Letter: US Constitution, 14th Amendment, Section Three

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President-elect Trump’s appointments will dismantle and destroy our government. There will not be any equality among the three branches of government. King Trump will rule with absolute authority. He will become an American version of Putin. He loves being around dictators because he envisions himself as one and, with Project 2025 coming to fruition, that dream has been fulfilled.

Congressman Thompson said, “The people have spoken” when I asked him to invoke the 14th Amendment, Section Three. I pledged my life in 1973 to support and defend the US Constitution when I joined the military—a career that ended honorably in 2004. I will not bend my knee to an autocrat, an insurrectionist, or an oligarch. My oath stands, even today.

Project 2025 will make all of us poorer and  weaker, while Trump and his oligarch buddies will get richer and stronger.  Medicare, Social Security, and VA benefits will disappear. Unions will be outlawed. Free speech? —only if it is pro-Trump.

The Supreme Court has already shown that six of the nine of them have capitulated to the Trump agenda. Congress holds the only key to supporting and defending our Constitution. If our congressional representatives don’t invoke the 14th Amendment, Section Three without delay we will have a dictatorship.

How can we ask our military members to give their lives to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic if we aren’t brave enough to follow its hard won lessons?



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  1. “Project 2025 will make all of us poorer and weaker, while Trump and his oligarch buddies will get richer and stronger. Medicare, Social Security, and VA benefits will disappear. Unions will be outlawed. Free speech? —only if it is pro-Trump.”

    Geesh, where have I heard this before? Here we go again with the fake hysterics.

      1. It doesn’t surprise me that you believe it.

        So Walter, Medicare, SS benefits, VA benefits will all disappear, unions will be outlawed and only Trump free speech will be allowed?

        Do you want to make a bet?

        1. I never bet on anything. I am certainly not going to begin now with you.

          Rand Paul wants to cut Social Security and Medicare


          Congressional Republicans Want Big Cuts to Social Security


          Trump suggests he’s open to cuts to Medicare and Social Security after attacking primary rivals over the issue


          How Biden Got Republicans To Run Away From Their History of Pushing Social Security and Medicare Cuts


          1. You guys are funny. I agree with Keith that nothing has happened and there is a reasonable chance that they may not happen. At the same time, I think waiting for the shoe to drop is an incredibly poor strategy.

          2. Look up what Congressional Republicans have said and put in their budget proposals recently.

          3. “I agree with Keith that nothing has happened and there is a reasonable chance that they may not happen.”

            Reasonable chance? Did you mean to say NO chance?
            Just when I thought you were being “reasonable”.

  2. The debate among Senate and House Republicans right now is tax cuts for the rich and cuts for everyone else or tax cuts for the rich tacked onto the national debt. My prediction is they do some of both.

    Of course time will tell so what I think matters little.

  3. It was a story I read last week about the differences between the incoming house and senate committee chairs. The house guy wanted tax cuts paid for from budget cuts and the incoming senate chair wants tax cuts added to the debt. That is the big debate within the GOP right now. Cutting from the Continuing Resolution simply starts the process of freeing up money for tax cuts sooner.

  4. If past is prolog in 17 they wanted to roll back Obamacare to pay for tax cuts for the rich. When they couldn’t do that they simply added the cost of the tax cuts to the debt. You can expect a similar process now only the cuts will be made in other parts of the budget. Trying to cut Obamacare costs too many seats in the 18 midterm election.

  5. The bare bones continuing funding resolution that just passed the House of Representatives maintains spending at current 2024 levels. It has no significant funding cuts nor tax cuts. Now it must be passed by the Senate and signed by the President tonight to avoid a government shutdown.

    US House approves bill to avert midnight shutdown, sends to Senate

  6. I agree with David. All this talk of the cuts to SS, Medicare, and VA benefits is just that…talk. My biggest concern of which I’ve already seen evidence of is Trump’s strategy to silence journalists or critics. There has already been a bill passed that will empower and authorize the treasury department to cancel the 501(c)(3) status of any independent nonprofit news organization that supports “terrorism.” So, you could possibly write an article that is critical of Israel and the IDF and sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and lose your nonprofit status. Trump also has gone after a pollster who published what he says was inaccurate results. Furthermore, on more than one occasion, Kash Patel, the chosen director of the FBI, if confirmed, has stated that he will go after journalists. At this point, it is too early to state definitively what’s going to happen. Nevertheless, we must remain watchful and err on the side of caution. Our first amendment free speech rights are definitely in peril.

    1. ” My biggest concern of which I’ve already seen evidence of is Trump’s strategy to silence journalists or critics.”

      Like when other journalists and the FBI tried to silence the NY Post when they reported a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop right before the 2020 presidential election which turned out to be true?

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