5th Senate District Race: War of Words

We have spent a lot of time in the last few days on the national race, something that is rarely done on the Vanguard, a blog that focuses almost exclusively on local issues. In fact, I have probably covered more national issues in the last few weeks than in the previous two years combined.

I have still not heard a coherent, fact based defense for Sarah Palin.

The other race that we are following closely is the race for the 5th Senate District that goes from Stockton to Yolo and Solano Counties. This is a tough race to evaluate. Greg Aghazarian at last reporting had a strong money advantage. However, it is a strongly Democratic year and a district with a 15-point partisan advantage for the Democrats in registration.

So Assemblyman Aghazarian who has a fairly conservative voting record is trying to run as a non-partisan.

He just released his second ad that features his calling for a non-partisan legislature. Again, as we argued earlier in the week, this is simply disengenuous.

The ad features Aghazarian’s three sons playing a game called “Legislature.”

One son says:

“It’s all about me! It’s all about me!”

The other puts his fingers in his ears and says:

“I can’t hear you…”

“Talk to the hand.”

This game, according to Aghazarian who appears on the ad, represents how the legislature operates. He calls for legislators to be elected on a non-partisan basis.

“Our current system of electing legislators by party has created gridlock, with party bosses more interested in preserving their power than solving problems.”

Lois Wolk was on the UC Davis campus on Thursday at a College Democrats rally. She attacked her opponent for not acknowledging that he is a Republican.

“I am running in the Senate, as you’ve heard, against someone who won’t even mention the fact that he’s a Republican. He won’t mention his party. He’s not proud he’s a Republican. He never mentions it and I understand why. In the Assembly, the Republicans and my opponent have opposed some very interesting bills.

They have opposed the successful effort to ban lead from children’s candy. Think about that for a minute. The Governor, a Republican, signed that bill.

They have opposed cleaning up the polluted air in the valley. One in four children takes an inhaler to school. Think about that.

They have opposed most recently the effort to clean up the shoddy mortgage broker practices that have been occurring in this state. Think about that in a Senate district that is probably number one in terms of foreclosures.

They and my opponent have opposed flood protection for homeowners in the Central Valley–an area that floods all too commonly.

And they voted against protecting seniors from those whose caregivers would steal their money.

That’s why Republicans are running away from being Republicans.”

The Wolk campaign for their part has focused a negative ad on the issue of collecting per diem payments for travel as a legislator despite only living 40 miles from Sacramento. Frankly, though the ad focuses on one of Aghazarian’s goals of fiscal responsibility it is not clear why they would choose this above other issues. Indeed, her speech on Thursday would seem to be a far better mode of attack.

Politicker reported on Thursday that the Assemblywoman is paying more for her television commercials in order to avoid a requirement that commercials must feature the face of the candidate who pays for them.

The Politicker explains that campaign commercials are normally charged a lesser rate than other types of ads–as much as 20 to 50 percent lower depending on the policies of the TV station. However, in order to qualify for that lower rate, the candidate’s face must appear in the commercial at some point.

The Aghazarian campaign is seizing on this issue. Kevin Spillane, a spokesman for Aghazarian’s campaign, said:

“Obviously, her campaign doesn’t want to associate her with negative attack, cookie-cutter ads… She’s obviously embarrassed about the ads.”

He estimates that the Wolk campaign is spending thousands of dollars more for the ad in order to avoid the requirement, a notion that he suggests is “unheard of to me.”

The ad in question was featured on Tuesday on page A3 of the Sacramento Bee as part of its “Ad Watch” segment.

The Bee’s analysis does point out that only one senator (Sacramento-based Darrell Steinberg) and three Assemblymembers, all of them Sacramento-area members, do not take the payments, including Wolk herself.

The ad is an attempt by Wolk to portray Aghazarian as a hypocrite for taking travel money when he commutes to work.

While per diem may have been designed for legislators who travel long distances, all are entitled to augment their $116,208 annual salary with about $35,000 a year for living expenses while on legislative business in Sacramento. That includes weekends, as long the Legislature is not in recess for more than three consecutive days.

The overwhelming majority of state lawmakers claim the tax-free money. Only one senator, Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, does not accept per diem year round. In the Assembly, Wolk is among three Sacramento-area members who do not take the payments. She commutes from her home in Davis.

The 5th District seat is one of the few competitive legislative races. Sen. Mike Machado, D-Linden, won with less than 53 percent of the vote in both of his elections. Holding the seat would further the Democrats’ goal of a two-thirds supermajority in the Senate and allow them to pass a budget without Republican votes.

The question that is unanswered is whether this is really an ad that is going to hold sway over voters during a time of a perilous economy, huge cuts to education, fees raised for college students, and a whole host of other issues facing the state legislature. Why focus on this issue? Again, I think her speech got much more to the heart of the matter.

This week, Lois Wolk came out as a supporter of Proposition 11, the proposition that calls for redistricting reform. Campaign spokespeople did not respond to an email from the Vanguard asking for comment.

So where does this race stand? This is a question that many people throughout the district are asking. With no known polls out it is difficult to assess. Some in San Joaquin County have suggested that her profile there is not very high. Certainly the ad wars have not sufficiently heated up as of yet. There seems to be a level of nervousness being aired privately in some circles, but the fact remains that in a district with a 15 percent partisan advantage favoring the Democrats, in a Democratic year, it seems difficult to conceive of a scenario short of some huge revelation where Wolk would not easily win this race.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. It’s odd that Wolk would use the per diem issue since Ose tried to use it against McClintock and failed. Maybe her campaign feels that it undercuts her opponents steadfast opposition to tax increases holding the budget hostage for 3 months.

  2. It’s odd that Wolk would use the per diem issue since Ose tried to use it against McClintock and failed. Maybe her campaign feels that it undercuts her opponents steadfast opposition to tax increases holding the budget hostage for 3 months.

  3. It’s odd that Wolk would use the per diem issue since Ose tried to use it against McClintock and failed. Maybe her campaign feels that it undercuts her opponents steadfast opposition to tax increases holding the budget hostage for 3 months.

  4. It’s odd that Wolk would use the per diem issue since Ose tried to use it against McClintock and failed. Maybe her campaign feels that it undercuts her opponents steadfast opposition to tax increases holding the budget hostage for 3 months.

  5. Aghazarian is typical anti-government Republican. Doesn’t support cost of living increases for poor and elderly on fixed incomes, but has no problem pocketing government cash for himself for expenses he never incurred. It’s a good point for Wolk to make and shows a difference in their basic values. She could have taken the money too and said “the other guys do it,” but she didn’t. I respect that and I bet the voters will too.

    Having said that, I like her other TV spot better. The one that talks about getting important bills signed into law. Aghazarian hasn’t done squat. She wins both arguments: values and effectiveness.

  6. Aghazarian is typical anti-government Republican. Doesn’t support cost of living increases for poor and elderly on fixed incomes, but has no problem pocketing government cash for himself for expenses he never incurred. It’s a good point for Wolk to make and shows a difference in their basic values. She could have taken the money too and said “the other guys do it,” but she didn’t. I respect that and I bet the voters will too.

    Having said that, I like her other TV spot better. The one that talks about getting important bills signed into law. Aghazarian hasn’t done squat. She wins both arguments: values and effectiveness.

  7. Aghazarian is typical anti-government Republican. Doesn’t support cost of living increases for poor and elderly on fixed incomes, but has no problem pocketing government cash for himself for expenses he never incurred. It’s a good point for Wolk to make and shows a difference in their basic values. She could have taken the money too and said “the other guys do it,” but she didn’t. I respect that and I bet the voters will too.

    Having said that, I like her other TV spot better. The one that talks about getting important bills signed into law. Aghazarian hasn’t done squat. She wins both arguments: values and effectiveness.

  8. Aghazarian is typical anti-government Republican. Doesn’t support cost of living increases for poor and elderly on fixed incomes, but has no problem pocketing government cash for himself for expenses he never incurred. It’s a good point for Wolk to make and shows a difference in their basic values. She could have taken the money too and said “the other guys do it,” but she didn’t. I respect that and I bet the voters will too.

    Having said that, I like her other TV spot better. The one that talks about getting important bills signed into law. Aghazarian hasn’t done squat. She wins both arguments: values and effectiveness.

  9. It’s hard to get excited one way or another about an uncompetitive election. Wolk will win by at least 10%, maybe more.


    Not that it means anything at all in terms of who will win or lose, but I just noticed on my ballot that crazy Alan Keyes is running for president on the American Independent ticket. I guess his new party wanted to nominate someone with a proven track record of getting crushed by Barack Obama in an election.


    Another non sequitir: The Republican candidate for Congress in our district is named Zane Starkewolf. Sounds like the nom de plume of a mystery writer…. And speaking of writers, the Green candidate for Congress, Carol Wolman (who had a booth yesterday at the Davis Farmers’ Market) lists her occupation as physician, psychiatrist and writer. In that every psychiatrist is by definition a physician, I assume Dr. Wolman assumes the voters are too stupid on the whole to know that — probably a reasonable assumption.


    Finally, I wonder if Matt Gonzalez, who is running as Ralph Nader’s VP candidate, will harm or help his ticket in Davis, given that Mr. Gonzalez is or has been involved in various controversial lawsuits in our community — some of which have already been thrown out — against The Davis Enterprise, the City of Davis, the Davis Police Department, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office and a number of individuals who live here.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of five local cases that Gonzalez (who is from SF, yet seems to make his living here) is or was involved with: 1) the Buzayan case; 2) the Alunan case; 3) the goat-herder case; 4) the Yolo County Housing Authority case; and 5) something to do with CAROLE*.

    * I don’t recall what happened with that. Does anyone recall if Gonzalez’s charge, that the Davis police violated the civil rights of CAROLE, was resolved?

  10. It’s hard to get excited one way or another about an uncompetitive election. Wolk will win by at least 10%, maybe more.


    Not that it means anything at all in terms of who will win or lose, but I just noticed on my ballot that crazy Alan Keyes is running for president on the American Independent ticket. I guess his new party wanted to nominate someone with a proven track record of getting crushed by Barack Obama in an election.


    Another non sequitir: The Republican candidate for Congress in our district is named Zane Starkewolf. Sounds like the nom de plume of a mystery writer…. And speaking of writers, the Green candidate for Congress, Carol Wolman (who had a booth yesterday at the Davis Farmers’ Market) lists her occupation as physician, psychiatrist and writer. In that every psychiatrist is by definition a physician, I assume Dr. Wolman assumes the voters are too stupid on the whole to know that — probably a reasonable assumption.


    Finally, I wonder if Matt Gonzalez, who is running as Ralph Nader’s VP candidate, will harm or help his ticket in Davis, given that Mr. Gonzalez is or has been involved in various controversial lawsuits in our community — some of which have already been thrown out — against The Davis Enterprise, the City of Davis, the Davis Police Department, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office and a number of individuals who live here.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of five local cases that Gonzalez (who is from SF, yet seems to make his living here) is or was involved with: 1) the Buzayan case; 2) the Alunan case; 3) the goat-herder case; 4) the Yolo County Housing Authority case; and 5) something to do with CAROLE*.

    * I don’t recall what happened with that. Does anyone recall if Gonzalez’s charge, that the Davis police violated the civil rights of CAROLE, was resolved?

  11. It’s hard to get excited one way or another about an uncompetitive election. Wolk will win by at least 10%, maybe more.


    Not that it means anything at all in terms of who will win or lose, but I just noticed on my ballot that crazy Alan Keyes is running for president on the American Independent ticket. I guess his new party wanted to nominate someone with a proven track record of getting crushed by Barack Obama in an election.


    Another non sequitir: The Republican candidate for Congress in our district is named Zane Starkewolf. Sounds like the nom de plume of a mystery writer…. And speaking of writers, the Green candidate for Congress, Carol Wolman (who had a booth yesterday at the Davis Farmers’ Market) lists her occupation as physician, psychiatrist and writer. In that every psychiatrist is by definition a physician, I assume Dr. Wolman assumes the voters are too stupid on the whole to know that — probably a reasonable assumption.


    Finally, I wonder if Matt Gonzalez, who is running as Ralph Nader’s VP candidate, will harm or help his ticket in Davis, given that Mr. Gonzalez is or has been involved in various controversial lawsuits in our community — some of which have already been thrown out — against The Davis Enterprise, the City of Davis, the Davis Police Department, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office and a number of individuals who live here.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of five local cases that Gonzalez (who is from SF, yet seems to make his living here) is or was involved with: 1) the Buzayan case; 2) the Alunan case; 3) the goat-herder case; 4) the Yolo County Housing Authority case; and 5) something to do with CAROLE*.

    * I don’t recall what happened with that. Does anyone recall if Gonzalez’s charge, that the Davis police violated the civil rights of CAROLE, was resolved?

  12. It’s hard to get excited one way or another about an uncompetitive election. Wolk will win by at least 10%, maybe more.


    Not that it means anything at all in terms of who will win or lose, but I just noticed on my ballot that crazy Alan Keyes is running for president on the American Independent ticket. I guess his new party wanted to nominate someone with a proven track record of getting crushed by Barack Obama in an election.


    Another non sequitir: The Republican candidate for Congress in our district is named Zane Starkewolf. Sounds like the nom de plume of a mystery writer…. And speaking of writers, the Green candidate for Congress, Carol Wolman (who had a booth yesterday at the Davis Farmers’ Market) lists her occupation as physician, psychiatrist and writer. In that every psychiatrist is by definition a physician, I assume Dr. Wolman assumes the voters are too stupid on the whole to know that — probably a reasonable assumption.


    Finally, I wonder if Matt Gonzalez, who is running as Ralph Nader’s VP candidate, will harm or help his ticket in Davis, given that Mr. Gonzalez is or has been involved in various controversial lawsuits in our community — some of which have already been thrown out — against The Davis Enterprise, the City of Davis, the Davis Police Department, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office and a number of individuals who live here.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of five local cases that Gonzalez (who is from SF, yet seems to make his living here) is or was involved with: 1) the Buzayan case; 2) the Alunan case; 3) the goat-herder case; 4) the Yolo County Housing Authority case; and 5) something to do with CAROLE*.

    * I don’t recall what happened with that. Does anyone recall if Gonzalez’s charge, that the Davis police violated the civil rights of CAROLE, was resolved?

  13. I still haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for Aghazarian or Wolk. I see some positives and negatives of both candidates and just ask myself which of the two is going to serve constituents and best over the next 8 years.

    I’m taking my time, because I am not happy with the legislature right now and they both happen to be a part of the problem. I guess you could say I’m going to vote for the least worst of the two. It’s too bad that there is a lot of that going on these days, but we’re not given many choices.

  14. I still haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for Aghazarian or Wolk. I see some positives and negatives of both candidates and just ask myself which of the two is going to serve constituents and best over the next 8 years.

    I’m taking my time, because I am not happy with the legislature right now and they both happen to be a part of the problem. I guess you could say I’m going to vote for the least worst of the two. It’s too bad that there is a lot of that going on these days, but we’re not given many choices.

  15. I still haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for Aghazarian or Wolk. I see some positives and negatives of both candidates and just ask myself which of the two is going to serve constituents and best over the next 8 years.

    I’m taking my time, because I am not happy with the legislature right now and they both happen to be a part of the problem. I guess you could say I’m going to vote for the least worst of the two. It’s too bad that there is a lot of that going on these days, but we’re not given many choices.

  16. I still haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for Aghazarian or Wolk. I see some positives and negatives of both candidates and just ask myself which of the two is going to serve constituents and best over the next 8 years.

    I’m taking my time, because I am not happy with the legislature right now and they both happen to be a part of the problem. I guess you could say I’m going to vote for the least worst of the two. It’s too bad that there is a lot of that going on these days, but we’re not given many choices.

  17. Rich Rifkin,
    Speaking of, “Nom De Plume”, what about dpd? Also known as david greenwald but prefers to mock the real DPD by using that “Nom De Plume”. What a loser.
    Speaking of funny names Rich, what about yours? What is CAROLE? Did matt gonzales have something to do with something bogus again?

  18. Rich Rifkin,
    Speaking of, “Nom De Plume”, what about dpd? Also known as david greenwald but prefers to mock the real DPD by using that “Nom De Plume”. What a loser.
    Speaking of funny names Rich, what about yours? What is CAROLE? Did matt gonzales have something to do with something bogus again?

  19. Rich Rifkin,
    Speaking of, “Nom De Plume”, what about dpd? Also known as david greenwald but prefers to mock the real DPD by using that “Nom De Plume”. What a loser.
    Speaking of funny names Rich, what about yours? What is CAROLE? Did matt gonzales have something to do with something bogus again?

  20. Rich Rifkin,
    Speaking of, “Nom De Plume”, what about dpd? Also known as david greenwald but prefers to mock the real DPD by using that “Nom De Plume”. What a loser.
    Speaking of funny names Rich, what about yours? What is CAROLE? Did matt gonzales have something to do with something bogus again?

  21. To The Aboe Anon;

    Matt Gonzales has never done or been involved in anything bogus in his life. The only problem with Matt is that he is dishonest,has an aversion for the truth and pulls the race card when he gets caught. Other than that he is great person.

  22. To The Aboe Anon;

    Matt Gonzales has never done or been involved in anything bogus in his life. The only problem with Matt is that he is dishonest,has an aversion for the truth and pulls the race card when he gets caught. Other than that he is great person.

  23. To The Aboe Anon;

    Matt Gonzales has never done or been involved in anything bogus in his life. The only problem with Matt is that he is dishonest,has an aversion for the truth and pulls the race card when he gets caught. Other than that he is great person.

  24. To The Aboe Anon;

    Matt Gonzales has never done or been involved in anything bogus in his life. The only problem with Matt is that he is dishonest,has an aversion for the truth and pulls the race card when he gets caught. Other than that he is great person.

  25. Matt Gonzalez is an upstanding, intelligent and caring human being. He is against corrupt government and shows it through the work he has done throughout his career and in his law practice. He recently spoke to a group of Green party members and others and I was impressed.

    Regarding Wolk and Agazahrian….the issue at hand…I have not decided who to vote for. Probably a third party candidate since I am not happy with either candidate.
    If some sour grape unknown is upset at him for doing good work and holding people accountable then I have to question that individual’s values.

  26. Matt Gonzalez is an upstanding, intelligent and caring human being. He is against corrupt government and shows it through the work he has done throughout his career and in his law practice. He recently spoke to a group of Green party members and others and I was impressed.

    Regarding Wolk and Agazahrian….the issue at hand…I have not decided who to vote for. Probably a third party candidate since I am not happy with either candidate.
    If some sour grape unknown is upset at him for doing good work and holding people accountable then I have to question that individual’s values.

  27. Matt Gonzalez is an upstanding, intelligent and caring human being. He is against corrupt government and shows it through the work he has done throughout his career and in his law practice. He recently spoke to a group of Green party members and others and I was impressed.

    Regarding Wolk and Agazahrian….the issue at hand…I have not decided who to vote for. Probably a third party candidate since I am not happy with either candidate.
    If some sour grape unknown is upset at him for doing good work and holding people accountable then I have to question that individual’s values.

  28. Matt Gonzalez is an upstanding, intelligent and caring human being. He is against corrupt government and shows it through the work he has done throughout his career and in his law practice. He recently spoke to a group of Green party members and others and I was impressed.

    Regarding Wolk and Agazahrian….the issue at hand…I have not decided who to vote for. Probably a third party candidate since I am not happy with either candidate.
    If some sour grape unknown is upset at him for doing good work and holding people accountable then I have to question that individual’s values.

  29. I don’t see Matt hating Obama. He is stating differences on Policy Issues. He wrote the article in February too. All Presidential candidates and soon to be VP candidates were pointing out weaknesses in each others records.

    I don’t hate Wolk or Agahzarian, but I may not vote for either due to policy issues.

  30. I don’t see Matt hating Obama. He is stating differences on Policy Issues. He wrote the article in February too. All Presidential candidates and soon to be VP candidates were pointing out weaknesses in each others records.

    I don’t hate Wolk or Agahzarian, but I may not vote for either due to policy issues.

  31. I don’t see Matt hating Obama. He is stating differences on Policy Issues. He wrote the article in February too. All Presidential candidates and soon to be VP candidates were pointing out weaknesses in each others records.

    I don’t hate Wolk or Agahzarian, but I may not vote for either due to policy issues.

  32. I don’t see Matt hating Obama. He is stating differences on Policy Issues. He wrote the article in February too. All Presidential candidates and soon to be VP candidates were pointing out weaknesses in each others records.

    I don’t hate Wolk or Agahzarian, but I may not vote for either due to policy issues.

  33. Matt Gonzalez is a good lawyer and decent human being. The turkeys who are cowardly attacking his honesty and professional integrity must be defendants in some of the cases that Matt has kindly agreed to take in the Yolo County area.

    Hey turkeys: use your names.

  34. Matt Gonzalez is a good lawyer and decent human being. The turkeys who are cowardly attacking his honesty and professional integrity must be defendants in some of the cases that Matt has kindly agreed to take in the Yolo County area.

    Hey turkeys: use your names.

  35. Matt Gonzalez is a good lawyer and decent human being. The turkeys who are cowardly attacking his honesty and professional integrity must be defendants in some of the cases that Matt has kindly agreed to take in the Yolo County area.

    Hey turkeys: use your names.

  36. Matt Gonzalez is a good lawyer and decent human being. The turkeys who are cowardly attacking his honesty and professional integrity must be defendants in some of the cases that Matt has kindly agreed to take in the Yolo County area.

    Hey turkeys: use your names.

  37. Wolk has burned so many Dems that I won’t be surprised if many of them either vote for Aghazarian or leave that race blank. That’s where I sit.

    -Burned by Lois

  38. Wolk has burned so many Dems that I won’t be surprised if many of them either vote for Aghazarian or leave that race blank. That’s where I sit.

    -Burned by Lois

  39. Wolk has burned so many Dems that I won’t be surprised if many of them either vote for Aghazarian or leave that race blank. That’s where I sit.

    -Burned by Lois

  40. Wolk has burned so many Dems that I won’t be surprised if many of them either vote for Aghazarian or leave that race blank. That’s where I sit.

    -Burned by Lois

  41. I’ve seen Wolk burn others who have helped her too. She is not the type of elected official we need in office. This is the type of politics we need to move away from.

    I will be voting for Aghazarian. This is the first time that I will be voting for a Republican. As someone said before it’s the least worst of the two evils.

  42. I’ve seen Wolk burn others who have helped her too. She is not the type of elected official we need in office. This is the type of politics we need to move away from.

    I will be voting for Aghazarian. This is the first time that I will be voting for a Republican. As someone said before it’s the least worst of the two evils.

  43. I’ve seen Wolk burn others who have helped her too. She is not the type of elected official we need in office. This is the type of politics we need to move away from.

    I will be voting for Aghazarian. This is the first time that I will be voting for a Republican. As someone said before it’s the least worst of the two evils.

  44. I’ve seen Wolk burn others who have helped her too. She is not the type of elected official we need in office. This is the type of politics we need to move away from.

    I will be voting for Aghazarian. This is the first time that I will be voting for a Republican. As someone said before it’s the least worst of the two evils.

  45. I am supporting Wolk. She’s been a good assembly member for Davis, and her good work will continue in the Senate.

    You folks who are supporting Aghazarian been to Stockton lately to see what he and his Republican buddies have done to those poor people down there? Go take a tour of the horrible sprawl, rundown neighborhoods, and seas of foreclosure signs all across the city. You have a beef with Wolk about some her votes while on the City Council? Let it go. Vote for the future.

  46. I am supporting Wolk. She’s been a good assembly member for Davis, and her good work will continue in the Senate.

    You folks who are supporting Aghazarian been to Stockton lately to see what he and his Republican buddies have done to those poor people down there? Go take a tour of the horrible sprawl, rundown neighborhoods, and seas of foreclosure signs all across the city. You have a beef with Wolk about some her votes while on the City Council? Let it go. Vote for the future.

  47. I am supporting Wolk. She’s been a good assembly member for Davis, and her good work will continue in the Senate.

    You folks who are supporting Aghazarian been to Stockton lately to see what he and his Republican buddies have done to those poor people down there? Go take a tour of the horrible sprawl, rundown neighborhoods, and seas of foreclosure signs all across the city. You have a beef with Wolk about some her votes while on the City Council? Let it go. Vote for the future.

  48. I am supporting Wolk. She’s been a good assembly member for Davis, and her good work will continue in the Senate.

    You folks who are supporting Aghazarian been to Stockton lately to see what he and his Republican buddies have done to those poor people down there? Go take a tour of the horrible sprawl, rundown neighborhoods, and seas of foreclosure signs all across the city. You have a beef with Wolk about some her votes while on the City Council? Let it go. Vote for the future.

  49. Pred Old Timer and Mike –

    Pred Old Timer:

    You have your facts mixed up. Wolk is NOT a slow or no growther. She is what is referred to as a “developer Democrat.” The fact that you think she is a slow or no growther makes me wonder just how closely you follow her political leanings.


    How often do you travel to Stockton? I travel there for business and the city has improved tremendously. Southern Stockton still has a lot of work, but the amount of cleanup and business renovation has helped Stockton.

    They still have a way to go, but they have improved a lot.

    I’m glad you’re voting for Wolk for your own reasons, but I’ve had enough of her, so like some of the others I’m either leaving it blank or voting for another candidate.

  50. Pred Old Timer and Mike –

    Pred Old Timer:

    You have your facts mixed up. Wolk is NOT a slow or no growther. She is what is referred to as a “developer Democrat.” The fact that you think she is a slow or no growther makes me wonder just how closely you follow her political leanings.


    How often do you travel to Stockton? I travel there for business and the city has improved tremendously. Southern Stockton still has a lot of work, but the amount of cleanup and business renovation has helped Stockton.

    They still have a way to go, but they have improved a lot.

    I’m glad you’re voting for Wolk for your own reasons, but I’ve had enough of her, so like some of the others I’m either leaving it blank or voting for another candidate.

  51. Pred Old Timer and Mike –

    Pred Old Timer:

    You have your facts mixed up. Wolk is NOT a slow or no growther. She is what is referred to as a “developer Democrat.” The fact that you think she is a slow or no growther makes me wonder just how closely you follow her political leanings.


    How often do you travel to Stockton? I travel there for business and the city has improved tremendously. Southern Stockton still has a lot of work, but the amount of cleanup and business renovation has helped Stockton.

    They still have a way to go, but they have improved a lot.

    I’m glad you’re voting for Wolk for your own reasons, but I’ve had enough of her, so like some of the others I’m either leaving it blank or voting for another candidate.

  52. Pred Old Timer and Mike –

    Pred Old Timer:

    You have your facts mixed up. Wolk is NOT a slow or no growther. She is what is referred to as a “developer Democrat.” The fact that you think she is a slow or no growther makes me wonder just how closely you follow her political leanings.


    How often do you travel to Stockton? I travel there for business and the city has improved tremendously. Southern Stockton still has a lot of work, but the amount of cleanup and business renovation has helped Stockton.

    They still have a way to go, but they have improved a lot.

    I’m glad you’re voting for Wolk for your own reasons, but I’ve had enough of her, so like some of the others I’m either leaving it blank or voting for another candidate.

  53. Stockton is the #1 foreclosure city in the United States. When Lois Wolk teamed up with Consumers Union and the Center for Responsible Lending to reform sub-prime lending, Aghazarian sided with the mortgage industry and voted No. He’s totally out of touch with his own city and the district. He only listens to his contributors – wealthy developers, oil companies, financial industry, and the Republican Party. He will lose by a mile.

    Wolk will be a great Senator. (Not to mention a major improvement to our current one.)

  54. Stockton is the #1 foreclosure city in the United States. When Lois Wolk teamed up with Consumers Union and the Center for Responsible Lending to reform sub-prime lending, Aghazarian sided with the mortgage industry and voted No. He’s totally out of touch with his own city and the district. He only listens to his contributors – wealthy developers, oil companies, financial industry, and the Republican Party. He will lose by a mile.

    Wolk will be a great Senator. (Not to mention a major improvement to our current one.)

  55. Stockton is the #1 foreclosure city in the United States. When Lois Wolk teamed up with Consumers Union and the Center for Responsible Lending to reform sub-prime lending, Aghazarian sided with the mortgage industry and voted No. He’s totally out of touch with his own city and the district. He only listens to his contributors – wealthy developers, oil companies, financial industry, and the Republican Party. He will lose by a mile.

    Wolk will be a great Senator. (Not to mention a major improvement to our current one.)

  56. Stockton is the #1 foreclosure city in the United States. When Lois Wolk teamed up with Consumers Union and the Center for Responsible Lending to reform sub-prime lending, Aghazarian sided with the mortgage industry and voted No. He’s totally out of touch with his own city and the district. He only listens to his contributors – wealthy developers, oil companies, financial industry, and the Republican Party. He will lose by a mile.

    Wolk will be a great Senator. (Not to mention a major improvement to our current one.)

  57. Like I said, the fine river town of Stockton has been taken down by the Republican sprawl developers of that community.

    I used to go there a lot in the 1990s for aviation law work. Recently I went down there on business, and was shocked by the sad state of affairs. I know the foreclosure stats back me up.

    I’ve had my “battle by proxies” with Wolk, and some call her a “Developer Democrat.” (Remember the Flatlander cover page cartoon? Signed copies hang on more than one developer business office wall in this town.)

    However, for me, that’s all the past, and she will make an excellent Senator for this area.

  58. Like I said, the fine river town of Stockton has been taken down by the Republican sprawl developers of that community.

    I used to go there a lot in the 1990s for aviation law work. Recently I went down there on business, and was shocked by the sad state of affairs. I know the foreclosure stats back me up.

    I’ve had my “battle by proxies” with Wolk, and some call her a “Developer Democrat.” (Remember the Flatlander cover page cartoon? Signed copies hang on more than one developer business office wall in this town.)

    However, for me, that’s all the past, and she will make an excellent Senator for this area.

  59. Like I said, the fine river town of Stockton has been taken down by the Republican sprawl developers of that community.

    I used to go there a lot in the 1990s for aviation law work. Recently I went down there on business, and was shocked by the sad state of affairs. I know the foreclosure stats back me up.

    I’ve had my “battle by proxies” with Wolk, and some call her a “Developer Democrat.” (Remember the Flatlander cover page cartoon? Signed copies hang on more than one developer business office wall in this town.)

    However, for me, that’s all the past, and she will make an excellent Senator for this area.

  60. Like I said, the fine river town of Stockton has been taken down by the Republican sprawl developers of that community.

    I used to go there a lot in the 1990s for aviation law work. Recently I went down there on business, and was shocked by the sad state of affairs. I know the foreclosure stats back me up.

    I’ve had my “battle by proxies” with Wolk, and some call her a “Developer Democrat.” (Remember the Flatlander cover page cartoon? Signed copies hang on more than one developer business office wall in this town.)

    However, for me, that’s all the past, and she will make an excellent Senator for this area.

  61. ps Lois, the illegally pocketed per diems are important, but I think hard-hitting cable ads with the sea of foreclosure signs will really pin the tail on the donkey. Highlight his votes, interspersed with the foreclosures. And that gives you Stockton.

  62. ps Lois, the illegally pocketed per diems are important, but I think hard-hitting cable ads with the sea of foreclosure signs will really pin the tail on the donkey. Highlight his votes, interspersed with the foreclosures. And that gives you Stockton.

  63. ps Lois, the illegally pocketed per diems are important, but I think hard-hitting cable ads with the sea of foreclosure signs will really pin the tail on the donkey. Highlight his votes, interspersed with the foreclosures. And that gives you Stockton.

  64. ps Lois, the illegally pocketed per diems are important, but I think hard-hitting cable ads with the sea of foreclosure signs will really pin the tail on the donkey. Highlight his votes, interspersed with the foreclosures. And that gives you Stockton.

  65. To All’

    Forbes rated Stockton as the second worst City next to Detroit. Why? Because of the mexican gang banger cockroaches, norteno and sureno puto’s, who have destroyed it…….

  66. To All’

    Forbes rated Stockton as the second worst City next to Detroit. Why? Because of the mexican gang banger cockroaches, norteno and sureno puto’s, who have destroyed it…….

  67. To All’

    Forbes rated Stockton as the second worst City next to Detroit. Why? Because of the mexican gang banger cockroaches, norteno and sureno puto’s, who have destroyed it…….

  68. To All’

    Forbes rated Stockton as the second worst City next to Detroit. Why? Because of the mexican gang banger cockroaches, norteno and sureno puto’s, who have destroyed it…….

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