Letter: Immigration Crisis – What You Can Do

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There are many immigrants throughout the country who have become frightened for their future due to recent changes in immigration policies.  Many of us are concerned about the impact of Trump’s new policies on our immigrant neighbors. We share Yolo County with a large number of immigrants and their families, and their contributions to our economy, agriculture, labor force, and rich diverse cultures are significant.

Please join us for “Immigrants at Risk-What You Can Do” to learn about the current immigration enforcement, how it is affecting our immigrant neighbors and how we can assist them during this stressful time.  The program will be on Monday, February 24 from 7-8:30 pm and is open to the public.  The evening will include a multi-speaker panel discussion covering the legal landscape, hearing firsthand from local immigrants and the director of a refugee center in Sacramento.

The program is sponsored by the Social Justice Committee at Congregation of Bet Haverim along with support from Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network (YIIN).  Please register in advance here. The event will be at Congregation Bet Haverim at 1715 Anderson Road in Davis. The program is free, and donations are helpful to cover the costs.  Any questions can be directed to John Katonah at jckatonah@icloud.com.



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