SACRAMENTO, CA — After Donald Trump’s re-election as U.S. President, the Sacramento Valley/Central California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SV/CC) reaffirmed its commitment to fighting Islamophobia, xenophobia and racism.
The organization, in a statement, praised California Muslims for turning out in large numbers to vote despite widespread frustration with both major parties. This frustration, CAIR said, stemmed from U.S. support of Israel’s actions in Gaza, which many voters view critically.
In the statement, CAIR-CA CEO Hussam Ayloush expressed the organization’s ongoing commitment to advocacy and support, noting, “No matter the outcome, we knew there would be work to do.”
Ayloush noted Trump’s re-election brings concerns for those who recall the climate of fear that followed his first term. He emphasized the Muslim community remembers the surge of Islamophobia and racial injustice during that period.
Ayloush commended the Muslim community’s voter turnout, calling it a strong and unified message, adding, “The genocide in Gaza is a red line for us.”
He emphasized Muslim voter support is not guaranteed to any party or politician. Ayloush urged elected officials, including President-Elect Trump, to take Muslim Americans’ concerns seriously.
“It is crucial for Trump to recognize that Americans are rejecting bigotry and division,” he added. “They are seeking justice, both here and abroad.”
Reflecting on its previous work, CAIR-SV/CC recalled its actions against harmful policies during Trump’s first term. The organization protested policies like the Muslim Ban, DACA rollbacks, and family separations. It also provided legal assistance to those affected by these restrictions.
CAIR-SV/CC said it has also supported civil rights legislation to protect immigrant rights and religious freedoms, and condemned rising hate crimes and offered resources to help community members respond to Islamophobia.
CAIR-SV/CC encouraged voter participation among American Muslims, ensuring their voices were heard in national and local elections.
As part of the largest Muslim civil liberties organization in the U.S., CAIR-SV/CC noted it is committed to promoting understanding, protecting civil rights, and empowering the Muslim community.
CAIR-SV/CC reiterated in its statement its mission to fight for justice and equality in the face of potential challenges during Trump’s second term.