Gov. Baker Appoints New Boston District Attorney to Replace Now US Attorney Rachael Rollins

Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins speaking in San Francisco in February 2020
Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins speaking in San Francisco in February 2020

By Michele Chadwick

BOSTON, MA – Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced Thursday the appointment of Kevin R. Hayden as Suffolk County District Attorney – Hayden is the chairman of the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) and served in the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office for more than a decade.

Hayden will serve out the remainder of District Attorney Rachael Rollins’ term until the next District Attorney is sworn in after elections on Nov. 8, 2022.

Rollins – known as a progressive DA – begins her new job as U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Monday. In one of her last acts as Suffolk County DA Thursday, she announced the DA’s office is investigating perjury charges for former Boston Police Detective John Brazil, who testified – after getting immunity – against other officers later jailed for corruption.

Gov. Baker noted, “Kevin Hayden is a dedicated public servant with a proven record of commitment to equitable justice and community engagement, and I am confident he will serve the families of Suffolk County as a respectful, collaborative and compassionate partner as District Attorney.

“A veteran of the District Attorney’s Office, where he led the Safe Neighborhood Initiative Unit and devoted himself to leading community-based violence prevention outreach and programming, Chairman Hayden is equipped with the experience and knowledge necessary to serve in this role.”

Gov. Baker addressed former DA Rollin’s service as well, saying, “I thank District Attorney Rollins for her service and commitment to the people of Suffolk County and look forward to continuing to work with her in her new role as U.S. Attorney.”

“I started 25 years ago as a young prosecutor right here in Suffolk County. Over the years it has remained the desire of my heart to serve and protect our many diverse communities. So it’s truly my distinct honor and privilege to be called home by the Governor through this appointment,” said Hayden.

“I’m deeply humbled to now take the mantle of leadership as Interim Suffolk County District Attorney. With unwavering and compassionate commitment I know it will be Suffolk County’s continued legacy to shine as a beacon in the fields of public safety and criminal justice,” Hayden added.



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