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Do you smell leftest in-fighting?
President Joe Biden recently praised the job Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was doing while his Vice President and now Presidential candidate Kamala Harris was hammering DeSantis over his hurricane posture related to FEMA. Former President Bill Clinton just said Laken Riley would be alive had there been better border enforcement, seemingly cutting a made-for-Trump campaign ad framing Border Czar Kamala as having blood on her hands. Now former President Barack Obama is wagging an angry finger at Black men who don’t abide the telegraphed and racialized dictum of voting for Kamala, igniting a backlash that nobody with eyes can deny is stirring the hood to the right.
The Democrats are cannibalizing themselves before our eyes.
Is Biden just pissed that they pushed him out? He certainly isn’t telling Black voters “they wanna put y’all back in chains” anymore. Say what you will about Donald Trump’s bombastic in-your-face Queens-style swag, but those of us who have credible policy differences with his agenda know deep down that you can’t actually get away with calling him an anti-Black racist. I’m old enough to remember the Black Miss America contestant Trump openly dated for years on the public stage of New York’s tabloid press era—are you?
It’s popular to virtue-signal support for those who hate the hated, but don’t drive yourself off the cliff in order to do it. In prison, politics can get you thrown over the tier.
People rarely ask about what imprisoned folks think about politics. California’s governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would’ve helped jailed—but not convicted—citizens vote from confinement, so we know where he stands. Few people in prison might ever bring themselves to vote for the architect of the 94 Crime Bill, or support his “I smoked it while prosecuting others who did the same” VP pick.
Kinda like how you can’t stand Trump’s misogyny.
I am glad that you raised these issues. My wife and I are both voting for Harris/Walz but for different reasons. I (Malik) believe that Donald Trump is most certainly an existential threat to democracy, however, I’ve watched the Democrats ignore the needs of young black men for decades even when we had a man of color in the White House. Young black males are leaning toward Trump not because they hate women, but because they feel as if a Trump presidency would improve their economic chances and historically Trump signed into law legislation that released many black men from federal prison who were doing lengthy sentences for drug crimes (AND TRUMP FREED KODAK BLACK – MANY OF US BLACK MALES REMEMBER THAT). The Dems had decades to respond to the flaw in the laws but didn’t. I’m voting for Harris because I know for a fact that 90% of law enforcement support Trump because he will give them full authority to do whatever they want to protestors, those who dissent and anyone placed into their custody. THERE WILL BE NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Civil rights and human rights will be out the window and people like me who speak truth to power will most likely be targeted for not just censorship but with violent execution. During the Biden and Harris Administration, I have watched Kristin Clarke, the Chief of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division aggressively fight for the rights of prisoners, LGBTQ folks, women, those trying to vote, and so many others. I’m not all that thrilled with the lack of support for the Stop Cop City protestors in Atlanta, but what we’re seeing under Biden/Harris is the polar opposite of what we’re going to see under Trump and his new attorney general. Former president Bill Clinton should be choosing his words more carefully instead of sabotaging the success of Kamala Harris. However, Harris’ weak stance on the Israeli military aggression in the Middle East may be own undoing. We cannot stop struggling if Donald Trump gets elected but we need to know that the consequences we will face for speaking out will be much harsher. Our democracy is in a fragile place. Thank you for your work, Ghostwrite Mike.
Any 2nd Trump Administration will be fundamentally different than his first one. This time around he won’t hire any competent conservatives, only Trump sycophants. His sycophants will weaponize the Federal Government against his perceived enemies. African American males are deluding themselves if they believe they will be better off with Trump now than Biden/Harris. Bloomberg reported that he can’t explain how his new economic policies will be better than the status quo. Pardoning one black man is unadulterated tokenism. If Trump was actually serious he would propose pardoning all black federal inmates. One trend Republicans count on now is people voting against their own self interests.
Audience laughs at Donald Trump as he tries to explain why he can’t speak coherently anymore
He even has a name for his muddled rants.
The writing is on the wall. Democrats see it as they turn on each other.
Thought of you when I ran this this morning. There’s a sense out that people incarcerated are all on the left, the reality is that a lot of people who are incarcerated and formerly incarcerated are on the right.
Well I’m sure a vast majority of them lean left because they know they have a better chance of soft on crime Democrats shortening their sentences or giving them a get out of jail free card.
How many people have you met and have really talked to who are either currently or formerly incarcerated?
How many people have you met and have really talked to who are either currently or formerly incarcerated?
My guess, none.
Interesting the Marshall Project literally just came out with a story that surveyed 54,000 incarcerated people and found that Trump was outpolling Harris.
“Support for the former president is strong inside prisons and jails — even as his party tries to roll back voting rights for people with felony convictions. “
This is Malik Washington. I am a journalist who at one time worked as a journalist in free society. I am currently incarcerated. I am in regular contact with David Greenwald, the editor of the Davis Vanguard. We can check the box that David actually speaks and interacts with currently incarcerated people. NEWS FLASH!! There are people in jails and prisons throughout the United States who are highly intelligent and who make serious positive contributions to the media and the arts outside of the cages. It was not my intent to create a firestorm around the prospect of Donald Trump possibly gaining another term. So many people fail to comprehend that misogynism and the hatred of black women will influence their decision at the ballot box on November 5th. I believe strongly that Kamala Harris can competently run this country and be a remarkable president of the United States, but America is not ready. Get off your couch and vote for Kamala.