We have people in America who have labeled some human beings as “angry Black women.” Well, today as I speak up and speak out about the SENSELESS, HEARTLESS, AND BRUTAL killing of Sonya Massey, I want the world to know that I am an angry Black man! I am angry at a system that continues to devalue the lives of women.
I’m angry because some police in America – not all – but some are using the law as a charter for male oppression and misogynism. Police officer Sean Grayson did not have to murder Sonya. Instead of embracing domination and control as he did, he could have embraced de-escalation, a soft answer, and he could have acknowledged Sonya Massey’s humanity.
What would have been wrong with retreating out the door instead of escalating the violence? Why does this keep happening?
I don’t know if Donald J. Trump will make it a priority in his administration – if he’s elected — to protect women of color from rogue police, but I do know for a fact deep inside my being that Kamala Harris will not remain idle or silent on this topic and it will be a priority in her administration – if she’s elected.
Kamala Harris calls Sonya Massey’s family
Some may say, “Oh, here you go being political again, Malik.” and I say, “You’re god damned right. It’s time for millions more men and women to become collectively political not just on this subject, but many others.”
In fact Trump wants to give law enforcement immunity from prosecution. It would be a license for the police to kill, oppress and break the law with impunity. It would allow the murderer of Sonya Massey to get off scott free. No one should be granted any kind of immunity without careful consideration. This is another terrible policy idea from Trump.
Police are already afforded qualified immunity. Most cities and counties already cover legal costs and damages of their officers. Trump’s proposal is highly deceptive.
“Trump Wants Police To Be Above the Law
Donald Trump pledged to give cops “immunity from prosecution.” The idea is both legally illiterate and dangerous.”
Walter, we appreciate your comment. I don’t think that former Officer Grayson will be getting off scot-free with the murder of Sonya Massey. But you raise a valid point about qualified immunity. I see the abuse of discretion numerous times in lawsuits filed by incarcerated people and even citizens in free society who are victims of rogue police officers using their badge as a license to mame and kill. Soon we will be releasing an article about Project 2025. In my opinion, providing the police with more power may be one of the hidden agendas of Project 2025. If you haven’t studied the document, you might want to give it a review. Don’t lose faith; your vote counts. What bothers me about the Sonya Massey case, is it falls to a broader pattern of misogynism which seems to be overtaking society. Donald Trump’s silence on topics such as this leads me to further believe that he approves of abhorrent behavior. Malik Washington