By Alexander Ramirez
WOODLAND, CA – Laurence Tyray Mata was in Yolo County Superior Court Wednesday for a brief time, but made a lasting impression.
Mata faces charges of felony theft and unauthorized use of a vehicle with an enhancement while released on bail or own recognizance.
Mata was in court for his arraignment, and when asked if he wanted to be assigned a public defender, Mata commented: “I don’t—I don’t know where it is, or there it is….”
It turned out that he had already been assigned to Roland John Beede, a private attorney. The public defender’s office was already representing a co-defendant.
As matters were going to proceed, Mata began talking to a now-present Beede, noting, “I remember you….”
Since Judge Tom Dyer’s computer was dead during this time, matters were stalled, but the live stream still picked up Mata talking.
“My mom…Have you heard from my mom? I—I was trying to find out where she was, and someone told me she was in the hospital, and I tried to get to the hospital and then….” Mata starting to break down at this point.
“Apparently, you picked up a new case,” responded Defense Counsel Beede.
“I don’t care about a new case. Is my mom, okay?” said Mata.
“I don’t know. I haven’t heard from your mom. I haven’t,” said Beede, who promised Mata he would try to contact his mother before explaining, “We will get there…we need to get through this case right now.”
Judge Dyer, the computer still down, attempted to address matters in tandem with Deputy District Attorney Deanna Hays. She read the case numbers to the court in an attempt to keep matters moving. These cases included Mata’s previous felonies and the previous instance of bail/OR.
Since Mata has other felony matters on Jan. 13 in Yolo Superior Court, Beede requested to join this matter.
When asked if this was okay with the judge, Mata snapped, “Can’t you ask Beede everything? Isn’t that why we hired him? I don’t know what it’s for.”
As Beede explained everything, Mata started crying to the court, “Oh, come on. Just do whatever Beede says.”
DDA Hays requested bail be set at $20,000 for the new cases and $10,000 for the previous felonies, and $1,000 for Mata’s other misdemeanors.
The matters were scheduled for Jan.11 for a preliminary hearing. Beede said he would submit a motion for Mata’s release without bail (OR).