Father’s Stroke, Care of Son Noted, but Man Still Gets 90 Days in Jail for Probation Violation

By Joshua Cenzano

SANTA BARBARA, CA – Shaun Christopher Axe admitted Monday here in Santa Barbara County Superior Court to violating conditions of his probation, not putting up much of a fight and accepting a 90-day sentence in jail and participation in a treatment program.

But, although details were scarce in the brief hearing, it was suggested Axe’s violation had something to do with visiting his father, who had just had a stroke. Axe also noted his concern for his eight-year-old son.

And, after unsuccessfully petitioning for alternative sentencing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Axe accepted Judge Thomas Adams’ sentence of traditional custody in jail.

Assistant Public Defender Alexandra Rogers defended Axe in court, initially appealing for 60 days of suspended sentence.

However, Deputy District Attorney Sherwin Nadjm noted Axe’s prior history, which included several misdemeanor convictions and one felony conviction in a different jurisdiction within the duration of his probation in Santa Barbara.

“I don’t want to keep dragging this out,” said Axe, whose primary focus, he said, for the judge’s consideration, was the welfare of his eight-year-old son.

Despite these appeals, Judge Adams agreed with DDA Nadjm’s recommendation of 90 days without alternative sentencing in light of Axe’s previous convictions.

Axe will additionally enter a rehabilitation program for drugs and alcohol, which was a necessary component of the prosecution’s offer.

Axe’s probation will be revoked and subsequently reinstated upon the completion of his sentence. He was released and is expected to report by Oct. 18 at 5 p.m. for his jail sentence.


  • Joshua Cenzano

    Joshua is a second-year student at UCSB majoring in history. He is from Port Hueneme, California and is pursuing a career in law.

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