SAN FRANCISCO – San Francisco Supervisor Fielder’s resolution— “Reaffirming San Francisco’s Commitment to the Sanctuary City Ordinance” —was unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors Melgar, Walton, Chan, Chen, Mandelman, Engardio, Sauter, Mahmood, Sherrill, and Dorsey all co-sponsored the measure, demonstrating unanimous support reaffirming the City’s Sanctuary Ordinance that has been in effect for 35 years.
“Factions in this country and this city want to see us go back on our promise to immigrant families that San Francisco is a place where they can provide a better future for their kids. This resolution affirms that our City is not going back, and that we stand by our immigrant communities no matter who is President,” said Supervisor Fielder.
“San Francisco has been a Sanctuary City since 1989, when it enacted San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12H ‘Sanctuary Ordinance,’ in response to attacks on Central American immigrants under the Reagan Administration. We proudly recognize that this was the first such ordinance in the country, and, since then, hundreds of cities have adopted their own sanctuary ordinances, often modeled after ours.”
In the first week of the new federal administration, there have been incidents of increased enforcement, causing a ripple of fear in the community. Today’s action by the Board of Supervisors, and the press conference with City leaders earlier in the day in which the Mayor, Supervisors, SFPD, SFUSD Superintendent, labor leaders and community advocates, all showed a strong signal of unity, reaffirming the City’s commitment to support immigrant families.
To avoid panic in the community, Supervisor Fielder and community advocates call on the community to reach out to the Rapid Response Hotline (415) 200-1548, to ensure any information circulating in the public is verified, and to seek legal counsel should there be a detention. For legal help and other resources go to: immigrants.sf.gov