Letter: Former Assemblymember Mariko Yamada Supports Lea Darrah, Dillan Horton, Measures Q and T

Mariko Yamada
Mariko Yamada

Disclaimer: Opinions are those of the writer and do not reflect those of The Vanguard or its Editorial Staff.  The Vanguard does not endorse political candidates and is committed to publishing all public opinions and maintaining an open forum subject to guidelines related to decency and tone, not content.

Davis School Board Area 2 voters are fortunate with incumbent Lea Darrah running for re-election. Her long track record with Davis schools, beginning as a school site leader at both elementary and secondary school levels, and her service at the CA State PTA, distinguish her as the most qualified and connected choice.

Davis City Council, District 2, has a stand-out candidate in Dillan Horton. From his student government days in southern California and at UC Davis, post-graduation service for Congressman John Garamendi, non-profit work with the disability community and foster youth, Dillan has been a consistent voice for equity for the most vulnerable. His courage and integrity as member and Chair of the Davis Police Accountability Commission led to significant reforms to city law enforcement practices following nationwide reckoning in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder.
Also, as a renter and black gay man, Dillan brings lived experience and missing perspective to the table.

Two local measures also deserve our support. Measure Q is a 1% city sales tax increase to sustain services which Davis residents have come to expect. Measure T – Yes for Davis Libraries asks Davis residents for the first time in 17 years to pay an additional $49-a-year ($24.50-per year per unit for multi-family parcels) to support operations at Mary L. Stephens Library and the new fully-funded Walnut Park Library slated to break ground in south Davis later this year. Please Vote YES for Measures Q and T —to help preserve Davis’ “QualiTy of life”!

Mariko Yamada



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