Letter: Dick Holdstock Supports Horton

Disclaimer: Opinions are those of the writer and do not reflect those of The Vanguard or its Editorial Staff.  The Vanguard does not endorse political candidates and is committed to publishing all public opinions and maintaining an open forum subject to guidelines related to decency and tone, not content.

As one of the oldest former City Councilmen of Davis I am pleased to endorse my friend, Dillan Horton, for Davis City Council District 2. During the past few years we have benefited from work that Dillan has done to assist us here in Winters, where I now live. I know Dillan as a smart hard worker with great ideas that he will use to shape the future of Davis.

Ever since 1972 I have unsuccessfully tried to get a Black person elected and or appointed to the Davis City Council. Hopefully, getting Dillan elected this year will be a delightful change, a tremendous benefit, and source of pride to Davis. This old barrier will finally be broken. This will be a great year to make this happen and Davis will benefit from his knowledge and sensitivity.


Dick Holdstock



Breaking News City Council City of Davis Elections Opinion



      1. Here’s a couple of paragraphs from the article:

        “DAVIS — A car caravan, organized by Yolo County Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), protested outside the Davis City Council meeting last night. The June 15 Council meeting, with some City Council members in the City Hall chambers, was ongoing when protesters drove first through downtown, and then through the City Hall parking lot honking their horns, blasting music, and banging pots and pans.”

        “Chair of the Police Accountability Commission, Dillan Horton, spoke at the Council Chambers. “A year ago we came to a different City Council budget meeting,” Horton explained. He said that community members left “90+ minutes of public comment” and told City Council “‘I want you to defund the police.’”

          1. “defund the police” is a moronic stance for a anyone but especially a potential city council person.

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