Commentary: A Recall is the Wrong Response to Threat of County Development on Davis Periphery

The Vanguard has learned that in response to the county’s push to create three study areas for development on the periphery of Davis, that papers for recall have been taken out on the two Yolo County Supervisors from Davis, Helen Thomson and Mariko Yamada. On Saturday, we reported that the county staff was recommending that three areas on the Davis periphery be placed in “study areas” and studied for possible development. These areas include the Oeste Ranch on the Northwest Quadrant, the Covell Village Property, and the largest of the three a 1500 acre tract along I-80 east of Mace Blvd.

While the Vanguard shares a deep concern about these proposals, which seem to be tantamount to pressure from the county to develop on Davis’ periphery in violation of the pass-through agreement, the Vanguard believes that a recall is the wrong response to this threat, for a number of reasons.

A recall will take up valuable resources, time, and energy from the progressive movement. Progressives ought to focus their energy primarily on winning the seat that Supervisor Mariko Yamada is vacating in 2008 and gaining the majority on the Davis City Council. As we learned in 2005, it was an expensive and exhausting endeavor to have to fight Covell Village. And, even though No on X prevailed, it ended up costing much in the way of energy and time in organizing for Lamar Heystek and Stan Forbes. In other words, if progressives were to succeed in recalling both Supervisors, but were to ultimately lose the seat and the council majority, they would ultimately be far worse off in terms of local land use policies.

The best way to insure good land use policies at both the city and county level will be to work hard in the spring of 2008 to win the fourth district county supervisor seat and defeat Councilmembers Stephen Souza and Don Saylor. Diverting resources toward a recall effort would severely jeopardize that. Moreover, it would introduce a great deal of uncertainty into races that have enough uncertainty to begin with.

Furthermore, such efforts would threaten to divide the progressive movement between those who are supportive of the recall and those who are not. As we have seen from the discussions on this blog, progressives are split on Supervisor Yamada to begin with. A recall will cut more deeply since many will view a recall as an illegitimate approach.

A recall is also a very risky strategy. In order to get a recall on the ballot, it requires a relatively small number of signatures, somewhere on the order of 10 percent. However, that is the beginning and not the end of the process. It does no good to merely place a recall on the ballot. You have to actually vote to remove the targeted individuals from office.

Several people, speaking from experience, have suggested that that is a dangerous strategy, because if you do not succeed in your removal, you actually strengthen the hand of the targeted individual(s). This happens because an unsuccessful recall means you have failed to sell the public on the idea that the elected official deserves to have their term cut short. The effort may be seen as petty and vindictive and that could lead to sympathy and a strengthened hand. For example, history tell us that San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein faced a recall back in the 1980s. When the recall failed, her hand was strengthened to the point where she became the Democratic nominee for Governor in 1990 and when she narrowly lost to Pete Wilson that time, two years later she became Senator.

Many of the big players that progressives rely on to help mobilize and organize the community are not supportive of a recall action either. This effort appears to be done in haste and without sufficient discussion within the movement or the broader community. In order to be successful, there needed to be sufficient organization and action prior to this step to ensure that structure was in place and that there was a broad commitment made to take on such a weighty task. The failure of those who took out papers to have proper discussion within the community, will doom this effort from the start.

We remain very concerned about the land use policies coming down from the county, but do not believe that this is the correct remedy to such actions. In the end, it is our hope that cooler heads will prevail. Davis progressives need to unite against the threats to this community from the outside as well as the inside. This, is the only way we can prevent land use policies that threaten our periphery. The recall effort will actually take away focus from these policies and turn attention and scrutiny on the recall effort itself.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Land Use/Open Space


  1. “Doug”

    I must halfway violently disagree with your opinion.

    It IS a complete waste of time, $$$ and resources to take out Ms Y. She has taken herself out. Mr. Provenza, clearly on the correct side on X (and I believe K), will win that race in a walk.

    But Ms T’s time has come. Some 12,000 people rejected her ham- fisted stance on X, which went down in flames on her own side of town. How was she let to run unopposed, much less win?

    Further, she will be around far too long, and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.

    She, with Mc Gowan (who we can not touch), are major players in the Tsakopoulos end run around our J process. And while the County may lose the pass through as a result, I am sure their personal favorite charities will be so BLESSED that they can see their way to afford that loss (to county citizens).

    Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service to her vox populi…and it will not cost that much to prove it.

    Which means only- who to fill the seat.

    With respect the Davis Council campaign, Progs would be wise to select 2 (TWO) candidates. Leave one seat for Levy, et alia, to wickedly savage each other to get.
    Nasty machivelli strategy, that. But winning is about everything.
    (vide the 92 Council campaign as an illustration of success, against “The Club”!)

    Finally- I would say the time has come, County and City level, for the ‘check’ of more direct democracy. More votes of the people to approve large projects- particularly those, like the water works in our town- that involve large up front, or any considerable, expenditures.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. “Doug”

    I must halfway violently disagree with your opinion.

    It IS a complete waste of time, $$$ and resources to take out Ms Y. She has taken herself out. Mr. Provenza, clearly on the correct side on X (and I believe K), will win that race in a walk.

    But Ms T’s time has come. Some 12,000 people rejected her ham- fisted stance on X, which went down in flames on her own side of town. How was she let to run unopposed, much less win?

    Further, she will be around far too long, and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.

    She, with Mc Gowan (who we can not touch), are major players in the Tsakopoulos end run around our J process. And while the County may lose the pass through as a result, I am sure their personal favorite charities will be so BLESSED that they can see their way to afford that loss (to county citizens).

    Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service to her vox populi…and it will not cost that much to prove it.

    Which means only- who to fill the seat.

    With respect the Davis Council campaign, Progs would be wise to select 2 (TWO) candidates. Leave one seat for Levy, et alia, to wickedly savage each other to get.
    Nasty machivelli strategy, that. But winning is about everything.
    (vide the 92 Council campaign as an illustration of success, against “The Club”!)

    Finally- I would say the time has come, County and City level, for the ‘check’ of more direct democracy. More votes of the people to approve large projects- particularly those, like the water works in our town- that involve large up front, or any considerable, expenditures.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. “Doug”

    I must halfway violently disagree with your opinion.

    It IS a complete waste of time, $$$ and resources to take out Ms Y. She has taken herself out. Mr. Provenza, clearly on the correct side on X (and I believe K), will win that race in a walk.

    But Ms T’s time has come. Some 12,000 people rejected her ham- fisted stance on X, which went down in flames on her own side of town. How was she let to run unopposed, much less win?

    Further, she will be around far too long, and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.

    She, with Mc Gowan (who we can not touch), are major players in the Tsakopoulos end run around our J process. And while the County may lose the pass through as a result, I am sure their personal favorite charities will be so BLESSED that they can see their way to afford that loss (to county citizens).

    Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service to her vox populi…and it will not cost that much to prove it.

    Which means only- who to fill the seat.

    With respect the Davis Council campaign, Progs would be wise to select 2 (TWO) candidates. Leave one seat for Levy, et alia, to wickedly savage each other to get.
    Nasty machivelli strategy, that. But winning is about everything.
    (vide the 92 Council campaign as an illustration of success, against “The Club”!)

    Finally- I would say the time has come, County and City level, for the ‘check’ of more direct democracy. More votes of the people to approve large projects- particularly those, like the water works in our town- that involve large up front, or any considerable, expenditures.

    Keep up the good work!

  4. “Doug”

    I must halfway violently disagree with your opinion.

    It IS a complete waste of time, $$$ and resources to take out Ms Y. She has taken herself out. Mr. Provenza, clearly on the correct side on X (and I believe K), will win that race in a walk.

    But Ms T’s time has come. Some 12,000 people rejected her ham- fisted stance on X, which went down in flames on her own side of town. How was she let to run unopposed, much less win?

    Further, she will be around far too long, and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.

    She, with Mc Gowan (who we can not touch), are major players in the Tsakopoulos end run around our J process. And while the County may lose the pass through as a result, I am sure their personal favorite charities will be so BLESSED that they can see their way to afford that loss (to county citizens).

    Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service to her vox populi…and it will not cost that much to prove it.

    Which means only- who to fill the seat.

    With respect the Davis Council campaign, Progs would be wise to select 2 (TWO) candidates. Leave one seat for Levy, et alia, to wickedly savage each other to get.
    Nasty machivelli strategy, that. But winning is about everything.
    (vide the 92 Council campaign as an illustration of success, against “The Club”!)

    Finally- I would say the time has come, County and City level, for the ‘check’ of more direct democracy. More votes of the people to approve large projects- particularly those, like the water works in our town- that involve large up front, or any considerable, expenditures.

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Ms T has selected her “groupies” to fill her position…Saylor or Asmundson; however we need better people for that seat…so people should start looking.

    Also, I agree with you DPD…recall is a waste of resources and time. Let us focus on some victories instead.

  6. Ms T has selected her “groupies” to fill her position…Saylor or Asmundson; however we need better people for that seat…so people should start looking.

    Also, I agree with you DPD…recall is a waste of resources and time. Let us focus on some victories instead.

  7. Ms T has selected her “groupies” to fill her position…Saylor or Asmundson; however we need better people for that seat…so people should start looking.

    Also, I agree with you DPD…recall is a waste of resources and time. Let us focus on some victories instead.

  8. Ms T has selected her “groupies” to fill her position…Saylor or Asmundson; however we need better people for that seat…so people should start looking.

    Also, I agree with you DPD…recall is a waste of resources and time. Let us focus on some victories instead.

  9. Helen Thomson ,mouthing possible support for the Tskaopoulos development proposal, is just more of her bullying tactics, directed, outrageously, against her own constituents. It is identical to the Gidaro terror tactics she tried to use in the CV campaign. She hopes that the POSSIBILITY of a Tskaopoulos project will make her NW quadrant idea acceptable to her constituents,whom she hopes will be shaking in their boots. The recall idea would be so counterproductive that one has to really consider where its support is coming from? The respected, responsible leadership of the “progressive” electorate in Davis needs to step up and LEAD.

  10. Helen Thomson ,mouthing possible support for the Tskaopoulos development proposal, is just more of her bullying tactics, directed, outrageously, against her own constituents. It is identical to the Gidaro terror tactics she tried to use in the CV campaign. She hopes that the POSSIBILITY of a Tskaopoulos project will make her NW quadrant idea acceptable to her constituents,whom she hopes will be shaking in their boots. The recall idea would be so counterproductive that one has to really consider where its support is coming from? The respected, responsible leadership of the “progressive” electorate in Davis needs to step up and LEAD.

  11. Helen Thomson ,mouthing possible support for the Tskaopoulos development proposal, is just more of her bullying tactics, directed, outrageously, against her own constituents. It is identical to the Gidaro terror tactics she tried to use in the CV campaign. She hopes that the POSSIBILITY of a Tskaopoulos project will make her NW quadrant idea acceptable to her constituents,whom she hopes will be shaking in their boots. The recall idea would be so counterproductive that one has to really consider where its support is coming from? The respected, responsible leadership of the “progressive” electorate in Davis needs to step up and LEAD.

  12. Helen Thomson ,mouthing possible support for the Tskaopoulos development proposal, is just more of her bullying tactics, directed, outrageously, against her own constituents. It is identical to the Gidaro terror tactics she tried to use in the CV campaign. She hopes that the POSSIBILITY of a Tskaopoulos project will make her NW quadrant idea acceptable to her constituents,whom she hopes will be shaking in their boots. The recall idea would be so counterproductive that one has to really consider where its support is coming from? The respected, responsible leadership of the “progressive” electorate in Davis needs to step up and LEAD.

  13. “…. and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.”

    During their campaigns,candidates Provenza and Ferrera need to be made to clearly state their position concerning the SOB honoring the Pass-Through agreement. Here,the idea of a recall would be a valuable reminder if they are considering betraying that campaign promise when elected.

  14. “…. and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.”

    During their campaigns,candidates Provenza and Ferrera need to be made to clearly state their position concerning the SOB honoring the Pass-Through agreement. Here,the idea of a recall would be a valuable reminder if they are considering betraying that campaign promise when elected.

  15. “…. and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.”

    During their campaigns,candidates Provenza and Ferrera need to be made to clearly state their position concerning the SOB honoring the Pass-Through agreement. Here,the idea of a recall would be a valuable reminder if they are considering betraying that campaign promise when elected.

  16. “…. and we can NOT be certain that Mr. P will alter the Soups majority, at all.”

    During their campaigns,candidates Provenza and Ferrera need to be made to clearly state their position concerning the SOB honoring the Pass-Through agreement. Here,the idea of a recall would be a valuable reminder if they are considering betraying that campaign promise when elected.

  17. Recalls should only be used when the officials have done something illegal or in violation of the public trust of their office, not just because you disagree with them. Disagreement is best handled by voting for someone new next time around. In order to have a stable government, you can’t just mount a recall every time you are mad at an individual decision. That’s why this would fail. You wouldn’t be able to convince the voters over a single issue to pull an elected official.

    As for this specific issue, the alternatives put forth to date have been proposed by County staff, not the BOS. You can’t recall staff.

    Just a waste of time.

  18. Recalls should only be used when the officials have done something illegal or in violation of the public trust of their office, not just because you disagree with them. Disagreement is best handled by voting for someone new next time around. In order to have a stable government, you can’t just mount a recall every time you are mad at an individual decision. That’s why this would fail. You wouldn’t be able to convince the voters over a single issue to pull an elected official.

    As for this specific issue, the alternatives put forth to date have been proposed by County staff, not the BOS. You can’t recall staff.

    Just a waste of time.

  19. Recalls should only be used when the officials have done something illegal or in violation of the public trust of their office, not just because you disagree with them. Disagreement is best handled by voting for someone new next time around. In order to have a stable government, you can’t just mount a recall every time you are mad at an individual decision. That’s why this would fail. You wouldn’t be able to convince the voters over a single issue to pull an elected official.

    As for this specific issue, the alternatives put forth to date have been proposed by County staff, not the BOS. You can’t recall staff.

    Just a waste of time.

  20. Recalls should only be used when the officials have done something illegal or in violation of the public trust of their office, not just because you disagree with them. Disagreement is best handled by voting for someone new next time around. In order to have a stable government, you can’t just mount a recall every time you are mad at an individual decision. That’s why this would fail. You wouldn’t be able to convince the voters over a single issue to pull an elected official.

    As for this specific issue, the alternatives put forth to date have been proposed by County staff, not the BOS. You can’t recall staff.

    Just a waste of time.

  21. Well, if there is a recall then at least we all know that Mariko will have enough developer cash to fight it, and could even use the campaign against the recall to build up to her State Assembly race!

    And when the recall loses, her pro-Tsakopoulos position will be strengthened. She can continue to lie and say she never heard about all the houses in the development, just the stem cell facility, and take all that developer money to the State Assembly with her.

    Goofy world we live in!

  22. Well, if there is a recall then at least we all know that Mariko will have enough developer cash to fight it, and could even use the campaign against the recall to build up to her State Assembly race!

    And when the recall loses, her pro-Tsakopoulos position will be strengthened. She can continue to lie and say she never heard about all the houses in the development, just the stem cell facility, and take all that developer money to the State Assembly with her.

    Goofy world we live in!

  23. Well, if there is a recall then at least we all know that Mariko will have enough developer cash to fight it, and could even use the campaign against the recall to build up to her State Assembly race!

    And when the recall loses, her pro-Tsakopoulos position will be strengthened. She can continue to lie and say she never heard about all the houses in the development, just the stem cell facility, and take all that developer money to the State Assembly with her.

    Goofy world we live in!

  24. Well, if there is a recall then at least we all know that Mariko will have enough developer cash to fight it, and could even use the campaign against the recall to build up to her State Assembly race!

    And when the recall loses, her pro-Tsakopoulos position will be strengthened. She can continue to lie and say she never heard about all the houses in the development, just the stem cell facility, and take all that developer money to the State Assembly with her.

    Goofy world we live in!

  25. Self-absorbed, feel-good political strategies have been the bane of the Davis progressive electorate for years. This should not be about getting even, folks.

  26. Self-absorbed, feel-good political strategies have been the bane of the Davis progressive electorate for years. This should not be about getting even, folks.

  27. Self-absorbed, feel-good political strategies have been the bane of the Davis progressive electorate for years. This should not be about getting even, folks.

  28. Self-absorbed, feel-good political strategies have been the bane of the Davis progressive electorate for years. This should not be about getting even, folks.

  29. Mike Shepley: “Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service…”

    What? Are you saying Mariko Yamada is corrupt? If so, that is a terribly severe charge and should be backed up with concrete evidence. It’s highly unethical to make such a charge without substantial proof, in my opinion.

  30. Mike Shepley: “Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service…”

    What? Are you saying Mariko Yamada is corrupt? If so, that is a terribly severe charge and should be backed up with concrete evidence. It’s highly unethical to make such a charge without substantial proof, in my opinion.

  31. Mike Shepley: “Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service…”

    What? Are you saying Mariko Yamada is corrupt? If so, that is a terribly severe charge and should be backed up with concrete evidence. It’s highly unethical to make such a charge without substantial proof, in my opinion.

  32. Mike Shepley: “Lastly, she has recently attempted to use her office to arrange a personal gain in a property situation which far crosses the Rubicon on good service…”

    What? Are you saying Mariko Yamada is corrupt? If so, that is a terribly severe charge and should be backed up with concrete evidence. It’s highly unethical to make such a charge without substantial proof, in my opinion.

  33. Mike Corbett lamented as the Covell Village promoters read the handwriting on the wall,”Davis voters will never willingly vote for this
    development!” Well.. They’re back!!!
    This time with a lot more sophisticated squeeze play than Helen Thomson’s lame terrorizing letter.
    On July 17, Supervisor Yamada must clearly state that she will not support ANY future County development on Davis’ periphery that violates the Pass-Through agreement. Her quote in the Enterprise today,” I’m not a lawyer” is just TOO CUTE and the last straw. If on the 17th,she fails to clearly state her position on the Pass-through agreement as well as clearly state what exactly a joint-study area means in terms of the ability of the County to pressure Davis on peripheral development, I will be in front of Safeway collecting signatures for her recall. Two lame-duck Supervisors who have colluded cynically to terrorize Davis voters is too much!! Helen Thomson is thumbing her nose at the Davis voter as she plans to retire from politics after this term of office. Mariko may still has a chance to save her run for the Assembly but she needs to talk straight.. otherwise.. Off with both their heads!!!

  34. Mike Corbett lamented as the Covell Village promoters read the handwriting on the wall,”Davis voters will never willingly vote for this
    development!” Well.. They’re back!!!
    This time with a lot more sophisticated squeeze play than Helen Thomson’s lame terrorizing letter.
    On July 17, Supervisor Yamada must clearly state that she will not support ANY future County development on Davis’ periphery that violates the Pass-Through agreement. Her quote in the Enterprise today,” I’m not a lawyer” is just TOO CUTE and the last straw. If on the 17th,she fails to clearly state her position on the Pass-through agreement as well as clearly state what exactly a joint-study area means in terms of the ability of the County to pressure Davis on peripheral development, I will be in front of Safeway collecting signatures for her recall. Two lame-duck Supervisors who have colluded cynically to terrorize Davis voters is too much!! Helen Thomson is thumbing her nose at the Davis voter as she plans to retire from politics after this term of office. Mariko may still has a chance to save her run for the Assembly but she needs to talk straight.. otherwise.. Off with both their heads!!!

  35. Mike Corbett lamented as the Covell Village promoters read the handwriting on the wall,”Davis voters will never willingly vote for this
    development!” Well.. They’re back!!!
    This time with a lot more sophisticated squeeze play than Helen Thomson’s lame terrorizing letter.
    On July 17, Supervisor Yamada must clearly state that she will not support ANY future County development on Davis’ periphery that violates the Pass-Through agreement. Her quote in the Enterprise today,” I’m not a lawyer” is just TOO CUTE and the last straw. If on the 17th,she fails to clearly state her position on the Pass-through agreement as well as clearly state what exactly a joint-study area means in terms of the ability of the County to pressure Davis on peripheral development, I will be in front of Safeway collecting signatures for her recall. Two lame-duck Supervisors who have colluded cynically to terrorize Davis voters is too much!! Helen Thomson is thumbing her nose at the Davis voter as she plans to retire from politics after this term of office. Mariko may still has a chance to save her run for the Assembly but she needs to talk straight.. otherwise.. Off with both their heads!!!

  36. Mike Corbett lamented as the Covell Village promoters read the handwriting on the wall,”Davis voters will never willingly vote for this
    development!” Well.. They’re back!!!
    This time with a lot more sophisticated squeeze play than Helen Thomson’s lame terrorizing letter.
    On July 17, Supervisor Yamada must clearly state that she will not support ANY future County development on Davis’ periphery that violates the Pass-Through agreement. Her quote in the Enterprise today,” I’m not a lawyer” is just TOO CUTE and the last straw. If on the 17th,she fails to clearly state her position on the Pass-through agreement as well as clearly state what exactly a joint-study area means in terms of the ability of the County to pressure Davis on peripheral development, I will be in front of Safeway collecting signatures for her recall. Two lame-duck Supervisors who have colluded cynically to terrorize Davis voters is too much!! Helen Thomson is thumbing her nose at the Davis voter as she plans to retire from politics after this term of office. Mariko may still has a chance to save her run for the Assembly but she needs to talk straight.. otherwise.. Off with both their heads!!!

  37. “Rifkin.. I believe he was referring to Helen Thomson whose political ethics are certainly open to question.”

    Either way, what is the ‘personal gain in a property situation?’ That is a very serious charge. That’s the kind of thing pols go to jail for.

  38. “Rifkin.. I believe he was referring to Helen Thomson whose political ethics are certainly open to question.”

    Either way, what is the ‘personal gain in a property situation?’ That is a very serious charge. That’s the kind of thing pols go to jail for.

  39. “Rifkin.. I believe he was referring to Helen Thomson whose political ethics are certainly open to question.”

    Either way, what is the ‘personal gain in a property situation?’ That is a very serious charge. That’s the kind of thing pols go to jail for.

  40. “Rifkin.. I believe he was referring to Helen Thomson whose political ethics are certainly open to question.”

    Either way, what is the ‘personal gain in a property situation?’ That is a very serious charge. That’s the kind of thing pols go to jail for.

  41. Fundamental respect for those who put her in her office of Supervisor demands that Mariko Yamada not change the zoning on these areas. It should be left to her replacement(Provenza or Ferrera) to campaign on this issue so that the voters will have an opportunity to voice THEIR decision. These zoning changes in the General Plan can just as easily be done on a majority vote of the BOS after the 2008 election if THAT is the will of the voters.

  42. Fundamental respect for those who put her in her office of Supervisor demands that Mariko Yamada not change the zoning on these areas. It should be left to her replacement(Provenza or Ferrera) to campaign on this issue so that the voters will have an opportunity to voice THEIR decision. These zoning changes in the General Plan can just as easily be done on a majority vote of the BOS after the 2008 election if THAT is the will of the voters.

  43. Fundamental respect for those who put her in her office of Supervisor demands that Mariko Yamada not change the zoning on these areas. It should be left to her replacement(Provenza or Ferrera) to campaign on this issue so that the voters will have an opportunity to voice THEIR decision. These zoning changes in the General Plan can just as easily be done on a majority vote of the BOS after the 2008 election if THAT is the will of the voters.

  44. Fundamental respect for those who put her in her office of Supervisor demands that Mariko Yamada not change the zoning on these areas. It should be left to her replacement(Provenza or Ferrera) to campaign on this issue so that the voters will have an opportunity to voice THEIR decision. These zoning changes in the General Plan can just as easily be done on a majority vote of the BOS after the 2008 election if THAT is the will of the voters.

  45. Davisite: I think it’s fair to put this on the new supervisor to clean up the mess. As far as I can tell there are two votes against at least two of the three proposals and neither of those “no” votes are coming from Davis. I don’t support recall here, but it is time for our own supervisors to step up and defend the Davis borders.

  46. Davisite: I think it’s fair to put this on the new supervisor to clean up the mess. As far as I can tell there are two votes against at least two of the three proposals and neither of those “no” votes are coming from Davis. I don’t support recall here, but it is time for our own supervisors to step up and defend the Davis borders.

  47. Davisite: I think it’s fair to put this on the new supervisor to clean up the mess. As far as I can tell there are two votes against at least two of the three proposals and neither of those “no” votes are coming from Davis. I don’t support recall here, but it is time for our own supervisors to step up and defend the Davis borders.

  48. Davisite: I think it’s fair to put this on the new supervisor to clean up the mess. As far as I can tell there are two votes against at least two of the three proposals and neither of those “no” votes are coming from Davis. I don’t support recall here, but it is time for our own supervisors to step up and defend the Davis borders.

  49. Rich – I agree, it is wrong for Mike to make such a charge against Mariko without stating the facts / proof.

    Also, it’s interesting that you can spot this, yet it’s ok for you to make blasphemous charges against people when you so choose to.

    Read it like a book and learn.

  50. Rich – I agree, it is wrong for Mike to make such a charge against Mariko without stating the facts / proof.

    Also, it’s interesting that you can spot this, yet it’s ok for you to make blasphemous charges against people when you so choose to.

    Read it like a book and learn.

  51. Rich – I agree, it is wrong for Mike to make such a charge against Mariko without stating the facts / proof.

    Also, it’s interesting that you can spot this, yet it’s ok for you to make blasphemous charges against people when you so choose to.

    Read it like a book and learn.

  52. Rich – I agree, it is wrong for Mike to make such a charge against Mariko without stating the facts / proof.

    Also, it’s interesting that you can spot this, yet it’s ok for you to make blasphemous charges against people when you so choose to.

    Read it like a book and learn.

  53. The Davis Enterprise gives us another “Supervisor Yamada Doesn’t Get It” kind of quote.

    “A recall is a citizens’ right,” she said. “As to the specific allegation about development on the periphery of the city, there is no development nor am I aware of any pass-through agreement violation. Would a zoning change violate the pass-through agreement? I’m not an attorney.

    “We (the Board of Supervisors) are deliberating on land uses for the next 20 to 30 years. I can’t commit a future Board to any land use decisions.

    “I don’t know that there’s anything to get excited about,” Yamada added. “But I would encourage open dialogue. Good communication always makes a better product.”

    Yamada used to at least sound like an environmental progressive. Compare this kind of wishy-washy “I don’t know nothing” quote to someone who, while a conservative republican, at least knows how to stand on his feet and express a strong political value:

    “The place where the Tsakopoulos family owns land is pretty good farmland,” Rexroad said. “Would it be great to have a research center like this in Yolo County? Yes. Does it have to be located on that parcel? No.”

    It breaks my heart to say that I actually agree more with a Republican than a Democrat – especially on an issue like the environment.

    Supervisor Yamada claims to have been on the right side of environmental issues, yet people on this blog make convincing arguments that she was never willing to speak truth to power and stand up for a tough political decision.

    Rexroad is actually standing up against millionaire developers? As a Republican how can he do such a thing without risking his political future? Well, apparently he believes in something and has more interest in the truth than political expediency.

    I am ashamed of our Supervisor. She does not appear to have the backbone to stand with us when it is tough, but only gets on our side when the chips have already fallen into place.

    I will be glad when she leaves the board. And I won’t be supporting Provenza who appears to be much in her mold.

    While I don’t support the recall, I do like the fact that someone is willing to take a swipe.

  54. The Davis Enterprise gives us another “Supervisor Yamada Doesn’t Get It” kind of quote.

    “A recall is a citizens’ right,” she said. “As to the specific allegation about development on the periphery of the city, there is no development nor am I aware of any pass-through agreement violation. Would a zoning change violate the pass-through agreement? I’m not an attorney.

    “We (the Board of Supervisors) are deliberating on land uses for the next 20 to 30 years. I can’t commit a future Board to any land use decisions.

    “I don’t know that there’s anything to get excited about,” Yamada added. “But I would encourage open dialogue. Good communication always makes a better product.”

    Yamada used to at least sound like an environmental progressive. Compare this kind of wishy-washy “I don’t know nothing” quote to someone who, while a conservative republican, at least knows how to stand on his feet and express a strong political value:

    “The place where the Tsakopoulos family owns land is pretty good farmland,” Rexroad said. “Would it be great to have a research center like this in Yolo County? Yes. Does it have to be located on that parcel? No.”

    It breaks my heart to say that I actually agree more with a Republican than a Democrat – especially on an issue like the environment.

    Supervisor Yamada claims to have been on the right side of environmental issues, yet people on this blog make convincing arguments that she was never willing to speak truth to power and stand up for a tough political decision.

    Rexroad is actually standing up against millionaire developers? As a Republican how can he do such a thing without risking his political future? Well, apparently he believes in something and has more interest in the truth than political expediency.

    I am ashamed of our Supervisor. She does not appear to have the backbone to stand with us when it is tough, but only gets on our side when the chips have already fallen into place.

    I will be glad when she leaves the board. And I won’t be supporting Provenza who appears to be much in her mold.

    While I don’t support the recall, I do like the fact that someone is willing to take a swipe.

  55. The Davis Enterprise gives us another “Supervisor Yamada Doesn’t Get It” kind of quote.

    “A recall is a citizens’ right,” she said. “As to the specific allegation about development on the periphery of the city, there is no development nor am I aware of any pass-through agreement violation. Would a zoning change violate the pass-through agreement? I’m not an attorney.

    “We (the Board of Supervisors) are deliberating on land uses for the next 20 to 30 years. I can’t commit a future Board to any land use decisions.

    “I don’t know that there’s anything to get excited about,” Yamada added. “But I would encourage open dialogue. Good communication always makes a better product.”

    Yamada used to at least sound like an environmental progressive. Compare this kind of wishy-washy “I don’t know nothing” quote to someone who, while a conservative republican, at least knows how to stand on his feet and express a strong political value:

    “The place where the Tsakopoulos family owns land is pretty good farmland,” Rexroad said. “Would it be great to have a research center like this in Yolo County? Yes. Does it have to be located on that parcel? No.”

    It breaks my heart to say that I actually agree more with a Republican than a Democrat – especially on an issue like the environment.

    Supervisor Yamada claims to have been on the right side of environmental issues, yet people on this blog make convincing arguments that she was never willing to speak truth to power and stand up for a tough political decision.

    Rexroad is actually standing up against millionaire developers? As a Republican how can he do such a thing without risking his political future? Well, apparently he believes in something and has more interest in the truth than political expediency.

    I am ashamed of our Supervisor. She does not appear to have the backbone to stand with us when it is tough, but only gets on our side when the chips have already fallen into place.

    I will be glad when she leaves the board. And I won’t be supporting Provenza who appears to be much in her mold.

    While I don’t support the recall, I do like the fact that someone is willing to take a swipe.

  56. The Davis Enterprise gives us another “Supervisor Yamada Doesn’t Get It” kind of quote.

    “A recall is a citizens’ right,” she said. “As to the specific allegation about development on the periphery of the city, there is no development nor am I aware of any pass-through agreement violation. Would a zoning change violate the pass-through agreement? I’m not an attorney.

    “We (the Board of Supervisors) are deliberating on land uses for the next 20 to 30 years. I can’t commit a future Board to any land use decisions.

    “I don’t know that there’s anything to get excited about,” Yamada added. “But I would encourage open dialogue. Good communication always makes a better product.”

    Yamada used to at least sound like an environmental progressive. Compare this kind of wishy-washy “I don’t know nothing” quote to someone who, while a conservative republican, at least knows how to stand on his feet and express a strong political value:

    “The place where the Tsakopoulos family owns land is pretty good farmland,” Rexroad said. “Would it be great to have a research center like this in Yolo County? Yes. Does it have to be located on that parcel? No.”

    It breaks my heart to say that I actually agree more with a Republican than a Democrat – especially on an issue like the environment.

    Supervisor Yamada claims to have been on the right side of environmental issues, yet people on this blog make convincing arguments that she was never willing to speak truth to power and stand up for a tough political decision.

    Rexroad is actually standing up against millionaire developers? As a Republican how can he do such a thing without risking his political future? Well, apparently he believes in something and has more interest in the truth than political expediency.

    I am ashamed of our Supervisor. She does not appear to have the backbone to stand with us when it is tough, but only gets on our side when the chips have already fallen into place.

    I will be glad when she leaves the board. And I won’t be supporting Provenza who appears to be much in her mold.

    While I don’t support the recall, I do like the fact that someone is willing to take a swipe.

  57. People should show up at the General Plan hearing and state their opinions. They should not threaten to recall elected officials if those officials won’t pledge to vote the way they want them to. Right now, Kopper is using the threat of a recall as blackmail, plain and simple. It’s disgusting. You should be able to state your opinion in a constructive manner in order to influence policy, not resort to threats. Especially before a public hearing has even taken place, and you base your opinions only on select quotes from the newspaper.

    This is just way, way, jumping the gun. I can’t tell you how silly this is. It defies the definition of silliness. We’ll have to start referring to it as, “Pulling a Kopper.”

    Pulling a Kopper: Threatening retaliation based on an event which hasn’t happened.

    “Man, I just know Iraq is gonna attack us, so I done Pulled a Kopper on ol’ Saddam!” – George W. Bush.

  58. People should show up at the General Plan hearing and state their opinions. They should not threaten to recall elected officials if those officials won’t pledge to vote the way they want them to. Right now, Kopper is using the threat of a recall as blackmail, plain and simple. It’s disgusting. You should be able to state your opinion in a constructive manner in order to influence policy, not resort to threats. Especially before a public hearing has even taken place, and you base your opinions only on select quotes from the newspaper.

    This is just way, way, jumping the gun. I can’t tell you how silly this is. It defies the definition of silliness. We’ll have to start referring to it as, “Pulling a Kopper.”

    Pulling a Kopper: Threatening retaliation based on an event which hasn’t happened.

    “Man, I just know Iraq is gonna attack us, so I done Pulled a Kopper on ol’ Saddam!” – George W. Bush.

  59. People should show up at the General Plan hearing and state their opinions. They should not threaten to recall elected officials if those officials won’t pledge to vote the way they want them to. Right now, Kopper is using the threat of a recall as blackmail, plain and simple. It’s disgusting. You should be able to state your opinion in a constructive manner in order to influence policy, not resort to threats. Especially before a public hearing has even taken place, and you base your opinions only on select quotes from the newspaper.

    This is just way, way, jumping the gun. I can’t tell you how silly this is. It defies the definition of silliness. We’ll have to start referring to it as, “Pulling a Kopper.”

    Pulling a Kopper: Threatening retaliation based on an event which hasn’t happened.

    “Man, I just know Iraq is gonna attack us, so I done Pulled a Kopper on ol’ Saddam!” – George W. Bush.

  60. People should show up at the General Plan hearing and state their opinions. They should not threaten to recall elected officials if those officials won’t pledge to vote the way they want them to. Right now, Kopper is using the threat of a recall as blackmail, plain and simple. It’s disgusting. You should be able to state your opinion in a constructive manner in order to influence policy, not resort to threats. Especially before a public hearing has even taken place, and you base your opinions only on select quotes from the newspaper.

    This is just way, way, jumping the gun. I can’t tell you how silly this is. It defies the definition of silliness. We’ll have to start referring to it as, “Pulling a Kopper.”

    Pulling a Kopper: Threatening retaliation based on an event which hasn’t happened.

    “Man, I just know Iraq is gonna attack us, so I done Pulled a Kopper on ol’ Saddam!” – George W. Bush.

  61. If the Board of Supervisors was not intending to develop three properties around Davis that will be the equivalent in size of 11 Covell Villages, why would they spend County money on an EIR and other studies necessary for these developments? Why are our two Supervisors supporting developing Covell Village in the County when the voters of Davis soundly rejected the development of Covell Village two years ago?

    The truth of the matter is that the County can entitle all three of the proposed projects around Davis by adding them to the County General Plan at specific densities with development rights before December 2008, when Mariko leaves offices. If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council. The development around Davis will be controlled by the County, not the City. The County development will be about 70 percent of the size of the existing City of Davis. The impact of this development is hard to imagine. We will get all of the traffic congestion, infrastructure impacts, and air pollution. The City will get none of the tax revenue.

    It is more comfortable to deny that the proposed developments are now in the pipeline, than face it. I wish I could ignore it myself, but I can’t. The developments are being pushed by our Supervisors — Helen and Mariko. The others are going along because if the Davis Supervisors want development around Davis they are not going to oppose it. If anyone reading this can figure out a way to get Helen and Mariko to change their minds and withdraw from the new County General Plan the development areas around Davis, I am all for it. In fact, I will pay for you to take a weekend get away somewhere. But if you can’t, then the only solution I can see is to recall the Supervisors before the damage is done.

  62. If the Board of Supervisors was not intending to develop three properties around Davis that will be the equivalent in size of 11 Covell Villages, why would they spend County money on an EIR and other studies necessary for these developments? Why are our two Supervisors supporting developing Covell Village in the County when the voters of Davis soundly rejected the development of Covell Village two years ago?

    The truth of the matter is that the County can entitle all three of the proposed projects around Davis by adding them to the County General Plan at specific densities with development rights before December 2008, when Mariko leaves offices. If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council. The development around Davis will be controlled by the County, not the City. The County development will be about 70 percent of the size of the existing City of Davis. The impact of this development is hard to imagine. We will get all of the traffic congestion, infrastructure impacts, and air pollution. The City will get none of the tax revenue.

    It is more comfortable to deny that the proposed developments are now in the pipeline, than face it. I wish I could ignore it myself, but I can’t. The developments are being pushed by our Supervisors — Helen and Mariko. The others are going along because if the Davis Supervisors want development around Davis they are not going to oppose it. If anyone reading this can figure out a way to get Helen and Mariko to change their minds and withdraw from the new County General Plan the development areas around Davis, I am all for it. In fact, I will pay for you to take a weekend get away somewhere. But if you can’t, then the only solution I can see is to recall the Supervisors before the damage is done.

  63. If the Board of Supervisors was not intending to develop three properties around Davis that will be the equivalent in size of 11 Covell Villages, why would they spend County money on an EIR and other studies necessary for these developments? Why are our two Supervisors supporting developing Covell Village in the County when the voters of Davis soundly rejected the development of Covell Village two years ago?

    The truth of the matter is that the County can entitle all three of the proposed projects around Davis by adding them to the County General Plan at specific densities with development rights before December 2008, when Mariko leaves offices. If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council. The development around Davis will be controlled by the County, not the City. The County development will be about 70 percent of the size of the existing City of Davis. The impact of this development is hard to imagine. We will get all of the traffic congestion, infrastructure impacts, and air pollution. The City will get none of the tax revenue.

    It is more comfortable to deny that the proposed developments are now in the pipeline, than face it. I wish I could ignore it myself, but I can’t. The developments are being pushed by our Supervisors — Helen and Mariko. The others are going along because if the Davis Supervisors want development around Davis they are not going to oppose it. If anyone reading this can figure out a way to get Helen and Mariko to change their minds and withdraw from the new County General Plan the development areas around Davis, I am all for it. In fact, I will pay for you to take a weekend get away somewhere. But if you can’t, then the only solution I can see is to recall the Supervisors before the damage is done.

  64. If the Board of Supervisors was not intending to develop three properties around Davis that will be the equivalent in size of 11 Covell Villages, why would they spend County money on an EIR and other studies necessary for these developments? Why are our two Supervisors supporting developing Covell Village in the County when the voters of Davis soundly rejected the development of Covell Village two years ago?

    The truth of the matter is that the County can entitle all three of the proposed projects around Davis by adding them to the County General Plan at specific densities with development rights before December 2008, when Mariko leaves offices. If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council. The development around Davis will be controlled by the County, not the City. The County development will be about 70 percent of the size of the existing City of Davis. The impact of this development is hard to imagine. We will get all of the traffic congestion, infrastructure impacts, and air pollution. The City will get none of the tax revenue.

    It is more comfortable to deny that the proposed developments are now in the pipeline, than face it. I wish I could ignore it myself, but I can’t. The developments are being pushed by our Supervisors — Helen and Mariko. The others are going along because if the Davis Supervisors want development around Davis they are not going to oppose it. If anyone reading this can figure out a way to get Helen and Mariko to change their minds and withdraw from the new County General Plan the development areas around Davis, I am all for it. In fact, I will pay for you to take a weekend get away somewhere. But if you can’t, then the only solution I can see is to recall the Supervisors before the damage is done.

  65. I’ve been in shock with regards to Mariko as well. Her stance on Williamson Act, preserving farmland. All of it seemed to come from the heart, and having worked with her in the past she was one of the few politicians I believed in. Her comments in the Bee, then the Enterprise are misleading at best. Without uber honest statements, gaps of credibility are easily filled by conspiracy and doubt. I count myself as one of those doubters still in denial. Perhaps it takes the extremity of Bill Kopper to get us all to wake up.

  66. I’ve been in shock with regards to Mariko as well. Her stance on Williamson Act, preserving farmland. All of it seemed to come from the heart, and having worked with her in the past she was one of the few politicians I believed in. Her comments in the Bee, then the Enterprise are misleading at best. Without uber honest statements, gaps of credibility are easily filled by conspiracy and doubt. I count myself as one of those doubters still in denial. Perhaps it takes the extremity of Bill Kopper to get us all to wake up.

  67. I’ve been in shock with regards to Mariko as well. Her stance on Williamson Act, preserving farmland. All of it seemed to come from the heart, and having worked with her in the past she was one of the few politicians I believed in. Her comments in the Bee, then the Enterprise are misleading at best. Without uber honest statements, gaps of credibility are easily filled by conspiracy and doubt. I count myself as one of those doubters still in denial. Perhaps it takes the extremity of Bill Kopper to get us all to wake up.

  68. I’ve been in shock with regards to Mariko as well. Her stance on Williamson Act, preserving farmland. All of it seemed to come from the heart, and having worked with her in the past she was one of the few politicians I believed in. Her comments in the Bee, then the Enterprise are misleading at best. Without uber honest statements, gaps of credibility are easily filled by conspiracy and doubt. I count myself as one of those doubters still in denial. Perhaps it takes the extremity of Bill Kopper to get us all to wake up.

  69. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against Thomson and Yamada is an entirely appropriate response since neither will be running for reelection and this is the only real leverage that their constituents have. If Supervisor candidate Provenza doesn’t take a clear position so his constituents KNOW where he will stand when he sits on the BOS, he is TOAST as well. This has come down to HARDBALL politics, folks.

  70. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against Thomson and Yamada is an entirely appropriate response since neither will be running for reelection and this is the only real leverage that their constituents have. If Supervisor candidate Provenza doesn’t take a clear position so his constituents KNOW where he will stand when he sits on the BOS, he is TOAST as well. This has come down to HARDBALL politics, folks.

  71. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against Thomson and Yamada is an entirely appropriate response since neither will be running for reelection and this is the only real leverage that their constituents have. If Supervisor candidate Provenza doesn’t take a clear position so his constituents KNOW where he will stand when he sits on the BOS, he is TOAST as well. This has come down to HARDBALL politics, folks.

  72. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against Thomson and Yamada is an entirely appropriate response since neither will be running for reelection and this is the only real leverage that their constituents have. If Supervisor candidate Provenza doesn’t take a clear position so his constituents KNOW where he will stand when he sits on the BOS, he is TOAST as well. This has come down to HARDBALL politics, folks.

  73. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council…..”

    I wouldn’t count on the born-again populist image that Council candidates Saylor and Souza are attempting to “sell” to the Davis voters. If they pull this off, no one should harbor any illusions about how quickly they will shuck their “lambs clothing”

  74. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council…..”

    I wouldn’t count on the born-again populist image that Council candidates Saylor and Souza are attempting to “sell” to the Davis voters. If they pull this off, no one should harbor any illusions about how quickly they will shuck their “lambs clothing”

  75. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council…..”

    I wouldn’t count on the born-again populist image that Council candidates Saylor and Souza are attempting to “sell” to the Davis voters. If they pull this off, no one should harbor any illusions about how quickly they will shuck their “lambs clothing”

  76. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council…..”

    I wouldn’t count on the born-again populist image that Council candidates Saylor and Souza are attempting to “sell” to the Davis voters. If they pull this off, no one should harbor any illusions about how quickly they will shuck their “lambs clothing”

  77. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council.”

    However, the converse is also true, if we end electing or rather re-electing Souza/ Saylor to the council, it doesn’t matter what the county does, Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want.

    In the end, we need a strategy that will defend against the county without dividing progressives and sapping their energy.

    Like many, I consider Kopper a venerable figure in this community, on the “vanguard” of land use protections that we so cherish.

    I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.

  78. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council.”

    However, the converse is also true, if we end electing or rather re-electing Souza/ Saylor to the council, it doesn’t matter what the county does, Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want.

    In the end, we need a strategy that will defend against the county without dividing progressives and sapping their energy.

    Like many, I consider Kopper a venerable figure in this community, on the “vanguard” of land use protections that we so cherish.

    I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.

  79. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council.”

    However, the converse is also true, if we end electing or rather re-electing Souza/ Saylor to the council, it doesn’t matter what the county does, Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want.

    In the end, we need a strategy that will defend against the county without dividing progressives and sapping their energy.

    Like many, I consider Kopper a venerable figure in this community, on the “vanguard” of land use protections that we so cherish.

    I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.

  80. “If this happens, it doesn’t make any difference who is elected to the Davis City Council.”

    However, the converse is also true, if we end electing or rather re-electing Souza/ Saylor to the council, it doesn’t matter what the county does, Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want.

    In the end, we need a strategy that will defend against the county without dividing progressives and sapping their energy.

    Like many, I consider Kopper a venerable figure in this community, on the “vanguard” of land use protections that we so cherish.

    I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.

  81. “I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.”

    Vincente.. Kopper makes it clear that his recall will go forward IF there is no third vote against this County plan. He IS attempting to get a third vote.

  82. “I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.”

    Vincente.. Kopper makes it clear that his recall will go forward IF there is no third vote against this County plan. He IS attempting to get a third vote.

  83. “I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.”

    Vincente.. Kopper makes it clear that his recall will go forward IF there is no third vote against this County plan. He IS attempting to get a third vote.

  84. “I just think his strategy right now is self-defeating and I urge him to step back a bit and work together to formulate a strategy bent on getting a third vote next week against a study area.”

    Vincente.. Kopper makes it clear that his recall will go forward IF there is no third vote against this County plan. He IS attempting to get a third vote.

  85. Has Davisite finally changed his tune on his love interest, Mariko? Before today, I don’t remember him ever questioning his girlfriend:

    7-8. Mariko Yamada’s political integrity was demonstrated exactly BECAUSE she did not publicly take a position on Measure X as all the Board of Supervisor members had agreed to.

    6-29. Why not wait and see how Mariko’s statement about an “open mind” translates into policy before jumping all over her?

    6-29. I am again struck by the heat and careful and lengthy anonymous “progressive” postings that are surprisingly hyperbolic in their venom towards Mariko Yamada who is personally well-known and has EARNED the respect of her Davis community.

    6-12. Mariko has a HISTORY so I KNOW where she stands on issues that I care about. We also KNOW that she is not a “machine” candidate and has little or no political IOUs that can be called in by developer patrons.

    6-12. Yamada has EARNED our support for higher office with actual ACTION at the local level not just campaign rhetoric for higher office.

    7-12. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against … Yamada is an entirely appropriate response … this is the only real leverage that their constituents have.

  86. ….”Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want…”

    We could be in for more recall elections in the future.

  87. Has Davisite finally changed his tune on his love interest, Mariko? Before today, I don’t remember him ever questioning his girlfriend:

    7-8. Mariko Yamada’s political integrity was demonstrated exactly BECAUSE she did not publicly take a position on Measure X as all the Board of Supervisor members had agreed to.

    6-29. Why not wait and see how Mariko’s statement about an “open mind” translates into policy before jumping all over her?

    6-29. I am again struck by the heat and careful and lengthy anonymous “progressive” postings that are surprisingly hyperbolic in their venom towards Mariko Yamada who is personally well-known and has EARNED the respect of her Davis community.

    6-12. Mariko has a HISTORY so I KNOW where she stands on issues that I care about. We also KNOW that she is not a “machine” candidate and has little or no political IOUs that can be called in by developer patrons.

    6-12. Yamada has EARNED our support for higher office with actual ACTION at the local level not just campaign rhetoric for higher office.

    7-12. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against … Yamada is an entirely appropriate response … this is the only real leverage that their constituents have.

  88. ….”Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want…”

    We could be in for more recall elections in the future.

  89. Has Davisite finally changed his tune on his love interest, Mariko? Before today, I don’t remember him ever questioning his girlfriend:

    7-8. Mariko Yamada’s political integrity was demonstrated exactly BECAUSE she did not publicly take a position on Measure X as all the Board of Supervisor members had agreed to.

    6-29. Why not wait and see how Mariko’s statement about an “open mind” translates into policy before jumping all over her?

    6-29. I am again struck by the heat and careful and lengthy anonymous “progressive” postings that are surprisingly hyperbolic in their venom towards Mariko Yamada who is personally well-known and has EARNED the respect of her Davis community.

    6-12. Mariko has a HISTORY so I KNOW where she stands on issues that I care about. We also KNOW that she is not a “machine” candidate and has little or no political IOUs that can be called in by developer patrons.

    6-12. Yamada has EARNED our support for higher office with actual ACTION at the local level not just campaign rhetoric for higher office.

    7-12. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against … Yamada is an entirely appropriate response … this is the only real leverage that their constituents have.

  90. ….”Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want…”

    We could be in for more recall elections in the future.

  91. Has Davisite finally changed his tune on his love interest, Mariko? Before today, I don’t remember him ever questioning his girlfriend:

    7-8. Mariko Yamada’s political integrity was demonstrated exactly BECAUSE she did not publicly take a position on Measure X as all the Board of Supervisor members had agreed to.

    6-29. Why not wait and see how Mariko’s statement about an “open mind” translates into policy before jumping all over her?

    6-29. I am again struck by the heat and careful and lengthy anonymous “progressive” postings that are surprisingly hyperbolic in their venom towards Mariko Yamada who is personally well-known and has EARNED the respect of her Davis community.

    6-12. Mariko has a HISTORY so I KNOW where she stands on issues that I care about. We also KNOW that she is not a “machine” candidate and has little or no political IOUs that can be called in by developer patrons.

    6-12. Yamada has EARNED our support for higher office with actual ACTION at the local level not just campaign rhetoric for higher office.

    7-12. For those who have called for being patient and waiting to see how Mariko will “play this out”, CRUNCH TIME is here! A recall threat directed against … Yamada is an entirely appropriate response … this is the only real leverage that their constituents have.

  92. ….”Measure J will most likely be dead and they will have carte blanch to do whatever the hell they want…”

    We could be in for more recall elections in the future.

  93. Putah Creek… as I have repeatedly stated, I was willing to wait and see how Mariko Yamada played this out.. It is now CRUNCH TIME.. the waiting is over.

  94. Putah Creek… as I have repeatedly stated, I was willing to wait and see how Mariko Yamada played this out.. It is now CRUNCH TIME.. the waiting is over.

  95. Putah Creek… as I have repeatedly stated, I was willing to wait and see how Mariko Yamada played this out.. It is now CRUNCH TIME.. the waiting is over.

  96. Putah Creek… as I have repeatedly stated, I was willing to wait and see how Mariko Yamada played this out.. It is now CRUNCH TIME.. the waiting is over.

  97. Wow Davisite, you were one of Mariko’s only friends!

    Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    Mariko sure has wasted away her reliable cheering section. However, I suspect she will change her tune at some point. The question then becomes whether she will be able to lure back Doug Paul Davis, Davisite, and even Wu Ming who has been relatively quiet.

    And even if she does manage to wriggle her way out of weeks of bad blog postings and inane quotes in the Bee and Enterprise, as Follow the Money points out, the end of the month could bring about a August Surprise when her developer donations go public.

    I don’t know what Mariko has been thinking. She apparently frittered away her base of voters in an attempt to match Cabaldon in fundraising. Doesn’t look like that’s going to work out for her on either end.

  98. Wow Davisite, you were one of Mariko’s only friends!

    Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    Mariko sure has wasted away her reliable cheering section. However, I suspect she will change her tune at some point. The question then becomes whether she will be able to lure back Doug Paul Davis, Davisite, and even Wu Ming who has been relatively quiet.

    And even if she does manage to wriggle her way out of weeks of bad blog postings and inane quotes in the Bee and Enterprise, as Follow the Money points out, the end of the month could bring about a August Surprise when her developer donations go public.

    I don’t know what Mariko has been thinking. She apparently frittered away her base of voters in an attempt to match Cabaldon in fundraising. Doesn’t look like that’s going to work out for her on either end.

  99. Wow Davisite, you were one of Mariko’s only friends!

    Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    Mariko sure has wasted away her reliable cheering section. However, I suspect she will change her tune at some point. The question then becomes whether she will be able to lure back Doug Paul Davis, Davisite, and even Wu Ming who has been relatively quiet.

    And even if she does manage to wriggle her way out of weeks of bad blog postings and inane quotes in the Bee and Enterprise, as Follow the Money points out, the end of the month could bring about a August Surprise when her developer donations go public.

    I don’t know what Mariko has been thinking. She apparently frittered away her base of voters in an attempt to match Cabaldon in fundraising. Doesn’t look like that’s going to work out for her on either end.

  100. Wow Davisite, you were one of Mariko’s only friends!

    Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    Mariko sure has wasted away her reliable cheering section. However, I suspect she will change her tune at some point. The question then becomes whether she will be able to lure back Doug Paul Davis, Davisite, and even Wu Ming who has been relatively quiet.

    And even if she does manage to wriggle her way out of weeks of bad blog postings and inane quotes in the Bee and Enterprise, as Follow the Money points out, the end of the month could bring about a August Surprise when her developer donations go public.

    I don’t know what Mariko has been thinking. She apparently frittered away her base of voters in an attempt to match Cabaldon in fundraising. Doesn’t look like that’s going to work out for her on either end.

  101. Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    You’re confusing me with somebody else. I don’t have strong opinions regarding Yamada one way or the other.

  102. Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    You’re confusing me with somebody else. I don’t have strong opinions regarding Yamada one way or the other.

  103. Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    You’re confusing me with somebody else. I don’t have strong opinions regarding Yamada one way or the other.

  104. Brian in Davis is going to need therapy now that all his friends have left him.

    You’re confusing me with somebody else. I don’t have strong opinions regarding Yamada one way or the other.

  105. Sorry Brian in Davis, my bad.

    You sure you don’t want to stick up for Mariko even a little? She’s got to have some loyal backers who will support her no matter who she sells herself out to…

  106. Sorry Brian in Davis, my bad.

    You sure you don’t want to stick up for Mariko even a little? She’s got to have some loyal backers who will support her no matter who she sells herself out to…

  107. Sorry Brian in Davis, my bad.

    You sure you don’t want to stick up for Mariko even a little? She’s got to have some loyal backers who will support her no matter who she sells herself out to…

  108. Sorry Brian in Davis, my bad.

    You sure you don’t want to stick up for Mariko even a little? She’s got to have some loyal backers who will support her no matter who she sells herself out to…

  109. Within today’s SacBee ariticle (7/12) titled:
    “YOLO’S PLANS STIR UP DAVIS: Development study proposed for three parcels on city edge” are the following quotes:

    “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    and then:

    “If they [the supervisors] decide not to study it, it’s all over,” Tsakopoulos said.

    How come developer Angelo Tskopoulos gets it but not supervisor Mariko Yamada?

  110. Within today’s SacBee ariticle (7/12) titled:
    “YOLO’S PLANS STIR UP DAVIS: Development study proposed for three parcels on city edge” are the following quotes:

    “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    and then:

    “If they [the supervisors] decide not to study it, it’s all over,” Tsakopoulos said.

    How come developer Angelo Tskopoulos gets it but not supervisor Mariko Yamada?

  111. Within today’s SacBee ariticle (7/12) titled:
    “YOLO’S PLANS STIR UP DAVIS: Development study proposed for three parcels on city edge” are the following quotes:

    “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    and then:

    “If they [the supervisors] decide not to study it, it’s all over,” Tsakopoulos said.

    How come developer Angelo Tskopoulos gets it but not supervisor Mariko Yamada?

  112. Within today’s SacBee ariticle (7/12) titled:
    “YOLO’S PLANS STIR UP DAVIS: Development study proposed for three parcels on city edge” are the following quotes:

    “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    and then:

    “If they [the supervisors] decide not to study it, it’s all over,” Tsakopoulos said.

    How come developer Angelo Tskopoulos gets it but not supervisor Mariko Yamada?

  113. “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    This statement of Yamada’s is totally inadequate. She needs to answer the question: if she supports the Pass-Through agreement, why does the County have to do a study area with a plan to change the zoning designation. The BOS had no problem leaving the County designation as light industrial for the property that Davis was considering annexing for residential development? Why the new scenerio?.. and why now? Can’t the BOS change the General Plan zoning at any time(if it is required) WHEN the Davis voters indicate that they want to build and annex on one of these potential sites?

  114. “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    This statement of Yamada’s is totally inadequate. She needs to answer the question: if she supports the Pass-Through agreement, why does the County have to do a study area with a plan to change the zoning designation. The BOS had no problem leaving the County designation as light industrial for the property that Davis was considering annexing for residential development? Why the new scenerio?.. and why now? Can’t the BOS change the General Plan zoning at any time(if it is required) WHEN the Davis voters indicate that they want to build and annex on one of these potential sites?

  115. “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    This statement of Yamada’s is totally inadequate. She needs to answer the question: if she supports the Pass-Through agreement, why does the County have to do a study area with a plan to change the zoning designation. The BOS had no problem leaving the County designation as light industrial for the property that Davis was considering annexing for residential development? Why the new scenerio?.. and why now? Can’t the BOS change the General Plan zoning at any time(if it is required) WHEN the Davis voters indicate that they want to build and annex on one of these potential sites?

  116. “I would like everyone to take a deep breath. Calm down,” Yamada said. “There will be no decisions on specific projects that will be entertained in terms of action on Tuesday.”

    This statement of Yamada’s is totally inadequate. She needs to answer the question: if she supports the Pass-Through agreement, why does the County have to do a study area with a plan to change the zoning designation. The BOS had no problem leaving the County designation as light industrial for the property that Davis was considering annexing for residential development? Why the new scenerio?.. and why now? Can’t the BOS change the General Plan zoning at any time(if it is required) WHEN the Davis voters indicate that they want to build and annex on one of these potential sites?

  117. 3 cheers for Bill Kopper. At least he can smell the skunk at the picnic. If Mariko Yamada really didn’t know Tskapolus’ stem cell lab scheme was linked to housing development, she is too stupid to serve us. Helen Thompson, on the other hand, thinks she is too smart for us, and so would OK the Covell Village development her own costituents just studied and rejected.

    You don’t need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows — especially when the stink is just upwind.


  118. 3 cheers for Bill Kopper. At least he can smell the skunk at the picnic. If Mariko Yamada really didn’t know Tskapolus’ stem cell lab scheme was linked to housing development, she is too stupid to serve us. Helen Thompson, on the other hand, thinks she is too smart for us, and so would OK the Covell Village development her own costituents just studied and rejected.

    You don’t need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows — especially when the stink is just upwind.


  119. 3 cheers for Bill Kopper. At least he can smell the skunk at the picnic. If Mariko Yamada really didn’t know Tskapolus’ stem cell lab scheme was linked to housing development, she is too stupid to serve us. Helen Thompson, on the other hand, thinks she is too smart for us, and so would OK the Covell Village development her own costituents just studied and rejected.

    You don’t need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows — especially when the stink is just upwind.


  120. 3 cheers for Bill Kopper. At least he can smell the skunk at the picnic. If Mariko Yamada really didn’t know Tskapolus’ stem cell lab scheme was linked to housing development, she is too stupid to serve us. Helen Thompson, on the other hand, thinks she is too smart for us, and so would OK the Covell Village development her own costituents just studied and rejected.

    You don’t need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows — especially when the stink is just upwind.


  121. That is a bunch of nonsense. This blog was not created for the purpose of supporting Mariko Yamada. And the only person that has destroyed her is her. That would have occurred with or without this blog.

  122. That is a bunch of nonsense. This blog was not created for the purpose of supporting Mariko Yamada. And the only person that has destroyed her is her. That would have occurred with or without this blog.

  123. That is a bunch of nonsense. This blog was not created for the purpose of supporting Mariko Yamada. And the only person that has destroyed her is her. That would have occurred with or without this blog.

  124. That is a bunch of nonsense. This blog was not created for the purpose of supporting Mariko Yamada. And the only person that has destroyed her is her. That would have occurred with or without this blog.

  125. Prior post must have been removed because of mentioning identities of DPD and Davisite. Everybody already knows who they are anyway, so what’s the big deal? My apologies, nonetheless. Here’s the sanitized version…

    The gist of the post was that it is somewhat funny that this Blog was essentially created by Mariko Yamada’s core supporters to help her (along with a few other agendas) and now it is responsible for destroying her candicacy. She’s finished. Done. Toast. DPD and Davisitie can pat themselves on the back for their one and only measureable accomplishment on the blogoshphere. Happy anniversary indeed. Will Mariko attend the party? What will she say? Will the press report it? Will this post be deleted as well?

  126. Prior post must have been removed because of mentioning identities of DPD and Davisite. Everybody already knows who they are anyway, so what’s the big deal? My apologies, nonetheless. Here’s the sanitized version…

    The gist of the post was that it is somewhat funny that this Blog was essentially created by Mariko Yamada’s core supporters to help her (along with a few other agendas) and now it is responsible for destroying her candicacy. She’s finished. Done. Toast. DPD and Davisitie can pat themselves on the back for their one and only measureable accomplishment on the blogoshphere. Happy anniversary indeed. Will Mariko attend the party? What will she say? Will the press report it? Will this post be deleted as well?

  127. Prior post must have been removed because of mentioning identities of DPD and Davisite. Everybody already knows who they are anyway, so what’s the big deal? My apologies, nonetheless. Here’s the sanitized version…

    The gist of the post was that it is somewhat funny that this Blog was essentially created by Mariko Yamada’s core supporters to help her (along with a few other agendas) and now it is responsible for destroying her candicacy. She’s finished. Done. Toast. DPD and Davisitie can pat themselves on the back for their one and only measureable accomplishment on the blogoshphere. Happy anniversary indeed. Will Mariko attend the party? What will she say? Will the press report it? Will this post be deleted as well?

  128. Prior post must have been removed because of mentioning identities of DPD and Davisite. Everybody already knows who they are anyway, so what’s the big deal? My apologies, nonetheless. Here’s the sanitized version…

    The gist of the post was that it is somewhat funny that this Blog was essentially created by Mariko Yamada’s core supporters to help her (along with a few other agendas) and now it is responsible for destroying her candicacy. She’s finished. Done. Toast. DPD and Davisitie can pat themselves on the back for their one and only measureable accomplishment on the blogoshphere. Happy anniversary indeed. Will Mariko attend the party? What will she say? Will the press report it? Will this post be deleted as well?

  129. The claim that the Joint-Study concept is to improve communication is transparently disengenuous. The 2×2’s between the County and Council offer ample opportunity for the two jurisdictions to communicate. The Joint-Study plan is designed to build pressure on the Davis voters , give political cover for this Council majority as we are offered a very public narrative how they were so reluctant but ultimately succumbed to County pressure. Those of us who were around during the Mace Ranch struggle remember how well Councilman Dave Rosenberg played this narrative..publicly defending Davis but ultimately “folding” under County pressure….the more it changes the more it remains the same.

  130. The claim that the Joint-Study concept is to improve communication is transparently disengenuous. The 2×2’s between the County and Council offer ample opportunity for the two jurisdictions to communicate. The Joint-Study plan is designed to build pressure on the Davis voters , give political cover for this Council majority as we are offered a very public narrative how they were so reluctant but ultimately succumbed to County pressure. Those of us who were around during the Mace Ranch struggle remember how well Councilman Dave Rosenberg played this narrative..publicly defending Davis but ultimately “folding” under County pressure….the more it changes the more it remains the same.

  131. The claim that the Joint-Study concept is to improve communication is transparently disengenuous. The 2×2’s between the County and Council offer ample opportunity for the two jurisdictions to communicate. The Joint-Study plan is designed to build pressure on the Davis voters , give political cover for this Council majority as we are offered a very public narrative how they were so reluctant but ultimately succumbed to County pressure. Those of us who were around during the Mace Ranch struggle remember how well Councilman Dave Rosenberg played this narrative..publicly defending Davis but ultimately “folding” under County pressure….the more it changes the more it remains the same.

  132. The claim that the Joint-Study concept is to improve communication is transparently disengenuous. The 2×2’s between the County and Council offer ample opportunity for the two jurisdictions to communicate. The Joint-Study plan is designed to build pressure on the Davis voters , give political cover for this Council majority as we are offered a very public narrative how they were so reluctant but ultimately succumbed to County pressure. Those of us who were around during the Mace Ranch struggle remember how well Councilman Dave Rosenberg played this narrative..publicly defending Davis but ultimately “folding” under County pressure….the more it changes the more it remains the same.

  133. Of all the reasons I created the blog almost a year ago, supporting Mariko in a run for Assembly never arrived on the radar screen. It was simply not something I gave ANY thought to. In my opinion, if she ends up losing, it will be because of her refusal to adhere to basic tenants of land use policy that have been the guiding force in this community since well before she moved here. Just my opinion. I hope you’ll be at our party on July 30, it should be a blast.

  134. Of all the reasons I created the blog almost a year ago, supporting Mariko in a run for Assembly never arrived on the radar screen. It was simply not something I gave ANY thought to. In my opinion, if she ends up losing, it will be because of her refusal to adhere to basic tenants of land use policy that have been the guiding force in this community since well before she moved here. Just my opinion. I hope you’ll be at our party on July 30, it should be a blast.

  135. Of all the reasons I created the blog almost a year ago, supporting Mariko in a run for Assembly never arrived on the radar screen. It was simply not something I gave ANY thought to. In my opinion, if she ends up losing, it will be because of her refusal to adhere to basic tenants of land use policy that have been the guiding force in this community since well before she moved here. Just my opinion. I hope you’ll be at our party on July 30, it should be a blast.

  136. Of all the reasons I created the blog almost a year ago, supporting Mariko in a run for Assembly never arrived on the radar screen. It was simply not something I gave ANY thought to. In my opinion, if she ends up losing, it will be because of her refusal to adhere to basic tenants of land use policy that have been the guiding force in this community since well before she moved here. Just my opinion. I hope you’ll be at our party on July 30, it should be a blast.

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