Letter: Letter of Support for Linda Deos – Davis City Council

Linda Deos

by Robert Darragh

Disclaimer: Opinions are those of the writer and do not reflect those of The Vanguard or its Editorial Staff.  The Vanguard does not endorse political candidates and is committed to publishing all public opinions and maintaining an open forum subject to guidelines related to decency and tone, not content.

I strongly support Linda Deos for Davis City Council, District 2.

My analysis of the most recent Campaign Finance Statements filed by all three candidates running for the District 2 spot only further solidified my support for Linda. (The statements, covering the period from 07/01/2024 to 09/21/2024, can be found at:


I find these Campaign Finance Statements informative because they show the number of local contributors to each campaign and thus the portion of campaign funds that come from Davis residents. And based on the most recent statements, Linda has, by far, the strongest local support; seventy of her 88 contributors (80%), who contributed $7515 out of a total of $9725 (77%) to her campaign, listed Davis, CA as their residence on the form. In contrast, only 9/15 (60%) of Dillan Horton’s contributors, who contributed a total of $1207 (72%) of the total he raised during the reporting period, were from Davis. And only half (23 of 46) of Victor Lagunes’ contributors, who contributed fifty-two percent ($2720) of the total raised for his campaign during the period, were from Davis.

The local enthusiasm for Linda’s campaign is clearly evident.  Please join me in voting for Linda Deos.



Breaking News City Council City of Davis Elections Opinion


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