BURLINGTON, VT – The accused here Tuesday in Chittenden County Superior Court is now being held without bail after he allegedly violated conditions of probation in a domestic assault case and picked up additional counts within a month.
Judge Navah Spero concluded the accused should be held without bail, explaining as the status conference continued it became clear to the court toward the end of the conference the accused may require the help of an interpreter, after initially refusing one.
The purpose of the hearing on Tuesday was to make sure the accused understood everything happening and had an opportunity to respond with the help of an interpreter, added Judge Spero.
Deputy District Attorney Alexandra Sturges noted the State felt frustrated on the back and forth for the interpreter and noted she believed the accused did understand everything told to him in the current and previous hearings, and said the current interpreter debate was “a delay tactic” on behalf of the accused.
DDA Sturges noted that when arraigned on the first charge in a neighboring county, they were “unsuccessful” in holding the accused without bail.
Judge Spero explained to the accused her reasoning that when original offenses are more serious it can lead to being held without bail. Judge Spero additionally noted the newest matters included failing to appear in court and resisting arrest.
Judge Spero said this generally occurs in cases of domestic assault when the violation of probation concerns contact with the victim.
“The court had concerns of the ability (of the accused) to follow probation.” Judge Spero explained.