Several commenters last week requested data on council compensation. Mayor Robb Davis indicated that he had requested this information and would get it out as soon as possible.
Mayor Davis has now provided his compensation data to the Vanguard.
His total compensation from the city (or the total cost to the city) is $20,925 per year.
Broken down that is:
- $13,655.98 in gross pay.
- $780 for phone stipend.
- $6000 from health cafeteria cash out (since, according to Robb, “I do not use City health insurance”). All $6000 is deferred into a 457 account.
- $213.12 for life insurance imputed income.
- $276 for life insurance premium.
“I pay $1455.89 into a PARS retirement account (in lieu of Social Security taxes) and $213.12 into Medicare from my gross pay.”
Robb Davis told the Vanguard: “Again, the cost to the City for the Mayor is $20,925.
“The City also paid for me to attend the NACOLE conference. That was approximately $2000 I think.”
Further discussion:
Vanguard Commentary: Council Should Be Fully Compensated for Their Work
Commenter discussion on the issue from last week: Here
Please let Robb know I appreciate this. And the rest of the council? Will that be forthcoming as well? Given the above it is more a mystery to me than ever why one person is showing $40K on TC.
As one of the commenters wondering last week, thanks Robb.
Do the health benefits, life insurance and whatever the retirement benefit Robb stated he contributed to continue after the CC term or only during service to the city?
No. None of it continues. The retirement is a defined contribution plan. Contributions end when I leave the CC. Zero ongoing cost to the City.
BTW, people who opt to use the City’s health insurance plan will show higher compensation.
The total cost for Kaiser for 2 + (employee and two or more dependents) is $21,963/yr. If the full amount is unused/unneeded, the max cash out is $6,000/year, as Robb has stated.
I do not know if the other CC members have the same stipends but I expect that they do.
Totals then, would be max of City contributions for each CC member is approximately $36,900/year. Had they increased their stipend to the limits allowed by State law, it would be about $1500 more.
So, with the Mayor at the low end, the range is ~ $20,900 – 36,900
At this point, I’d have no problem if they went to their maximum stipend, and keep raising the rest to keep up with inflation.
But at least now we know what we are talking about, unlike before.
[And, as at least one other has expressed, thank you Robb!]
Thanks for sharing, Robb. Transparency is important, and it helps build trust in our elected officials.
I also want to thank Robb. Not only for posting your information, but for the sheer amount of work that you have been willing to put in over your years on the council for this low stipend. This is truly an act of community service and is much appreciated. The latter applies to all of the City Council members who have put in time and been responsive to multiple demands from various individuals and groups who are active in civic affairs.
Now that those questions have been answered, am wondering about the Yolo County Supervisors get in total comp, and if they get retiree benefits. David set that (at least equal compensation for CC members as BOS member) as a ‘goal’.
Assuming David has no interest in that, as he did not on total comp for CC (to be fair Don S was not interested, either), will set the same question I did to Robb, to Saylor and Provenza…
But all of this stuff for CC compensation should be on the City website, not divulged by the Mayor, on a reluctant person’s blog…
So much for investigative reporting… when I get the info, will post it…
In the meantime,
Doesn’t address ‘retirement benefits’ and no detail on “Other Pay” or “Total Benefits”…
I realize that many, including David and Don S, don’t care, but I’d like to see the breakdown on the County website… particularly if David suggests we do like-wise for the CC.