MoveOn Events for This Week

Clean Energy Means Clean!

On July 23, 2009, Davis MoveOn members will rally along with 2000 other US cities to stop the building of 100 new coal plants!  MoveOn members are rallying for clean energy and against powerful oil and coal companies that have a stranglehold on energy policy, demanding loopholes, bailouts, and giveaways from taxpayers. Concessions in the House’s version of the Waxman/Markey Energy Bill (HR2454) preserve their profits and weakens the bill’s ability to deliver on the full promise of clean energy jobs.
MoveOn members will let Senator Boxer know that she has overwhelming support from Californians. We want this bill passed by the Senate with a roll-back of the provisions for building 100 coal plants.

Davis residents are rallying on Thursday, July 23, 2002 at 2 p.m. at Senator Boxer’s office, 501 I Street, Suite 7-600, Sacramento, CA 95814.  Directions: merge onto I-80 E toward Sacramento, 9.1 miles. Continue on I-80 Business E  3.4 mi. Take the exit onto I-5 N toward Redding, 1.2 mi. Take the J Street exit, 0.2 mi. Make a slight right at J St., 0.2 mi. Turn left at 6th St. Please feel free to contact us for any carpooling support that might be available.

For questions about this event, please email SalElite (at) aol (dot) com.

Join Davis Picnic with MoveOn for Green Energy & Green Jobs!

MoveOn invites Davis residents to help build a Wall of Support for green energy and jobs.
Saturday, July 25th – 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Davis Farmers’ Market, C and 4th Street

We will send pictures of us building the wall  to Senator Boxer as she encourages the Senate to roll back the provisions in the Waxman Markey Energy Bill (HR2454) that call for building 100 new coal plants. We want her to influence the passage of a good bill. Last November we voted for a new administration to bring our citizens’ vision to the forefront of the American agenda. Now it’s time to create a renewable fuel economy, health care for all and millions of new jobs. Bring a sandwich and a friend. Let’s make a difference!


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Egads, we need all kinds of energy, including oil and coal. Until the nascient solar, wind and other such clean energy technologies emerge into the sun (pardon the pun) as full fledged viable alternatives, lets not cut our noses to spite our faces!

  2. egads,

    the technology is fully fledged and viable, but it’s ppl like you that want to keep us in the dark ages.
    the technology has been around for years and is getting better every year. if we had started converting to truly clean energy years ago, if we actually spent the same amount of money on wind and solar as we did coal, gas, nuclear, and oil, we would be better off.
    the only reason why we’re using coal and the like is because it’s the most lucrative for the energy producers..but if you look at the real costs behind these destructive energies, then you’ll see that they are not even close to “viable” or fully “fledged” sources of energy.
    if there’s anyone whose cutting their noses off, it would be dirty energy proponents like yourself, that are intent on spinning the lie into a truth, time and time again
    well guess what egads, go sell your “clean” coal somewhere else.
    we’re not buying it

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