We made some progress last week and have just $300 left to raise to reach our February goal…
We need to raise the money to pay the bills and keep the operation going. In January we incurred some added costs with some maintenance issues.
But on the whole, we’re excited about the site and the direction things are moving.
Last week, we had the big story – one of the bigger ones since the Vanguard has been created – on Yolo Hospice.
In the next few weeks we are going to unveil a new line-up of monthly columnists, and we will have some big ones and perhaps some surprises.
And we love the look and layout of the new site.
But what we need, to continue to move forward, is some financial help.
We have two ways you can help. A one-time contribution is always appreciated. Second, we are still looking to increase our monthly subscribers, who can do recurring payments that help give us more certainty about our month-to-month finances. Simply put, the more monthly subscribers we get, the less we have to post repeated pitches for money.
Once again, all we ask is that our readers give what they can. $10 a month is not that much, but it ensures us that we can continue to operate.
To help out, please go to our secure donation site: https://secure.yourpatriot.com/ou/dpd/friends_of_the_vanguard/donate.aspx
Please be sure to click the “recurring” contribution at the bottom right to become a subscriber.
You can also become a subscriber by mailing a check payable to: Davis Vanguard, PO Box 4715, Davis, CA 95617. $120 a year makes you a subscriber. You can also do an annual recurring payment of $100 by going to the website and become a subscriber that way.
[callout bg=”#000000″ color=”#ffffff” font=”0″ fontsize=”14″ bt_content=”Donate Now” bt_pos=”right” bt_style=”undefined” bt_color=”red” bt_link=”https://secure.yourpatriot.com/ou/dpd/friends_of_the_vanguard/donate.aspx” bt_target=”_blank” bt_font=”0″]If you haven’t already signed up to become a subscriber – Please donate today by clicking on the link. You can also make a one-time payment starting at $120 to become a subscriber. You can do so either by credit card at the previous link or by mailing a check to Davis Vanguard, PO Box 4715, Davis, CA 95617[/callout]
Thanks and we look forward to serving you and the Davis Community in 2015.
—David M. Greenwald