Woman Charged with Felony for Lighting Candles and Moving Rug

By Celeste Campbell

San Francisco – In Department 9 of the San Francisco County Hall of Justice, a preliminary hearing was held for Jennifer Pinsetti. Jennifer is accused of first-degree burglary, seemingly without having taken anything from a home. Assistant District Attorney Allison Schultz called two witnesses to the stand, the homeowner and a San Francisco Police Officer. The homeowner explained that she saw Jennifer peer in her back window once before leaving her property and wandering down the street, ringing random doorbells.

Later that same day, the homeowner explained, there were things re-arranged in their basement area. The homeowner said that they saw one of their rugs dragged to a different spot, possibly into their yard, and some vases moved. The homeowner went on to say that someone had opened their Doritos chips, and lit some candles and incense. The homeowner said some of their property had been moved around but admitted nothing had been taken.

However, the assistant district attorney proceeded to try to prove that Jennifer should be held to answer on first-degree burglary charges, meaning that Jennifer entered the home with the intent to commit a felony once inside. It was unclear what exactly the felonious activity was inside the home. Since nothing was found on Jennifer’s person that belonged to the homeowner, it would appear the only things she could be accused of taking were a few chips and the spent wax from the candle she lit.

This “theft” begs the question of what Jennifer was thinking, As she was observed from the courtroom Jennifer looked disheveled and lost. Based on her activity as explained by the witnesses in this preliminary hearing, it would seem she may not have been aware of her actions that day. However, since the audience did not hear from Jennifer in this preliminary hearing, it is difficult to say why she was behaving that way. Assistant Public Defender Lauren Schwiezer tried to articulate that point of view as well. It would seem Jennifer was simply trespassing into someone else’s property and rearranging the items in a room. The assistant district attorney did not seem to agree. The presiding judge did not either. Jennifer will be held to answer for the crime of first-degree burglary for moving some items around and lighting some candles. It would seem the already low evidentiary bar for a preliminary hearing was moved even lower today in Department 9.

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