Special Vanguard Event on May 6 – Big Day of Giving
Normally the Big Day of Giving is a time when people across the Sacramento region come together to support their local non-profits. The Vanguard as a non-profit has participated each year.
This year we are going to do something a little different. We are—in addition to raising money all day on Thursday, May 6—having an event at 7 pm.
We feature two amazing speakers.
Los Angeles DA George Gascón
Alameda Public Defender Brendon Woods
How does it work? Anyone who donates at least $25 for the Big Day of Giving is eligible to attend the event. When you donate, you will be emailed a registration sheet whereby you can register for the webinar.
While the minimum is $25, we do have low income and student alternatives and overall it is a sliding scale—you can give as little as $25 and as much as $5000.
The best part—the first $4000 will be matched! That means donations up to $4000 with be doubled!
So please sign up today by donating to the Big Day of Giving
Go to: http://bit.ly/vanguardbdog
Will Brendon Woods be speaking about his fraternal twin brother, Bretton Woods?
I know, I know: By making jokes I’m allowing this stuff to fester. Which begs the question, what stuff? Instead, of course, you could target the 70,000 people who didn’t riff on a pun this morning, nor comment at all. They are the true fester enablers. All of you.
Happy Saturday, Vanguard audience. Pray for rain, LOTS of rain.