My Last Rant of the Year: Report on Open Government in Davis

That makes it a little difficult to go back and look at how people voted. I know it has been brought up during the council meetings at least once.
That makes it a little difficult to go back and look at how people voted. I know it has been brought up during the council meetings at least once.
2010 Elections: Here’s what we know so far, there is one vacancy on the Davis City Council as Lamar Heystek has announced he will not seek re-election. That means that for the first time since 2006, we will have a new councilmember. Ruth Asmundson is believed to be running for re-election and the Vanguard has heard through credible sources that Sydney Vergis who ran and finished fourth in 2008 will also run for election and do so on a “ticket” with the Mayor. Newcomer Joe Krovoza has announced he will run. But we figure that there will be more than three when the dance cards are punched.
At the outset, having gotten to know Mr. Rifkin through interchange both on the Vanguard and in the community, I do believe his intentions here are intended to help, rather than intended to be malicious as some of the letters to the Enterprise in response have implied.
The specific case involves an emotionally disturbed individual who was shot with a Taser. He was described as unarmed, yards away, and neither fleeing nor advancing on the officer.
Perhaps in another publication, the writer would have immediately realized the absurdity of it all, comparing Jeff Reisig to famed gangster-hunter Eliot Ness.
He offers specific reference to UC Davis in his comments dated December 2009, the irony is that unlike the past, I think the UC Davis officials and administrators fared fairly well. The situation that occurred was tense, it was perhaps dragged out too long as the students occupied Mrak Hall, but unlike the past, the university comes across of sympathetic and reasonable. Had they followed Dr. Garland’s advice, the situation would likely have escalated rather than de-escalated.
As Councilmember Heystek put it late last week,
Of interesting note, while the staff report seems to provide a history of affordable housing, it does not supply any information or even acknowledge the affordable housing scandals of the early part of this decade, where the affordable housing program was abused in part by city staff.
While it is true that Mr. Emlen will likely acknowledge some of the challenges that Davis faces, he will also downplay the severity of a number of problems.
The Vanguard however was floored to learn that currently, the Westlake Market is having trouble obtaining a liquor license because the State Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) has deemed the district to be a high crime reporting district.
The first astonishing fact is that for the city, we have 14 different planners working on these projects. That is an astonishing number. Think about how few projects and developments that we approve and somehow we need 14 different planners.
The Planning Commission rejected the Staff recommendation not to approve the proposed Carlton Plaza Davis project.
We did not sit through the trial and we only know press accounts of the case, but it has all of the familiar elemnts.
For those who like, neat, tidy packages, the pieces here fall to place ever so conveniently.
On Tuesday night, the council voted to ratify a new contract with the Davis firefighters that would extend for three years. It passed by a 3-2 vote amid questions about process and about the actual savings derived from the agreement.
Davis City Councilmember Lamar Heystek along with fellow colleague Sue Greenwald were the dissenting votes on the fire contract on Tuesday. The Vanguard had a phone interview with Councilmember Hyestek Thursday night to talk about the vote, the implications of the contract, and what the future will bring on a fiscal front.
Of the 10 formal motions passed by the Davis Senior Citizens Commission, 8 of them were fully incorporated by City Staff into the revised Senior Housing Strategy; one motion was partially taken into account; and one was ignored as problematic. Of the two recommendations offered by the Social Services Commission, both were included. It is very encouraging City Staff worked closely with both commissions and the public, took into serious consideration what everyone had to say, and for the most part agreed and included the suggestions into the evolving Senior Housing Strategy. Such collaboration is essential to producing good work product.
December 16, 2009 show – Yolo County Supervisor Matt Rexroad took on host David Greenwald in a…
Yolo County Supervisor Matt Rexroad took on host David Greenwald in a civil but spirited debate. At…
December 16, 2009 show – Yolo County Supervisor Matt Rexroad took on host David Greenwald in a…
Generally speaking on issues I consider major, I offer a post mortem outlining what happened, the impacts. There are critical substanative impacts from the council’s approval of the fire budget that need to be weighed in the coming weeks. However, from my standpoint, the most shocking aspect of it all is the abuse of process that we witnessed on Tuesday night where debate was cut off and the council voted against the advice and recommendation of their own advisory commission.