RJI’s statement: the Rise of the Far Right & the U.S. Presidential Election

Statement by Restorative Justice International

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When democracies are threatened worldwide it is important for those committed to peace, justice and dialogue to take a stand. Restorative Justice International (RJI) takes that stand today.

The rise of the far right has darkened the path of democracies globally. Among the world’s 193 nations, some 22 nations* have either currently elected a far right, populist leader, or have done so in recent years, or are increasingly open to the views of the far right.  The U.S. election for the presidency with former President Trump running as the Republican nominee is certainly of grave concern to RJI, particularly since his world views have emboldened politicians globally. By electing such politicians, communities suffer by dividing people and causing discord. It is important that far right, populist politicians never become “normalized” in any civilized society.

Increasingly global populist leaders are targeting and demonizing immigrants while often blaming them for crime and violence that they did not commit. RJI condemns those who use hateful rhetoric which blame others for violence and crime they did not cause. We stand by those victims of this hateful rhetoric. The truth is the first victim of the far right’s political vision.

Because democratic nations are critical to the administration of justice, RJI calls for nations to embrace leaders who are committed to democratic values including truth and restorative justice. Restorative justice that is victims-centered brings healing to communities while holding offenders accountable after violence or crime. The foundation of restorative justice is truth, and truth telling. Truthful dialogue between people is required when working to bring peace and stability to all nations, first starting in communities.

Restorative Justice International (RJI) is an association and network of over 7200 members and Affiliates with a robust 19-member Global Advisory Council. RJI is committed to victims-driven restorative justice, systemic justice reform, and human rights.  GAC team: https://www.restorativejusticeinternational.com/gac-team/



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1 comment

  1. Since 1996 the whole truth and nothing but the truth has been in short supply with the far right due largely to the rise of Donald Trump. They lie, deceive, deny, deflect and project.

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