(From Press Release) – The UC Davis Graduate Student Association (GSA) and the Associated Students of University of California, Davis (ASUCD) both recently passed resolutions in support of Measure J – Student Housing at Nishi.
GSA approved the resolution to endorse Measure J on May 2nd, while ASUCD approved their resolution to endorse Measure J on May 10th. Both resolutions mention the critical need for additional student housing here in Davis, and the many benefits that Measure J would provide both for UC Davis students and the community at large.
Measure J, the ballot measure to approve the Nishi Student Housing project, represents a major effort in addressing one of Davis’ most critical issues – the lack of student housing. With less than a 0.3% vacancy rates, thousands of UC Davis students are crammed into single-family homes or driving from Woodland or Dixon, increasing traffic and our carbon foot print. Measure J would provide 2,200 beds right next-door to the University, which means students will be encouraged to walk or bike instead of driving.
“Every day I hear about more students facing homelessness here in Davis” stated Don Gibson, a 5th Year PhD Candidate in Genomics, “There are so few units in town, that students are forced to create “mini-dorms”, homes that were designed for families but now pack students in. To get this situation better for everyone, new housing, next to campus would make Davis neighborhoods more family friendly and combat student homelessness.”
Measure J will also provide a state-of-the-art affordable housing program, privately subsidized for 330 low-income and extremely low-income students. Student housing at Nishi will also adhere to inspiring environmental sustainability standards, with the baseline project features setting goals for net zero energy and LEED gold equivalence.
“I never thought the hardest problem I had attending UC Davis was finding a place to live,” said Alisha Hacker, ASUCD Senator. “Too many of my friends struggle to afford housing. I am excited to support Measure J because it will be one of the very few places providing affordable housing for struggling students.”
For more information on Measure J, please visit www.studenthousingatnishi.com. For more information on UC Davis GSA, please visit www.gsa.ucdavis.edu: For more information on ASUCD please visit: www.asucd.ucdavis.edu.