Commentary: The Erosion of Checks and Balances

As we navigate the turbulent waters of American politics, the specter of unchecked executive power looms large. President Donald Trump, renowned for his audacious disregard for established norms during his first term, appears to have doubled down on this approach in his second term. This bold defiance of legal limits raises critical questions about the preservation of democratic principles and the rule of law in the United States.

In his first term, Trump’s willingness to sidestep conventional norms and stretch the boundaries of executive power was evident. However, his second term has seen these tendencies escalate into a full-blown assault on the legal constraints that underpin the American political system. From nullifying laws to arbitrarily firing officials, Trump’s actions have sparked a wave of lawsuits challenging his administration’s overreach.

One of the most glaring examples of this power grab is Trump’s attempt to dismantle the U.S. Agency for International Development (U.S.A.I.D.) and fold its functions into the State Department. This move not only circumvents Congress’s authority to structure the executive branch but also undermines the legislative intent that U.S.A.I.D. should exist as an independent establishment. By dismissing the need for congressional approval, Trump is setting a dangerous precedent that erodes the separation of powers enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

Moreover, Trump’s disregard for legal procedures is evident in his summary firing of inspectors general and board members of independent agencies. These dismissals defy statutes designed to protect against arbitrary removal, threatening the independence of agencies like the National Labor Relations Board and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Such actions not only hobble these agencies but also test the limits of the unitary executive theory, which posits that the president should have absolute control over the executive branch.

The Trump administration’s approach to governance appears to be guided by a philosophy of doing whatever it wants despite legal impediments, then fighting in court if necessary. This strategy is exemplified by Trump’s directive to the Justice Department to refrain from enforcing a ban on TikTok, despite a Supreme Court ruling upholding the law. Such actions challenge the foundational principle that no one is above the law, including the president.

Adding to the complexity of this power dynamic is the involvement of Elon Musk, who has been designated as a “special government employee” to exercise executive power at Trump’s behest. Musk’s actions, including accessing sensitive government systems and shutting down U.S.A.I.D.’s headquarters, have raised concerns about the legality and ethical implications of outsourcing executive functions to private individuals with potential conflicts of interest.

The erosion of checks and balances is further exacerbated by the meek response from congressional Republicans. Despite Trump’s blatant disregard for legal norms, there has been little pushback from his party, which controls Congress. This lack of resistance is troubling, as it suggests a willingness to cede legislative power to the executive branch, undermining the constitutional framework designed to prevent such concentration of power.

The historical context provides a sobering reminder of the dangers of unchecked executive power. In 1952, the Supreme Court struck down President Harry S. Truman’s attempt to seize steel mills, emphasizing that Congress has tools to resist presidential overreach. However, the court also acknowledged that these tools are ineffective if lawmakers lack the political will to use them. Today, that warning rings truer than ever.

As we reflect on these developments, it is crucial to consider the long-term implications for American democracy. The concentration of power in the executive branch threatens to undermine the system of checks and balances that has safeguarded the nation’s democratic institutions for over two centuries. If left unchecked, this trend could erode public trust in government and weaken the very foundations of the republic.

The escalating power grab by Trump in his second term highlights the urgent need for vigilance in preserving the rule of law and democratic principles. It is incumbent upon lawmakers, regardless of party affiliation, to uphold their constitutional duties and act as a check on executive overreach. Failure to do so risks allowing power to slip through their fingers, as Justice Robert Jackson warned, and jeopardizes the democratic ideals that define the United States.



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  1. I don’t recall any Vanguard articles that complained when Biden (or whoever was pulling his strings) signed loads of Executive Orders and implemented rulings like student loan forgiveness even though SCOTUS ruled against him.

  2. Federal judge has found that the administration is in violation of his temporary restraining order.

    “The Defendants issued a broad, categorical, all-encompassing directive freezing federal funding. The plain language of the TRO entered in this case prohibits all categorical pauses or freezes in obligations or disbursements based on the OMB Directive or based on the President’s 2025 Executive Orders. The Defendants received notice of the TRO, the Order is clear and unambiguous, and there are no impediments to the Defendants’ compliance with the Order.

    The States have presented evidence in this motion that the Defendants in some cases have continued to improperly freeze federal funds and refused to resume disbursement of appropriated federal funds.

    The Defendants now plea that they are just trying to root out fraud. See ECF No. 70. But the freezes in effect now were a result of the broad categorical order, not a specific finding of possible fraud. The broad categorical and sweeping freeze of federal funds is, as the Court found, likely unconstitutional and has caused and continues to cause irreparable harm to a vast portion of this country. These pauses in funding violate the plain text of the TRO.

    In response to the Defendants’ arguments, they can request targeted relief from the TRO from this Court where they can show a specific instance where they are acting in compliance with this Order but otherwise withholding funds due to specific authority.

    Therefore, consistent with the United States Constitution, United States statutes, United States Supreme Court precedent, and the TRO, the Defendants are hereby further ORDERED as follows:
    1. The Defendants must immediately restore frozen funding during the pendency of the TRO until the Court hears and decides the Preliminary Injunction request.
    2. The Defendants must immediately end any federal funding pause during the pendency of the TRO.
    3. The Defendants must immediately take every step necessary to effectuate the TRO, including clearing any administrative, operational, or technical hurdles to implementation.
    4. The Defendants must comply with the plain text of the TRO not to pause any funds based on pronouncements pausing funding incorporated into the OMB Directive, like Section 7(a) of the Unleashing Executive Order, and the OMB Unleashing Guidance. The TRO requirements include any pause or freeze included in the Unleashing Guidance.
    5. The Defendants must immediately restore withheld funds, including those federal funds appropriated in the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Improvement and Jobs Act. The directives in OMB M-25-11 are included in the TRO.
    6. The Defendants must resume the funding of institutes and other agencies of the Defendants (for example the National Institute for Health) that are included in the scope of the Court’s TRO.”

    John J. McConnell, Jr. Chief Judge
    United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island

    Filed 02/10/25

  3. “A federal judge in New Hampshire on Monday blocked President Trump’s executive order seeking to end birthright citizenship, becoming the third judge to do so amid more than half a dozen legal challenges to the president’s directive.
    U.S. District Judge Joseph Laplante said at the end of a brief hearing that he would grant the request for a preliminary injunction sought by New Hampshire Indonesian Community Support, LULAC and Make the Road New York. The three groups filed the first federal lawsuit challenging Mr. Trump’s executive order, which he signed on his first day in office.
    “The plaintiff has made the required showing to get a preliminary injunction,” Laplante, appointed by President George W. Bush, said.”

    “A day after a federal judge in Maryland temporarily blocked President Trump’s executive order seeking to end birthright citizenship from taking effect nationwide, a federal judge in Washington ruled against the president amid a rush of legal challenges to his directive.
    U.S. District Judge John Coughenour said during a court hearing on Thursday that he would issue a preliminary injunction blocking the president’s order that was sought by a group of four Democrat-led states.”
    Judge John Coughenour was appointed by Ronald Reagan.

    1. I think your response (such as it is) ignores an essential truth of the US system of governance.

      The concerns raised about President Trump’s actions in relation to the Constitution, particularly regarding the separation of powers and checks and balances, highlight a critical aspect of American governance. Here’s a structured response to the points raised:

      1. Constitutional Principles
      – Separation of Powers: This principle divides government responsibilities among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches to prevent any one branch from gaining too much power. For instance, Congress (legislative) makes laws, the President (executive) enforces them, and the courts (judicial) interpret them. When one branch oversteps its boundaries, it can undermine this balance.
      – Checks and Balances: This system ensures that each branch has the ability to limit the powers of the others, preventing abuses of power. For example, the President can veto legislation, but Congress can override that veto.

      2. Concerns About Majority Rule
      – The Federalist Papers are essential in understanding the founders’ apprehensions about majority rule. They believed that unchecked majority power could lead to “tyranny of the majority.” This is why they designed the Constitution to protect minority rights and ensure that decisions are made with consideration of all citizens, not just the majority.
      – Example: The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution specifically to protect individual freedoms and minority rights against potential majority rule.

      3. Public Sentiment vs. Constitutional Integrity
      – While it’s true that public opinion can influence governance (as Keith suggests, “the people want it”), it’s crucial to remember that the Constitution was designed to protect against fleeting popular sentiments that could lead to hasty or oppressive decisions.
      – Example: Decisions such as the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II were supported by a majority at the time but were later recognized as violations of constitutional rights. This illustrates the need for a framework that transcends momentary public opinion.

      4. Historical Context
      – The founders were deeply influenced by historical examples where majority rule led to oppression. They sought to create a system that would endure beyond the whims of popular opinion, ensuring stability and justice.
      – Example: Ancient Rome and its transition from a republic to an empire highlight the risks of unchecked majority power, which the framers wanted to avoid.

      – The tension between public desire and constitutional protections is ongoing in American governance. It is essential to uphold the principles laid out by the founders to maintain a balanced and fair government. Engaging in discussions about these principles can foster a deeper understanding of their importance in contemporary politics.

      By emphasizing the need for checks on majority rule and the importance of constitutional protections, we can better navigate the complexities of governance in a democratic society.

      1. “By emphasizing the need for checks on majority rule and the importance of constitutional protections, we can better navigate the complexities of governance in a democratic society.”

        But isn’t that exactly what is happening? I learned almost a decade ago to not take anything Trump does literally. But he does have reason for each thing he does. Of course the Birthright got shot down, but how many Americans didn’t even think much about it until he declared an unconstitutional executive order and started a discussion/meltdown. He’s doing this all over. Trump is the anecdote to ‘politics as usual’. He’s not about saying what he means. He says what he wants in order to get what he wants, and y’all are taking his words too literally, AGAIN.

        1. Correct Alan. Trump has all of his haters wrapped around his finger as he plays them like a fiddle. He puts stuff out there then sits back and watches the TDS unfold.

          1. So is this an example of Trump being clever. Let’s take the birthright citizenship issue since it’s a clear example that will be difficult for you to dispute.

            It depends on how you define “clever.” If the goal is to actually change birthright citizenship, then no—writing an executive order that is almost certain to be struck down doesn’t achieve that. However, if the goal is more political than legal, then you could argue that Trump is being strategically clever.

            Why It’s Not Legally Clever
            • Birthright citizenship is enshrined in the 14th Amendment (“All persons born or naturalized in the United States… are citizens of the United States”).
            • Supreme Court precedent (United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 1898) reaffirmed that children born on U.S. soil, regardless of their parents’ status, are citizens.
            • An executive order cannot override the Constitution—only a constitutional amendment or a new Supreme Court ruling could change this doctrine.

            So, if the goal is a serious legal challenge, an executive order on this issue is highly unlikely to succeed.

            Why It Might Be Politically Clever
            • Forces a legal battle: Even if doomed, litigation draws attention to the issue and makes it appear that Trump is “fighting” for his base, while opponents are “defending” birthright citizenship.
            • Energizes supporters: Many Trump voters believe birthright citizenship is being abused (e.g., by “birth tourism”), and taking action—even symbolic—reinforces his commitment to hardline immigration policies.
            • Shifts the Overton Window: By repeatedly challenging established norms, Trump normalizes once-fringe positions. Even if he loses in court, the debate gets mainstream attention, potentially laying groundwork for future policy changes.

            So, Is It Clever?

            If the metric is legal success, no—it’s a losing battle. But if the goal is shaping public opinion, rallying the base, and keeping immigration in the headlines, then it’s at least tactically clever. The real question is whether this kind of legal brinkmanship builds long-term momentum or just results in another performative political stunt.

  4. “A judge ordered federal health agencies Tuesday to restore online datasets taken down after President Trump issued an executive order prohibiting the government from promoting “gender ideology.”
    U.S. District Judge John Bates agreed to issue the temporary order in favor of Doctors for America (DFA), a left-leaning physicians advocacy group that sued by claiming the scrubbing violated federal law.
    After holding a hearing Monday, the judge agreed it likely violated a provision requiring agencies to provide adequate notice before terminating significant information products.
    “This opinion has documented the harm DFA members have suffered and will continue to suffer absent intervention, but the harm extends beyond them,” Bates, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, wrote in his ruling.”

    Reported at The Hill:

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