Letter: Those Loyal to the Democratic Party Deserve Answers, Not Excuses External

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Many have commented on my quest to find out why no Democratic member of Congress has invoked the 14th Amendment, Section Three with: 1) the insurrection on January 6th, 2021, didn’t happen, 2) the J6 Hearings never proved that Trump was an insurrectionist, 3) and my favorite: just a few bad actors caused some trouble.

Tell that to the 140-plus police officers who ended up in hospitals because of MAGA maniacs’ “legitimate political discourse.” Tell that to the custodians who had to clean up the insurrectionists’ poop and pee in the halls and on the walls. Tell that to us, the taxpayers, for the millions of dollars spent to repair the Capitol Building. Tell that to the FBI, who arrested well over a thousand who bear-sprayed police officers, beat them with rods, tasered them, etc. Tell that to Trump’s staff, Kevin McCarthy, and Trump’s daughter, who all begged him to call off his rabid mob.

The commander-in-chief of the most potent military on the planet could have shut that riot down in a heartbeat. Instead, he watched the chaos unfold on TV for three hours.

William Duncan, a field representative for Congressional Representative Thompson, said he didn’t know why members of Congress haven’t invoked the 14th Amendment, Section Three. All I’ve gotten from Representative Thompson and his staff is “I don’t know” and “the people have spoken.” Those loyal to the Democratic Party deserve answers, not excuses.



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    1. What are you afraid of, Keith? That a member or members of Congress might do their duty and follow the Constitution and invoke the 14th Amendment, Section Three because we had a whole lot of people trying to tear down our government? The Constitution does three things: it establishes a government, maps out how that government is to be run, and puts forth ideas to safeguard that government. One thing is for sure: it won’t be a Republican invoking the 14th Amendment because they are all gutless anarchists. One hundred forty-seven of those idiots didn’t even have the Constitutional insight, gumption, or testicles to do the right thing in 2021 — to acknowledge they had been beaten. This year, guess what? The electoral college votes were counted and accepted in thirty minutes. That’s because we didn’t have a numbskull in charge who is the world’s sorest loser — Trump. And yes, I will write about the 14th Amendment, Section Three, because it is my First Amendment right under the not-yet-suspended Constitution. I raised my right hand and gave my oath to support and defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

      1. I’m not afraid of anything because Trump will never be ousted out of office by the 14th Amendment. Write as many articles as you want, each day if it pleases you or somehow makes you feel better about what inevitably is going to take place on Monday where Trump will be inaugurated and be YOUR next President for the next four long years.

        1. Follow a mere man, and you will lose your way, be sacrificed for his whims, and be betrayed; follow a moral code, and you will not lose your way but will lead a good life and no mortal can fool you. Plutarch

          1. Honestly, for me it’s more about getting rid of democrat policies that I feel have been hurting our country than it is about Trump. I was more about not wanting Harris/Walz than I was a vote for Trump. Next time run a better candidate, Harris was a joke.

          2. “Honestly, for me it’s more about getting rid of democrat policies that I feel have been hurting our country than it is about Trump. I was more about not wanting Harris/Walz than I was a vote for Trump. Next time run a better candidate, Harris was a joke.”

            Oh really Keith. If it’s only about eliminating liberal policies why did you do the following? Why do you always defend Trump? Why do use MAGA cult language? Harris wasn’t a joke. More voters believed Trump’s lies. They will find out the hard way they have enabled Trump and his sychophants to do whatever they please. Trump and his confidants have already backed away from some of Trump’s key campaign promises. His cabinet nominees are getting dismantled in their Senate confirmation hearings, particularly Pam Bondi. She is not even a good denier and liar.

          3. ” His cabinet nominees are getting dismantled in their Senate confirmation hearings, particularly Pam Bondi. ”

            Where are you getting your info, Rachel Maddow? The democrats have mostly looked like fools with their questions and actions during the hearings while Trump’s nominees have stood tall.

            “Why do use MAGA cult language? ”

            Please tell us Walter, what is MAGA cult language since you’re such an expert?

    1. Follow a mere man, and you will lose your way, be sacrificed for his whims, and be betrayed; follow a moral code, and you will not lose your way but will lead a good life, and no mortal can fool you. Plutarch

      I’ll add Jesus because this is the ethic of leading a moral life, a life of empathy instead of hate and petty jealousy, a life of grabbing women by the PUSS!@$ because you own the beauty pageant, multiple sexual assaults, being a felon, leading the MAGA morons to turn on police — who sustained 140 some serious injuries, and the Capitol Building being $#!t and p!$$ed on and doing nothing for three hours but watch your lies work their mayhem, etc. The list is endless.

  1. And your idiot will replace him. Oh, the MAGA mob has its golden idol. That gold-like statue of Trump is not a golden calf but a tribute to the world’s most bloated ego on the planet. Bow down, all you MAGA morons; your demigod beckons you to forget all his promises and instead think about how horrible whatever Fox is saying about science or Democrats or climate change. Look over here. Not over there. Suspend the Constitution. Suspend logic. Suspend truth. Trump had the biggest inauguration crowd in the world, according to alternative facts. Suspend the truth. Trump and his cronies will give you an alternative truth. Trump will guide you in the alternative MAGA way, truth, and life. Look over here while Trump provides the super-rich with more tax breaks, pumps up our deficit and our debt, and lets the mega-rich pay below a liveable wage, while gutting Social Security, Medicare, and Veterans’ Benefits. Look over here. Not over there.

    1. Get your popcorn ready for Monday’s big event, I know you’re excited.

      It’s being called the greatest political comeback of all time.

      Hospitals are on notice for a big influx of cases of advanced TDS.

  2. Who’s running the country? Biden has no idea what he’s signing, they just lay a bunch of documents in front of him and he signs them. I’ve said this for years but now it’s all coming out. What unelected officials are making the decisions?

    “The leading House Republican sat down with The Free Press in D.C. where he claimed Biden was cognitively impaired and had not been running the country for “some time,” and he believed the president was simply signing what others were putting in front of him.”

    “You know, and he looks at me stunned with this – and he said, I didn’t do that. I said, Mr. President, yes, you did. It was an executive order like three weeks ago. And he goes, no, I didn’t do that. He’s arguing with me. I said, Mr. President, respectfully, I could I go out here and ask your secretary to print it out? We’ll read it together. You definitely did that. And he goes, you talk about natural gas. Yes, sir. He said, No, no, I have to. You misunderstand, he said, What I did is I signed this thing. We’re going to conduct a study on the effects of LNG.

    I said, No, you’re not, sir, you paused it. I know I have the terminal, the export terminals in my state. I talked to those people this morning. This is doing massive damage to our economy, national security. It occurred to me Bari, he was not lying to me. He genuinely did not know what he had signed. And I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, “We’re in serious trouble. Who is running the country?” Like, I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.”



  3. Ah, the all-knowing MAGA man knows what goes on in the Oval Office. Please tell us more when the Orange Menage returns for his debut in the bask of the sun-gloriousness of all his favorite Foxy Friends, who know one thing and one thing only: how to butt-kiss and boot-lick the glorious leaders wanting, yearning orangey, bronzy parts.

    1. One day closer, tune your TV in tomorrow for the glorious day.

      Maybe Trump haters can watch it on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow commentary on in the background.

      That might soften the blow a little for all those with TDS.

    2. This is the BIG DAY!

      We can all say it now, PRESIDENT TRUMP.

      I was hoping to wake up this morning to another invoke the 14th Amendment article but instead I woke up to seeing that Biden issued pardons to the highly biased Jan 6 Committee even though they haven’t been convicted of any crimes. What are they afraid of if they didn’t commit any crimes?

      1. It’s a legal catch 22. If the rule of law holds, they need to worry about a pardon. If the rule of law doesn’t hold, then a pardon does no good anyway.

        1. It’s my understanding that this takes away their right to invoke the 5th in future investigations. It might actually lead to a better chance of getting down to the truth as they can still be prosecuted for lying under oath in hearings. For instance, did they willingly destroy or delete Jan 6 Committee material which is against the law? This by no means ends it.

          1. No one seems to be thinking clearly at this point.

            Obviously you can’t claim the 5th if you have no criminal liability, but then again, why would they need to plead the fifth if they don’t have any criminal liability.

          2. But they now have to answer hearing questions honestly and won’t be able to hide behind the 5th because if they lie they can go to jail for perjury.

          3. You can’t hide behind the fifth anyway – it’s a myth. It only protects from self-incrimination. If you want someone to testify, you offer them criminal immunity. It happens all the time.

    1. Imagine that, Biden waited until the last few minutes of his Presidency to pardon his family. How creepy is that?
      I’m surprised he didn’t pardon himself too.

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