by Alan Miller
Pancakes & Politics will hold a virtual Zoom meeting today at 11:00am to discuss the state propositions (12) & city measures (2). We aren’t covering local races this year as we are low on butter . . . and the candidates have been covered in numerous forums.
When: Saturday, October 24th, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Where: On a screen, like everything else in your life
Making the World Better Through Volunteerism: We need 14 volunteers, 1 for each prop-o-measure. Please consider adopting a lonely proposition for our virtual community discussion. Adoption means doing 30-45 minutes of research on the pro- and con- sides of the issue — We’ll supply all the references you’ll need! At the virtual gathering, give a brief presentation to the group of about 5 minutes. Then give your opinion, and open we’ll open it up for discussion.
If you’d like to research one prop/measure, contact Johnny Pancake at:
To Join our Zoom Discussion:
The session may be summarized in an online ‘zine, but no participant names will be used, and the session will not be re-broadcast so that participants may speak their mind. We will conclude each discussion with a straw poll to get a ‘sense of the group’.
A few rules-ish:
- Participants in Pancakes & Politics are excellent human beings
- Please give your opinion briefly in the discussion – the idea is to inform, not to win
- We’ve never done this virtually before, and we have no idea what we’re doing
- Propositions will not be in order – order is for people who believe in numbers
- All propositions are created equal and have equal rights – there are no ‘special’ propositions
- Please respect social distancing guidelines and stay at least six feet from your computer screen
- Do not spread butter nor pour syrup on your keyboard
See y’all Saturday!
— Johnny Pancake
Remember, people who vote early are inferior!
We’d love to have you join us for Pancakes and Politics at 11:00 a.m. this morning. We’ll be discussing the 12 state propositions, and 2 local measures. These are always fun! Oh, yeah, they were fun when we could hug friends and drink syrup. Well, it still might be fun. So join us for the best Zoom event for the roughly 2/3 of people smart enough to still vote on or near election day! Procrastination rules!
See above for the Zoom link link. All genders and political parties welcome.
[Note to moderator: the top line is a joke, not a pejorative.]
I like the drawings, but why is there (a pancake?) boarding a flying saucer? 😉
And, how is it that (in the first drawing) the (guy?) isn’t burning his hands, holding onto the waffle iron?
And, since when are waffle irons used to cook pancakes?