SACRAMENTO, CA – Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento has announced it will join Habitat organizations worldwide Friday, Jan. 10 “in paying tribute to the late President Jimmy Carter, whose extraordinary efforts over more than four decades opened doors to brighter futures for thousands of Habitat homeowners.”
A memorial event will be held at 9 a.m. at Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento’s Headquarters and ReStore, located at 819 N. 10th Street, Sacramento, said the local Habitat for Humanity.
The group explained a “commemorative memorial structure, symbolically crafted with doors and walls, will be available for signing. This unique tribute reflects the ‘doors opened’ and ‘walls raised’ during President Carter’s lifetime of service, especially through his work with Habitat for Humanity.”
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento added, “Inspiring millions over the last three decades, President and Mrs. Carter have worked alongside more than 108,000 volunteers across the U.S. and in 14 countries to build, renovate and repair 4,447 homes. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat has served more than 62 million people around the world.”
The “tribute” will remain on display at the ReStore through Jan. 18. Following the event, the signed 2x4s will, the group added, “become a lasting part of history, as they are integrated into the 10-home Habitat for Humanity community currently under development in historic Folsom.”
Leah Miller, President & CEO of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento, said, “President Carter’s unwavering dedication to Habitat for Humanity has left an indelible mark on our mission here in the region and across the globe.
“His hands-on commitment inspired countless volunteers and families, transforming lives and communities. We are deeply grateful for his legacy and extend our heartfelt condolences to the Carter family during this time.”
The public can go to habitatgreatersac.org to view Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento’s tribute to President Carter and sign the official online memory book.
I wanted to mention this here – we had to scramble a bit on articles today. In part because we have a number of interns that are based in LA. Several were scheduled to go to court yesterday but cancelled due to the fire. Sadly, one had her home burn down.