Guest Commentary: Stop Murdering Our Sisters

We have people in America who have labeled some human beings as “angry Black women.”  Well, today as I speak up and speak out about the SENSELESS, HEARTLESS, AND BRUTAL killing of Sonya Massey, I want the world to know that I am an angry Black man!  I am angry at a system that continues to devalue the lives of women.

I’m angry because some police in America – not all – but some are using the law as a charter for male oppression and misogynism.  Police officer Sean Grayson did not have to murder Sonya.  Instead of embracing domination and control as he did, he could have embraced de-escalation, a soft answer, and he could have acknowledged Sonya Massey’s humanity.

What would have been wrong with retreating out the door instead of escalating the violence?  Why does this keep happening?

I don’t know if Donald J. Trump will make it a priority in his administration – if he’s elected — to protect women of color from rogue police, but I do know for a fact deep inside my being that Kamala Harris will not remain idle or silent on this topic and it will be a priority in her administration – if she’s elected.

Kamala Harris calls Sonya Massey’s family

Some may say, “Oh, here you go being political again, Malik.” and I say, “You’re god damned right.  It’s time for millions more men and women to become collectively political not just on this subject, but many others.”



Breaking News Everyday Injustice Opinion


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