that certain adult offenders who use or possess illegal drugs would receive drug treatment and supervision in the community, rather than being sent to prison or jail or supervised in the community, generally without drug treatment,” Lee (D-Fremont) said progressives consider the measure a mistake.
As to the reason why the “draconian” Proposition 36 was opposed, the caucus statement charges the measure would, “divert hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars away from resources for education, jobs, and social services – proven solutions to making everyone safer and prosperous. Wasting more money on regressive punishment instead of evidence-based policy to improve every Californian’s life is immoral and ineffective.”
The statement published by Assemblymember Lee’s office describes the Progressive Caucus as a 30-member group that ultimately aims to promote inclusive policies for Californians, and notes why progressives oppose the measure.
“(G)uided by the vision to support inclusive and resilient communities for all Californians (the caucus) brings together legislators with the goal of advancing policies that embody the progressive values of promoting greater opportunity, security, and justice for everyone,” the statement reads.