Davis Joins Global Climate Strike to End Fossil Fuels

Yesterday, September 15, Davis joined groups across the world in the Global Climate Strike.

After grabbing signs and getting ready, the defiant group of all ages slowly marched down 14th Street, leading chants to alert the Davis public of the climate emergency.

At Central Park, some of the youth activists gave speeches, and held a die-in, where the audience helped embody the severity of our future, and the hopes they have for a better one.

The strikers then painted a mural on the sidewalk, to engrave the message “END FOSSIL FUELS” into the public eye.

Nico Novick, in their speech today, said, “…Climate doomism, or the belief that everything is fundamentally hopeless, wastes time, it is giving up without trying, and we must try. We must have hope!”

More information at https://sites.google.com/view/fridaysforfuturedavis/home?authuser=0



Environment Breaking News City of Davis Letters and Brief Announcements

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