By Özge Terzioğlu
SACRAMENTO— Defendant Arlie Halcomb was in court this week facing domestic violence charges. But a bigger problem may be his heart, and not the lovelorn kind.
The in-custody defendant has a serious heart condition and was supposed to have a follow-up meeting with his cardiologist about a device measuring the blockage in his arteries. But he has not been allowed to see the doctor or even make a phone call for the 22 days he’s been in jail.
And that didn’t change after his court date in Dept. 60 for an alleged felony violation of PC § 273.5, corporal injury on a spouse or cohabitant, and PC § 29800, possession of a firearm while being a convicted felon.
Samantha Ting was appointed as his public defender, and after a lengthy breakout room, PD Ting told Judge Scott L. Tedmon that she’s concerned about her client being in custody with a “serious heart condition.”
She said on Oct. 27, the defendant had a device inserted into his chest to measure the blockage in his arteries, which are 50 percent and 80 percent blocked.
He was supposed to have a follow-up appointment with his cardiologist to see if another device would need to be put in to manage his condition, but he was denied a phone call and even a shower for the 22 days he’s been in custody.
PD Ting requested Halcomb be released, and that he would abide by any conditions including a no contact order. To support her case, she stated that the firearm from the altercation was an antique and does not discharge at all, and that it belongs to the victim.
While in custody, defendant Halcomb has experienced chest pains. He’s also been in contact with the victim, who supposedly wants him to be released, Ting argued.
In objection to release and reduced bail, Deputy District Attorney Renishta Lal used the defendant’s 45-page-long FBI rap sheet, prior domestic violence convictions, restraining order violations, child abuse charges, previous DUI, aggravated assault charges, a 2008 domestic violence case that was dismissed with 12 anger management classes, and a bench warrant from 2016 as evidence for why the defendant should be kept in custody.
DDA Lal stated her concern for the safety of the community and victim. She said she tried to contact the victim, but she couldn’t reach her, but said that the victim said she and the defendant have been together for eight years total and married for three years.
On the night of the incident in question, defendant Halcomb came home from the bar where he had been heavily drinking, said the victim, who also had a few drinks. The defendant and the victim started arguing because he thought there were other men in their apartment. The victim said the defendant has paranoid schizophrenia.
The victim alleged that Halcomb got in her face and headbutted her. She also claimed that he pushed her on the bed three to four times, and he had two firearms in his hands during their argument.
Although the victim said Halcomb didn’t threaten her this time, he has put a gun to her head in previous arguments. While he was grabbing her, Halcomb allegedly kicked her in the stomach.
He also threw a bag at her, causing a lump and hematoma to form on her head, said the victim. DDA Lal said both firearms were located in the home. In light of the defendant’s long criminal history and his possession of firearms despite being a convicted felon, Lal requested no release and no reduced bail.
In defense of her client, PD Ting noted that in the defendant’s statement to the police, he said the bag was a purse that he threw out of the room. It went over the banister and down the stairs, and he didn’t know it hit the victim.
She also noted that the defendant had injuries too, three four-inch scratches, of which there is photo evidence. If the court did not wish to release him, PD Ting requested reduced bail so that defendant Halcomb could see his cardiologist.
Judge Scott Tedmon said that from 1998 to 2012, Halcomb has had 13 failures to appear, multiple probation violations, and multiple domestic violence cases.
Because of this, Judge Tedmon deduced that defendant Halcomb is a risk for failing to appear, and, even with his extenuating health conditions, he denied the request for reduced bail and release. Bail is set at $50,000.
Defendant Halcomb’s next hearing is Nov. 25 at 8:30 a.m. in Dept. 60.
Özge Terzioğlu is from San Diego and she is a sophomore at UC Berkeley majoring in Rhetoric and minoring in Turkish.
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