It is hard to see where all of this is headed, as we are in the middle of it. At the beginning of the year, it seemed we had a chance to survive as a nation despite all of the weirdness of the last four years, more or less intact.
But this year has dealt critical blows to that theory. Worldwide pandemic. Economic collapse. Pushbacks against civil authority. And now, if not the wholesale breakdown of civil government, massive cracks are starting to form. First the right, then the left.
Historically it is not surprising to see a police action trigger protests and sometimes riots. Watts started after a traffic stop. The 1992 riots happened after police officers who beat Rodney King were acquitted. Riots in 1968 started after Martin Luther King’s assassination.
“I think America must see that riots do not develop out of thin air. Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear?” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “The Other America” delivered on April 14, 1967, at Stanford University.
Perspective is important. The level of violence here is not comparable to the 1960s or the Rodney King riots. The turmoil of 1968—with the backdrop of the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, several years of riots in inner cities, the assassinations of MLK and RFK, the Chicago Democratic Convention—probably still outweighs what we have seen this year.
Maybe leadership in 1968 was just as frayed, but it feels more inept today.
As Paul Willis wrote in a column in the Bee, “Our nation is nearing a tipping point, and we do not have unified leadership about how to move forward.”
The last four years, the pandemic, and the economic collapse has put us near an edge. And now what we lack is a national consensus to pull us out. There is no person who can emerge who can unite the country. Point the fingers whichever way you want, as I’m sure you will.
We saw this in the coronavirus emergency—normally America rallies around its leader in times of crisis. But normally the leader urges calm, urges every one to pull together, doesn’t take late night potshots on social media, and doesn’t falsely declare the emergency is over.
It doesn’t help that America is so divided. It doesn’t help that this particular disease followed the fault lines of America so clearly and so profoundly. Urban areas got hammered. Rural areas were relatively unscathed. People of color and the vulnerable became the victims. Many of the rest of the country escaped the worst.
Instead of pulling together so that we could weather this storm, the political fault lines were magnified. As people were dying and getting sick by the thousands, waves of protests pressured governors to re-open against the advice of medical experts. How those series of decisions will play out remains to be seen.
Medical experts themselves have come under fire. The war against science has magnified, not narrowed.
And, once again, the person that should be leading the way and unifying this nation is leading the way at sowing discord.
As we head into a new crisis of our republic, one of the key questions is really whether we can set things back on a course of trust in our basic democratic institutions. Or is the damage too far gone?
Whatever is happening now is, in a lot of ways, a reflection of our times.
As the NY Times writes in a news analysis: “Mr. Trump has presented himself as someone who seeks conflict, not conciliation, a fighter, not a peacemaker. And he has lived up to his self-image at a perilous time.”
They write: “With a nation on edge, ravaged by disease, hammered by economic collapse, divided over lockdowns and even face masks and now convulsed once again by race, President Trump’s first instinct has been to look for someone to fight.”
They add: “While other presidents seek to cool the situation in tinderbox moments like this, Mr. Trump plays with matches.”
The media across the board has criticized the President for making little to no appeal for calm.
Instead, on Saturday, he blamed the unrest on “Liberal Governors and Mayors” who he called on to get “MUCH tougher” on the crowds, himself threatening to intervene with “the unlimited power of our Military” and perhaps more dangerously he called on his supporters to have a “MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE.”
“Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence,” the president wrote on Twitter on Saturday morning. “If they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least. Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action.”
The Chronicle Editorial noted, “Rather than the misconduct of an officer charged with murder, he reserved his outrage for the enraged, expressing it in deliberately racist terms.”
He tweeted in a tweet that “violated the Twitter Rules about glorying violence,” “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen.” He added, “Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
The tweet has attracted a lot of attention.
The Chronicle notes that the word “thugs” is a a word freighted with racist connotations.
They also noted the historical significance of the quote “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
Writes the Chronicle: “That phrase, coined by a Miami police chief who advocated a merciless response to Civil Rights Era unrest, was also approvingly quoted by the segregationist presidential candidate George Wallace.”
The president later attempted to walk it back by suggesting he was merely warning of the danger.
But as Michelle Goldberg pointed out in her Friday op-ed in the NY Times, “his meaning was obvious enough.”
As she noted, “This is the same president who on Thursday tweeted out a video of a supporter saying, “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.””
The Chronicle for its part added, “In case there was any doubt as to the president’s intent, he emphasized ‘thugs, had the comment re-posted by the official White House account and repeated the phrase in a later tweet.”
And of course this is nothing new, Michelle Goldberg writes, “The Trump presidency has been marked by shocking spasms of right-wing violence: the white nationalist riot in Charlottesville, Va., the massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the mass shooting targeting Latinos in El Paso. But even as the country has simmered and seethed, there hasn’t been widespread disorder. Now, though, we might be at the start of a long, hot summer of civil unrest.”
She points out: “So many things make America combustible right now: mass unemployment, a pandemic that’s laid bare murderous health and economic inequalities, teenagers with little to do, police violence, right-wingers itching for a second civil war and a president eager to pour gasoline on every fire.”
“I think we’re indeed in a moment where things are going to get a lot more tense before they get more peaceful,” said the University of Michigan historian Heather Ann Thompson, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her 2016 book Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy.
I think it was telling that some of my right wing commentators spent their day tracking down rumors that these are outside agitators and showing that federal investigators are looking at Antifa as a culprit.
In an interesting report from the AP, “government officials have been warning of the ‘outsiders’ — groups of organized rioters they say are flooding into major cities not to call for justice but to cause destruction.”
At the same time, they report, state and federal officials have offered a variety of assessments as to who the outside agitators are.
“They’ve blamed left-wing extremists, far-right white nationalists and even suggested the involvement of drug cartels,” the AP reports. And at the same time note: “These leaders have offered little evidence to back up those claims, and the chaos of the protests makes verifying identities and motives exceedingly difficult.”
The AP continues: “The finger pointing on both sides of the political spectrum is likely to deepen the political divide in the U.S., allowing politicians to advance the theory that aligns with their political view and distract from the underlying frustrations that triggered the protests.”
The more important question is not who is involved, but where this will head—will we head toward more polarization and a further breakdown of civil government, or will cooler heads prevail?
I get the concern expressed by Paula Willis and some on the left who believe “the social contract was always null and void because enslaved peoples weren’t even considered fully human to agree to such terms.”
She asks an important question: “Has America ever really loved black people or only when it’s convenient? Can a slave master ever love his slave? This has always been an abusive relationship without honesty or respect.”
Where I might differ with some of my lefty compatriots is my belief that the breakdown of civil society will make things worse for those most vulnerable—not better.
Somehow, someway, we must find a way to come together and to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. That may be easier said than done.
—David M. Greenwald reporting
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It must be Trump’s fault even though all of the rioting, arson and looting are occurring in mostly Democrat controlled cities.
Exactly. Trump is the national leader and has set the tone the last three to four years.
That’s your narrative anyway.
That’s why this is my commentary, not yours.
Yup, it’s your blog, you can spin things however you want.
David, this morning you wrote:
Isn’t that what you’re doing here? Pointing fingers?
In one case, the fingers are pointing in terms of who was directly involved in specific actions. I’m doing something slightly different – suggesting that there is an overall poisoned political climate and assigning blame to it.
So Trump is willing to take responsibility for the things that he views as positive (even if those things really are just continuing as before), but is shielded from all blame when negative things happen on his watch? That’s called hypocrisy. Either accept all of the consequences of his leadership, or acknowledge that he provides no leadership at all.
Interesting that you include that. So are the race problems just continuing as before?
The economy was continuing just as it had been under Obama. There was not boost in economic growth, the unemployment rate continued to fall at the same pace, lower income household was finally rebounding as it had begun half a decade ago. Yet he claims responsibility for this this “great economy.” (Please don’t try to argue that the trajectory has changed–we’ve already had that discussion on this blog and I’ve already provided the data that supports my statements.)
And yes, race problems had continued, but they’ve actually gotten worse. He has done NOTHING to address or fix it, and in fact made the situation worse in a number ways, starting with supporting the challenge to the Voter Rights Act because it boosts his political prospects.
Why are you so unwilling to acknowledge Trump’s culpability? Is it that he can do now wrong?
I find it hilarious that Democrats and Obama are no longer claiming it’s Obama’s economy. They’re now as quiet as a church mouse about it. That’s called hypocrisy.
As far as race problems go, things had been fairly quiet until this. This hit like the Coronavirus, nobody saw this level of rioting coming. Too many out of work, too much free time.
I blame this mostly on Jacob Frey, the mayor of Minneapolis. It was a cop and 3 accomplices in his police dept. that killed Floyd and his stand down order to the police the first two nights where they let the rioters burn and loot emboldened other rioters across the country to act the same way. But Democrats will continue to blame Trump because it fits their agenda.
Ron’s right. Not only that, but you’re ignoring the huge discrepancy between who is getting and dying from COVID, the impact of the economic collapse is disproportionately impacting bule collar workers, and the race baiting by Trump has impacted communities of color. Unfortunately, you’re not aware of what is going on outside of your small section of the world here.
“As far as race problems go, things had been fairly quiet until this.”
Perhaps you haven’t been paying attention but while things have been quiet for some communities they have been repeatedly deadly for others and the people in those communities are sick of it.
As for Frey I agree to a certain degree that trying to let the steam out of the kettle didn’t work. Now I’d like to hear you admit that Trump’s rhetoric hasn’t been helpful either.
Please give evidence of race baiting by Trump.
It’s in the article for one thing.
For another the most famous commentary from Charlottesville – “were very fine people, on both sides”
And for a third point, the most important is not whether you believe that there was race baiting, it’s whether the people on the receiving do. Here’s the polling from earlier this year on that.
We’ve been through this a thousand times before. His words were twisted by Democrats.
You have no evidence of Trump race baiting. Just as I thought.
Again – point 3 – it doesn’t matter what YOU think. It matters what people of color think, since that’s who we’re talking about.
Still no proof of race baiting against blacks.
Again – it doesn’t matter what you think, it matters what the people of color think, since that’s who we’re talking about. Their reaction to the administration, not Keith Olsen’s.
Just supply the proof. I’m all ears.
People think and feel a lot of things, it doesn’t make it true.
David, if you want to see some racist statements and videos Biden has a whole collection I could share with you.
You’re completely ignoring the point I made
What point, that people think Trump is racist towards blacks without any proof?
Evidence please.
The context of this discussion was your comment that things were quiet and Ron Glick pointing out that you are mistaken – in part because of the factors I listed. The perception is sufficient to prove the initial point I was making. I don’t need to convince you of anything to establish that point.
Is this not what you stated?
Things have been relatively quiet on the race front for a couple of years until now. We’ve had this conversation before where I pointed this out. How many BLM protests or marches has there been? Maybe a few small ones on the local level but nothing to compare with the Obama years. Remember the chants “Pigs in a blanket……”
There would never be any need for “finger-pointing” if we, as a society truly valued taking responsibility for one’s own actions instead of blaming others. The trend in this can be seen over many decades in medicine with a shift from never apologizing ( since that might be seen as an admission of guilt) to a frank assessment of what went wrong from beginning to end in every case of medical harm. What usually comes out of such an analysis is not the error of one singe individual ( although that does occur) but often involve systemic problems that can be mitigated with procedural changes ( such as wrong-site surgery mitigated by marking the site and having the patient confirm prior to sedation).
We talk about personal responsibility. But we do not live it. Too often we value how we look over the possibility of improvement. Now even, more unfortunately we seem to care more about how our party looks than the outcomes themselves.
We are living the Atlas Shrugged novel description of dystopia.
I know of many producers who are deciding to give up against the rampant looting… both from the administrative state of elites, and the bottom rungs of society that have had their basic needs paid for by the administrative state elites.
I was thinking the same thing Jeff.
Who in their right mind would ever want to start a business in any of these liberal cities when any incident could lead to the looting and/or burning of their business? We’ve seen we can no longer count on the police to protect us just as the rioters know that they can get away with it.
I heard these same arguments in the 60’s after the Watts riots. I remember watching the looting on T.V. I remember a KTLA helicopter shot of a woman stealing a huge sofa. I remember watching a J.J. Newberry go up in flames.
Funny thing though the original cause both then and now was police violence. Perhaps your argument might be rephrased as who would want to open a business in a place where the policing is so bad that the community periodically explodes in rage that leads to death, injury, property destruction and looting?
I was in L.A. near Watts during the riots. My uncle ran a horse boarding ranch and we were down there on vacation staying with them. We could hear the gun shots and see the smoke not too far off. I was a child but I remember much of it.
Here’s an article in the NY Times from 1975 about the non recovery of Watts:
Keith O and Jeff B
So what’s your plan to make so that the residents of these communities that are rioting instead have a stake in the economic vitality of that community? Right now, they are largely foreclosed from accessing the wealth necessary to own those stores and businesses. They view those businesses as parasites that suck the financial wealth out of their neighborhoods. How do you propose to change the status quo so that they feel heard and part of nation? (And non answers include “respect property” and “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” because those statements are as meaningless as “thoughts and prayers.”)
I guess you missed it that these communities where the riots are happening are governed by Democrats and in most cases for many years. Obviously Democrats don’t have the answers. Have you seen the video of the black business owner who is pleading with the rioters not to destroy his business? Here’s a black man who was trying to invest in the community and open a business who has his business destroyed by the rioters in that very community.
I appreciate that you are asking questions. You should do much more of that.
So, the goal is to increase economic opportunity for the people living in these neighborhoods.
Here is what I recommend… and you will likely agree with it because of your politics.
1. Tax businesses and wealthy people more and give it to the poor people.
2. Consider changing the laws for private property ownership. Take land from the greedy capitalists that own it and give it back to the public where the benevolent people can plant gardens of peace.
3. Spend more on the existing public school system… keep the design the same… hire more unionized education employees because we know that unionized education employees care more about the kids than do the non union types.
4. Implement Affirmative Action rules for all organizations. There should be quotas.
5. Reduce college admission requirements as long as for specific minorities (e,g, non-Asian).
6. Adopt new laws for helping minorities overcome white and Asian implicit bias.
7. Release minority prisoners and expunge their records.
8. Get rid of cops… they are bad people and they are the reason that minorities cannot get ahead. Government officials with clipboards and cash can walk the neighborhoods and make them safe.
9. Expand globalism. Keep allowing China to take over those jobs that Americans will not do.
10. Keep the board open. Keep allowing immigrants to flow to do those jobs that Americans will not do.
11. Keep reminding minority children that they are oppressed and life will be unfair to them so they have a good excuse when things don’t work out like they wanted them to work out. Tell them that it is impossible to pull yourself up by the bootstraps even though they can see examples of this all around them. Tell them it is just fake news… those people got cash from someone otherwise they too would be a failure.
12. Elect all Democrats to run all cities, counties, states and the nation… because as we can see… Democrats do a much better job helping minorities advance.
Yes Jeff, because we know all those measures have worked so well.
JB, that was some beautiful sarcasm.
The same entrepreneurial immigrants that have done that for decades.
Jeff B
I knew that your were an Ayn Rand acolyte. Everything, EVERYTHING, she wrote was fictional. ALL of her characters were cartoons and caricatures. None of what she wrote was the “truth.” The world is not created by “captains of industry”, labor isn’t “parasites,” no one rises entirely self made. Almost all of those captains have gotten there through the privileges that society has accorded them, including the education and services they received as youth and young adults. They could take personal and financial risks that those from less privileged backgrounds could not, which then led to the opportunities through which they gained their wealth. There is no real life “Howard Roark.” There is Bill Gates who came from an upper class neighborhood in Seattle who went to the most prestigious private high school in that city. (I know one of his classmates, a former Olympic athlete.)
The dystopia we see today is in fact created by so many of those people who claim to be “captains of industry” by failing to share their ill gotten wealth with the rest of society, and pulling away our social safety from those who need it most. Again, you are factually wrong when you try to claim that the bottom rungs of society are having their basic needs paid by “administrative state elite.”
Howard Roark never laughed. He never stood naked at the edge of a cliff. The lake didn’t lay far below him.
I wish I was smart enough to know what you just said.
McCann – I do appreciate it that you put this type of thing out there for everyone else to read. I am impressed. I know that this is the common “thinking” of your kind, but frankly I have never gotten any of them to admit it.
“Share” LOL. I cannot stop laughing. The language of the looter that you claim does not exist but only in the imagination of Ayn Rand. You are actually Wesley Mouch and Philip Rearden rolled into the same actor.
I sure hope you don’t have children or are otherwise teaching this cr@p to young people.
Breathtaking it is. Wow.
Was that really necessary?
There is a lot going on and being said that it not really necessary. But caring for future generations is my focus for just about everything related to politics. The ideas that Hobbs puts out there are anathema to me and others that know that our flawed system is the best ever in the history of humans to provide a good life for the average hard-working person having some legitimate aim. We are seeing the results of Hobb’s type of “thinking” in the black-hooded hooligans that are rioting and looting. From their perspective, like Hobbs, the system is unfair and it needs to be burned to the ground and remade in that utopian vision of a collectivist new world order… the same that ALWAYS… ALWAYS results in much more human misery and suffering. I don’t want any of that cr@p to be taught to children. Those ideas need to be soundly rejected, and we have a lot of work to do to reverse the brainwashing that has already been done.
Please give examples of race baiting by Trump.
There are so many examples but of course sycophants will deny them all. Still you responded to David but not me asking you to admit that Trumps rhetoric has not been helpful.
Mexican Judge.
Sh-thole countries.
Guys with Yamulkas to count his money.
David Duke, Who?
Dogs, thugs.
Ask China.
Very fine people those Skinheads chanting Jews will not replace us.
Stuart Spencer a lifelong Republican campaign consultant who ran Reagan’s 66 run for Governor, recently admitted that race has been the issue that is destroying the GOP and said the problem goes all the way back to 1964. He pointed out that Eisenhower won a majority of the black vote in 56 but Goldwater got under 10% in 64 and its stayed there ever since. Trump represents the last hurrah of white resentment whether he lasts four more years or not. Ask yourself why Arizona is in play and Texas is close? Why do Democrats want to make it easy to vote and Republicans hard. The white Republican majority that elected Republicans from Nixon to Trump and denies the obvious decades of dog whistles and overt racism is doomed by the destiny of demographics. So keep on keeping on. Keep whistling Joe Walsh’s “Life’s Been Good.” May we both live long enough to see how it all plays out.
Those are weak. Very weak. And mostly inaccurate and out of context. The soundbites lifted by the DNC media engine and pushed though all the fake news feeds.
Or maybe you heard them from a female lying dog-faced pony soldier.
Are you being a troll or do you really believe what you said about fake news?
Ron, I guess you missed where I wrote:
Yes Trump has made some ill advised comments about illegal aliens and foreign Muslims.
I don’t deny that.
But you have provided no proof of race baiting towards blacks.
If “thugs” is the best you got, Obama called the Ferguson rioters “thugs” too.
Is that the best you have in a lifetime of Trump statements and tweets?
Watching the police shoot tear gas at protestors in Santa Monica and protestors throw projectiles at cops on TV. Ironically they are a stone’s throw from Santa Monica High, know to the locals as Samo High, where Trumps racist Senior Advisor Stephen Miller went to high school.
Other famous graduates of Samo High:
Carson Daly
Tony Alva
Gloria Stuart
Charlie Sheen
Robert Downey
Robert Downey Jr.
Sean Penn
Rob Lowe
What’s your point?
I’ve always been fascinated by Stephen Miller being from a neighborhood near where I grew up.
If you look back at Miller’s life story, whose racism and anti-immigrant ideology has been repudiated by the Rabbi who taught him torah, its clear that ideology was forming while at Samo High.
I found it ironic that the protest got so close to where Miller began his rise among the alt right.
Doby why did you leave out Glenn Ford likely the most talented Samo high grad of all time?
Also right in that neighborhood was a beautiful modern era Sears Department store that was once managed by Bernie Glick who spent his life in retail and was known lovingly by his family as Bernie Sears Glick. I doubt its there anymore and have no idea what became of the real estate.
I hope it wasn’t looted like the Santa Monica Mall now called the Promenade. I remember having a bake sale in front of the F.W. Woolworth there in the 1960’s.
This all hit close to home in my mind.
Ron, I thought it might be too painful in reminding you that Glenn Ford became a registered republican later in his career – supporting Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 84 – during a time when California and the entertainment industry still seemed capable of embracing some diversity of political viewpoint.
I want to thank you for sparking my recall about the Sears Store in Santa Monica. Maybe I met Bernie. I was a regular customer in their hardware department. That was a great store. Over the six years I lived there, I bought my first ratchet tool set, first electric drill, first circular saw and a router – all Craftsman label. I had taken a night class at Santa Monica City College in woodworking where I became hooked on carpentry.
Thanks for the memories.
Safeway, CVS and Target all closed early today because of threats against them from rioters and looters in Davis.
Has anyone heard of any prominent Democrats renouncing the riots? As of yesterday Newsome was silent. Interesting.
Verification of “reason” for the closures? @ CVS assumed someone tested + for covid… your narrative ‘sniffs’… a closed place of business is more of an attractive target for looting than an open one… fewer witnesses, more chances of enraged resistance by staff and/or customers… not saying you’re wrong, but no evidence you are correct… sniffs of biased speculation…
I believe that these over the top protests that are turning into riots will end up in the long run helping Trump get re-elected.
Nixon exploited the riots and dissent in the streets in 68 but Nixon wasn’t in the party in power.
We will know on Election Day.
Ron, here’s a woman who agrees with me:
“This is going to get Trump re-elected!” the woman screamed. “Please stop! Think first.”
Yes… give the prez a “law and order” thingy to campaign on… just like “Tricky Dicky” in 1968… that went well… four years later…
Just waiting for the prez to cite Covid, and mail voting, to delay November elections for a year or two… unconstitutional, but what the hey! National emergency!
In ’68, arguably, there was no party “in power”, except on paper…
I don’t think that’s a sustainable view
A few weeks ago I was trying to explain that when people think you are talking about deporting grandma it doesn’t matter if you are talking about legal or illegal immigrants. To the immigrant communities they feel threatened and are going to vote against you. This is why the Democrats own the State of California even if Democratic policies in California don’t deliver for these communities.
Another example can be seen with Trump’s attacks on Barack Obama that started with his birthplace and continue today with “Obamagate.” The black community loves Obama and they aren’t going to vote for someone who attacks him especially now that he is out of office. Trump doesn’t need to say another thing to black people as long as he keeps attacking Obama. Its like threatening to deport a latino grandma.
You guys can try to spin it and split the legal, illegal or question where Trump said what, but here is the deal. These people have the power of inference and they infer that Trump isn’t out to help them.
By the way what is Obamagate about anyway? Maybe some of you guys can explain it because I haven’t been able to figure it out.
I think you would have to live under a rock to not understand this, but here you are.
It is the most fantastic abuse of political power in our young nation’s history. A sitting president and his administration using the power of office to illegally spy on and then destroy a political campaign of the opposing party, and the continuing that malice after the election to attempt to undermine the office and the duly elected official in the office. What Nixon did was a tiny by comparison.
Barr Durham report coming soon. That will be our October surprise that make the virus and riots fade to the back of the new cycle.
Okay dokey. Of course when Moscow Mitch refused to blow the whistle on Putin’s interference the Obama administration remained silent.
I guess not listening to America’s Pravda, Fox News, keeps me under a rock.
This is off topic.
Yes, but one level up… suggest cleanup on the aisle…
Looting on the Santa Monica Mall.
Sirens going off in Davis all night.
A whole bunch of nothing
Can you explain, “a whole bunch of nothing”?
That means nothing to me.
Now, too much of nothingCan make a man feel ill at ease.One man’s temper risesWhile another man’s temper might freeze.In the day of confessionWe cannot mock a soul.Oh, when there’s too much of nothing,No one has control.
Bob Dylan