
Publisher: David Greenwald | Managing Editor: Benjamin Frandsen

Production Manager: Sophie Yoakum | Public Relations: Elisa Plata

Agency | Freedom | Activism | Journalism | Civic Engagement | Normalization

Democratizing free speech by centering the anonymized and uncensored testimony of justice-impacted citizen witnesses of the carceral state, enabling the autonomous stakeholder curation of an accurate historical record of mass incarceration.

The incarcerated content creators and carceral literacy activists Ghostwrite Mike and The Mundo Press, the co-creators of the trauma-informed Barz Behind Bars (B3) Creative Writing Spoken Word Performing Arts Workshop @barzbehindbars_ deployed at eleven adult prisons in California, are each recipients of the 2024 Vanguard Carceral Journalism Guild Fellowship. As VCJG fellows, Ghost and Mundo jointly produce from confinement the carceral news column Witness for the Los Angeles Vanguard’s Social Justice Bureau housed at UCLA, and are the producers of Inner Views, a virtual interview format that engages with artists, authors, academics, historians, and thought leaders to examine the intersection of the arts, culture, media, academia, politics, generational trauma, and the exercise of state power through the lens of equity and justice in order to deliver stimulating and uncensored conversations to the nation’s carceral state residents for their digital consumption via handheld tablet devices. Check out our collaboration announcement here.

The Mundo Press is the Carceral Mentor Coordinator for the nonprofit Ben Free Project. Read and follow his work here. You can reach him at mundo@benfreeproject.org.

Ghostwrite Mike is the Carceral Program Developer for the nonprofit Ben Free Project, and he serves on the Board of Directors of the nonprofit Radical Reversal. Read and follow his work here. Listen to his appearance on the Everyday Injustice podcast here. You can reach him at ghostwrite@benfreeproject.org.

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