We are supporting Barbara Boxer’s re-election to the Senate. That is why we are co-sponsoring a reception for her June 18 here in Davis (the invitation is at the bottom of this page). If you need more information about her or simply want to be reminded of what a superb representative we as Californians have in the Senate, read on. If you just want to be a part of sending one of the finest elected officials in the nation right back where she can fight for us, go to this link!
For 18 years Barbara Boxer has been among the most progressive Democrats in the U.S. Senate. A tenacious fighter on many issues, she has been a strong leader on climate change, clean energy, environmental protection, health care, education, reproductive rights, and financial reform. We really appreciate Senator Boxer’s support and protection for wild places. She is one of the few members of Congress to consistently achieve a perfect score of 100 on Americans for Democratic Action’s annual ratings of Congress.