Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) released results today from its multi-year organic carrot variety trials conducted in California. The new report includes results from a multi-year organic trial conducted in partnership with Ronald Welten at Welten Farms in Gilroy, California. The finds are intended to help California growers identify carrot varieties that will perform well on their farms using organic management practices. OSA’s California research team evaluated the performance of fresh market bunching carrots in four variety trials conducted over a two and a half year period. Results: California Carrot Organic Variety Trials, 2014-2017 includes detailed findings from all four trials and is available for free download at www.seedalliance.org/all-publications.
In addition to the new publication, OSA is hosting five field days throughout California to share results from their research with farmers. The events are being offered free of charge and all are welcome. Visit www.seedalliance.org/events for details and to RSVP.
September 5, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Community Field Day and Tasting
Camp Grant Ranch, Redcrest, California
Join OSA’s Jared Zystro for our Community Field Day and Tasting that will include an in-field tour and organic produce tasting. The day will feature sweet corn from the Northern Organic Vegetable Improvement Collaborative (NOVIC) and tomatoes from three organic breeding projects, including the Tomato Organic Management and Improvement (TOMI), Student Collaborative Organic Plant Breeding Education (SCOPE), and Tomatoes from Organic Seed Alliance (TOSA) projects. Participants will also have the opportunity to tour variety trials in the field featuring tomatoes, sweet corn, and sweet peppers. Learn more and RSVP at https://seedalliance.org/events/community-field-day-and-tasting-redcrest-ca/.
September 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Student Collaborative Organic Plant Breeding Education Field Day
The Student Farm Shop, Davis, California
Join OSA and the Student Collaborative Organic Plant Breeding Education (SCOPE) team for the annual SCOPE field day. OSA is a proud collaborator of the SCOPE project, a student-led collaborative of faculty and student plant breeders working with local organic growers on improving crop varieties for organic farming systems in Northern California, with the possibility of future expansion to other regions. Graduate students from the project will present on their breeding projects, lead a tour of the field, and host a fruit tasting. Learn more and RSVP at https://plantbreeding.sf.ucdavis.edu/form/scope-field-day-september-6
September 16, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On-Farm Organic Research Field Day
Berry Island Farm, Gilroy, California
Join OSA’s Steve Peters for the 2nd annual Gilroy On-Farm Organic Research Field Day. Come on our to tour and learn about the many exciting organic seed projects that OSA and Berry Island Farm are collaborating on in Gilroy. The day will feature an extensive on-farm organic tomato breeding project that’s in its second year. Participants will also have the opportunity to tour several types of seed production crops, including beans, broccoli, onions, watermelon, sweet corn, summer and winter squash, and variety trials featuring cucumbers, tomatoes, and sweet peppers. Learn more and RSVP at https://seedalliance.org/events/on-farm-organic-research-field-day-gilroy/
September 23, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On-Farm Organic Research Field Day
The Mushroom Farm, Pescadero, California
Join OSA’s Steve Peters and collaborators from The Mushroom Farm for the 1st annual Pesdcadero On-Farm Organic Research Field Day. The day will feature a tour and in-field presentation on an extensive on-farm organic tomato breeding project that’s in its second year. Participants will also have the opportunity to tour several types of seed production crops, including beans, cucumber, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, and summer and winter squash. Learn more and RSVP at https://seedalliance.org/events/on-farm-organic-research-field-day-pescadero-ca/
September 23, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Community Field Tour and Tasting
Open Circle Seeds / Strong Roots Farm, Potter Valley, California
Join OSA for the Community Field Tour and Tasting at Open Circle Seeds / Strong Roots Farm to learn about and taste organic produce from variety trials being conducted as part of OSA’s California Variety Trial Program. Participants will have the opportunity to taste some of the 30 varieties of watermelons, cantaloupes, and other types of melons that are part of the project. The field tour will begin at 1:00 p.m. and the tasting will be at 4:00 p.m.
Access an online version of this press release at https://seedalliance.org/press/new-resources-for-california-organic-seed-growers/
Organic Seed Alliance advances ethical seed solutions to meet food and farming needs in a changing world. Learn more at www.seedalliance.org
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