Judge Interrupted: Defense Attorney Apologizes

By Nora Dahl

STANISLAUS COUNTY, CA – This week, here in Stanislaus County Superior Court, there was a probation violation hearing scheduled before Judge Shawn Bessey in Dept. 2.

But it was soon overshadowed by a dust off between the judge and a defense attorney.

As Judge Bessey began outlining the terms of the violated probation to the court, at mid-sentence he found himself interrupted.

A defense attorney had cut off the judge’s monologue to ask one question: “I was wondering if we can set prelim and come back in a couple of weeks.”

The judge was stunned. Taken aback for a moment, it took Bessey a minute to compose himself.

Coldly, Bessey finally stated, “On the record, you don’t just interrupt.”

The attorney lowered her head for a moment, muttering, “My apologies.”

The tense courtroom awkwardly was quiet for a few more moments.

After the brief pause. Bessey continued his prior monologue, and the matter was eventually set for a later preliminary hearing on June 25.

The five-minute discussion of the man’s case was temporarily concluded….and the defense attorney quietly left the courtroom.


  • Nora Dahl

    Nora Dahl is a second year History of Public Policy and Law major, and English minor, at UC Santa Barbara. She enjoys writing, advocating for social justice, and pyschology. Nora speaks fluent Norwegian and English. She plans to graduate Spring 2024, and hopes to attend law school.

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