Guest Commentary: Open Warfare – Why Are the Dems Taking Aim At Each Other?

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Do you smell leftest in-fighting?

President Joe Biden recently praised the job Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was doing while his Vice President and now Presidential candidate Kamala Harris was hammering DeSantis over his hurricane posture related to FEMA. Former President Bill Clinton just said Laken Riley would be alive had there been better border enforcement, seemingly cutting a made-for-Trump campaign ad framing Border Czar Kamala as having blood on her hands. Now former President Barack Obama is wagging an angry finger at Black men who don’t abide the telegraphed and racialized dictum of voting for Kamala, igniting a backlash that nobody with eyes can deny is stirring the hood to the right.

The Democrats are cannibalizing themselves before our eyes.

Is Biden just pissed that they pushed him out? He certainly isn’t telling Black voters “they wanna put y’all back in chains” anymore. Say what you will about Donald Trump’s bombastic in-your-face Queens-style swag, but those of us who have credible policy differences with his agenda know deep down that you can’t actually get away with calling him an anti-Black racist. I’m old enough to remember the Black Miss America contestant Trump openly dated for years on the public stage of New York’s tabloid press era—are you?

It’s popular to virtue-signal support for those who hate the hated, but don’t drive yourself off the cliff in order to do it. In prison, politics can get you thrown over the tier.

People rarely ask about what imprisoned folks think about politics. California’s governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would’ve helped jailed—but not convicted—citizens vote from confinement, so we know where he stands. Few people in prison might ever bring themselves to vote for the architect of the 94 Crime Bill, or support his “I smoked it while prosecuting others who did the same” VP pick.

Kinda like how you can’t stand Trump’s misogyny.




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