Prop 6 Gains Momentum with Notable Endorsements

pc: all photos by David Greenwald

On Friday, the “Yes on Prop 6” campaign announced a series of key endorsements for the initiative aimed at enhancing public safety by abolishing slavery.

Major organizational backers include the California Democratic Party, ACLU California, California Teachers Association, SEIU California, California Federation of Labor, and the State Building and Construction Trades Council.

The measure has also received the backing of the Los Angeles Times, Fresno Bee, Merced Sun Star, Modesto Bee, and Sacramento Bee among others. Legislative endorsements feature prominent leaders like Senator Scott Weiner, Senator Nancy Skinner, Senator Catherine Blakespear, Assemblymember David Alvarez, Mayor Karen Bass, LA Supervisor Holly Mitchell, and San Francisco Supervisors Walton and Preston.

“This a broad coalition that recognizes the importance of enhancing safety by lowering our state’s high rates of recidivism while reducing taxpayer spending,” said Brandon Sturdivant, Yes on Prop 6 campaign manager. “We’re running a grassroots effort to get out the vote and inform the public about how important it is to pass Proposition 6.”

List of Endorsements:

Los Angeles Times
Fresno Bee
Merced Sun Star
Modesto Bee
San Luis Obispo Tribune
The Bakersfield Californian
Sacramento Bee
Sen. Catherine Blakespear
Sen. Nancy Skinner
Sen. Scott Weiner
Asm. David Alvarez
Mayor Karen Bass
Los Angeles Supervisor Holly Mitchell
San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston
San Francisco Supervisor Shamann Walton
Lateefah Simon, Oakland City Councilmember
Carol Fife, Oakland City Councilmember
Nikki Bas, Oakland City Councilmember
Claudia Jimenez, Richmond City Councilmember
Melvin Willis, Richmond City Councilmember
California Labor Federation
California Professional Firefighters
California Teachers Association
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement Sacramento Chapter
SEIU California
UAW Region 6
UFCW 770
Alliance for Boys and Men of Color (ABMoC)
Asian Prisoner Support Committee
Brandon Greene – Western Center on Law and Poverty
California Alliance for Retired Americans
California Democratic Party
California Green New Deal Coalition
ACCE Action
Catalyst California
Courage CA
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Equal Rights Advocates
Fair Chance Project
Faith in the Valley
Felony Murder Elimination Project
Freedom 4 Youth
FUEL – Families United to End LWOP (Life Without Parole)
GRACE/End Child Poverty California
Initiate Justice Action
Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
Oakland Rising Action
Orange County Justice Initiative
Law Enforcement Accountability Project
League of Women Voters
Jewish Center for Justice
S Jeffcoat Families Inspiring Reentry & Reunification 4 Everyone
San Francisco Women’s Political Committee
Santa Barbara Women’s Political Action Committee
SF Rising
SF Rising Action Fund
Silicon Valley De-Bug
Starting Over STRONG
L. Vargas (Trauma Informed LA)
The Lutheran Church
Youth Leadership Institute
Alicia Benavidez
Angela Davis
Carroll Fife
Chesa Boudin
G. Parampathu
H. O’Quin
J Kennedy
L. Vargas
Michelle Alexander
Porshe Taylor
R. Bell
S. Tonnesen-Casalegno
T Turner





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