Letter: Councilmember Gloria Partida Supports Dillan Horton

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I am encouraging District 2 voters to vote for Dillan Horton for Davis City Council. For years I have known and worked with Dillan on the Police Accountability Commission (PAC) & on the Davis Pride Committee, and in that time he has demonstrated the qualities I know are needed in a Davis City Councilmember.

During his tenure as Chair of the PAC, I watched as Dillan listened to public input, collaborated with his fellow commissioners, developed policy to address community challenges, and stayed focused on that effort until the job was done. This leadership is well needed to negotiate the many issues encountered on city council. From housing to budget setting, listening and collaboration are key to reflecting the needs of the community

Dillan is also passionate about making sure everyone is included and valued in our community. You can see that in his work on the Davis Pride Committee, where he’s helped to organize Davis’ annual Pride celebrations and also advocate for the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ youth throughout our region.

Davis needs Councilmembers to know the issues, listen to their constituents, and collaborate with their colleagues. Dillan has proven that he is more than ready to do that job on day one and I look forward to working with him when elected. Vote Dillan Horton for Davis City Council District 2.

Gloria Partida



Breaking News City Council City of Davis Elections Opinion


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