Letter: Please Condemn the Horrific Torture and Consumption of Dogs in Sangju

Dear Mayor Pro Tem of Davis, Mr. Brett Lee,

I thank you for publicly addressing the topic of the cruel practice of torturing and eating Dogmeat, that is still so popular in Sangju, sister City of Davis, in Southkorea!

I fiercely oppose cruelty against any animal, this is why I am almost completely VEGAN.

However, the practice of intentionally torturing and mistreating dogs and cats in Southkorea, because of ancient, wrong myths of strenght and health, exceeds by far any ethical and moral humane limit !!!

All vídeos and information available @ koreandogs.org.
I dare any human watch the undercover footages of Dogs slaugther and still state that any country is free to eat what they want……

The Dogmeattrade is morally and ethically WRONG with NO justification and must be condemned!!

For this reason, I beg you to urge the Mayor of Sangju to ban the Dogmeat consumption in his province.

Please do not let us down if you feel compassion and pity for helpless, horrifically abused creatures!

Sincerely Yours

Marzia Molineris
koreandogs and Nami Kim’s  activist from Italy



Breaking News City of Davis



  1. My point was — on this specific issue (see thread in Brett Lee article) — we aren’t so stellar about how we treat animals in this country.  Because they treat some dogs horrifically, while we merely treat some dogs awfully, is not a stance from which to be making international political posturing.  And generally, I don’t believe we want to encourage the council to be taking on more state, national and international causes at the urging of citizens of Davis and even-less non-citizens.  I don’t believe Davis taking a stand is going to change a culture ten thousand miles away.

    1. We are a lot better than this, first of all. Second, if we aren’t up to pair in this country we should fix it, but we shouldn’t ignore absolute atrocities because we are imperfect.

      1. Good luck with that.

        I’m OK with Brett using his position to promote the cause, as an individual.  I’m fine with people taking on the cause.  I think it’s a bit idealistic to think we can make a difference.  I think we need to look at and clean up our own backyards first, and we are a lot more likely to make a difference.  There are a million causes.  The City Council, in an official capacity, should stick to City causes.  Again, no problem with individual council members using their local status to take up any cause they choose.

  2. There is much about South Korean culture that most Westerners would find abhorrent.

    First among many issues: The National Security Law, which is used arbitrarily to curtail the right to freedom of expression and association, providing long sentences or the death sentence for barely defined ‘anti-state’ activities. The treatment of women and children, the blatant racism and antipathy toward immigrants is documented by most human rights organizations.
    Dietary and animal rights issues would seem, to me, less important considerations.
    The Sister city concept comes with baggage.

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