LIVE FROM WOODLAND: The County Determines the Future of Davis

Feel free to post comments and questions, I’ll try to answer them. This is all ad-hoc…

Thank you to Beth Gabor (Yolo County Public Information Officer) and Sup. Mariko Yamada for arranging for me to blog live and thanks to Sup. Matt Rexroad for requesting the county make the entire building a wireless hotspot. May the city of Davis follow suit.

Alright I’m all set up here and will be posting frequent updates, particularly when Davis comes up. We have many dignitaries in the crowd including three of Davis’ councilmembers Lamar Heystek, Ruth Asmundson, and Don Saylor, several former Mayors Maynard Skinner and Ann Evans, former Supervisor Betsy Marchand, School board member Gina Daleiden. The place is packed with developers and their consultants, activists, and government officials. The supervisors are all here ready to go.

Interesting comment by Yamada when they were talking about the probations department, she made a side-comment that they might be here for the general plan because they might want future housing.

David Morrison is up, presenting the opening of the general plan process. He affirmed that these projects at this point “do not represent any commitment by the county” but rather are the next step in the process that will culminate next summer and only then will these projects be final.

They are recommending that they take up each item individually and vote on each item individually.


They are beginning with a brief overview of each project, area by area, and map by map.

Just about talking about the overview of Davis.

Davis is Map N, O, P if you are keeping score at home…

Davis Northwest quadrant, one of four special study areas–revenue opportunities or special use housing, no precise acreage or plans–special study area is a “placeholder” for the twenty year period. Not identified in process as new growth area, EIR would not assume building in this area unless board gives different direction. Key factors: proximity to Binning Farms, undeveloped lots below, community forums to existing development.

Davis i-80 corridor–one of four study areas–life science, biotech, research uses, smaller lots were for commercial use, no specific project for this area but did for the two smaller areas. This area will be id’ed through policy areas in general plan. Only two small areas id’ed as new growth areas. Will assume land use changes for 43 acres but not for the bulk of 1500 acre corridor as part of preferred land use alternatives.

McGowan question: what does this mean?

Answer: Would not be included in general plan EIR or cleared for development, no CEQA clearance.

Covell Area is also a special study, general plan would assume 383 industrial uses on this property, general plan would assume existing land use designation not the change to residential that the study area would look into.

My comment: this is a key distinction that is the reason behind the recall–the fear that this would be placed into the general plan EIR and then become entitled with land use changes. If what they are saying now is correct, this step seems to fall well short of that possible fear. But we will have to stay tuned on that.

Staff is recommending they take up the items in order. Will they?

Beginning with Clarksberg–Marc Wilson up speaking first, for those who know him…

(I’m now going to pause with periodic updates as to what areas are being discussed and perhaps some decisions if they are notable).


Dunnigan is now on the clock

Democracy of, by, and for the developers? That is what is produced with daytime meetings. Fortunately, Davis is in the house. Former Mayor Julie Partansky is here and will be speaking out against this proposal. Former Mayor Bill Kopper is here.

A bit of debate now over the process as to whether they should be discussing specifics, rather than just on concepts… Mariko is arguing we should think in concept, McGowan and Rexroad are both suggesting we vote on something… specifics and put something on the map.

Rexroad: We will be punting all day. We might as well be in punt formation and kick away.

Jim Provenza, candidate for County Supervisor is sitting next to me. Masud Monfared of Parlin Development is sitting two seats over.

Motion on Dunnigan passes 3-2 with Rexroad and Chamberlain vote against

Bill Emlen here now ready to speak, two minute break

Davis is up next…

Davis three special studies areas discussion

50 cards for Davis! Davis is in the house

I have a note that suggests it is a good thing if the county does not vote onthese right now, the longer drawn out, the better.

Sue Greenwald–up first, thanks Rexroad and Chamberlain, asks for more time. Argues against Mace and I-80 first. Talks about pass-through agreement and the $72 million going from Davis to County in exchange for refraining of land use changes. Impacts Davis immediately. Asks for Covell and Oeste to be removed from EIR. Asks to work cooperatively–have in the past–willing to compromise, cooperative. Take three study areas out of general plan EIR. If interested in senior housing, come to us within our pass-through agreement. Suggests using 5 or 10 rather than 683 acres.

Roman Reid–speaking in favor of stem cell research from a wheel chair. Talking about Yolo County Innovation corridor as a means to alleviate his suffering.

Rexroad objects that this is not relevant to land use discussion. Yamada very rudely dismisses his objection. Suggesting that when he becomes chair he can run the meeting as he chooses…

Former Mayor Bill Kopper speaks against placing any maps in the EIR. Talks about the amount of money paid to the county in exchange for non-development, this is more than any other city in the county. Directs remarks to Helen: disagree with the path that the voters have taken in Davis, but honor their decisions. Asks her if she wants this fight. Please honor the vote of the city council. Honor the wishes of the city council.

In response: Helen reads from the pass-through agreement, talking about how it allows the county to determine development, Helen says that this does not mean they will authorize urban development.

Another disabled person speaks–Miss Disabled California.

Jim Watson came to speak out against these proposals.

Karen Minor, another disabled individual comes forward

Correction from above, McGowan not Chamberlain voted no with Rexroad.

Julie Partansky, former Mayor up, agrees with Kopper and Greenwald. Opposed to study of three areas, wants city of Davis to make land use decisions, likens it to an invasion rather than cooperation. Davis city council united by this issue.

Cindy from Ottawa Canada, supporting the innovation corridor proposal.

Jim Leonard from the Flatlander comes forward. Opposes, talks about it from a process and democratic stand point. Likens it to the national situation, talks about democracy stolen at a national and a local level.

Another researcher up from UC Davis. Supporting stem cell research. Director of UC Davis Biotechnology Program.

Rexroad interjects that UC Davis has plenty of land that can be used.

Jack Milton–seconds point of Kopper, Partansky, and Greenwald.

Dr. Robert Klein: supports innovation corridor. Mariko and ATK have done a good job of stacking these people in this meeting.

Helen applauds Klein

Jim Provenza up next… opposes the study session. Makes a strong statement about the city determining land use decisions in urban areas. All of the project discussed would ultimately violate the pass-through agreement. Sounded note of discussion. Favors stem cell research, opposed of Stem Cell Research being used as Trojan Horse to allow other unwise development in the county/ periphery of Davis. Asks for joint discussion. Called the innovation corridor, a congestion corridor.

Mariko applauds notion of joint discussion.

Bob Waste up next, works for ATK, Obviously in favor of the IC.

Mike Shepley up next. Talks about assurances and who can be against getting people out of wheel chairs. The reality is that we are looking at increased subdivision for housing, large amounts of housing–in fact all of these projects will be doing massive housing developments.
Used a bunch of marital metaphors to suggest this will not lead to happiness and fulfillment.

Pam Marone–self-proclaimed entrepreneur, integrated pest management, arguing in favor of biotech and high tech investment and development.

Norma Turner–mentions the scope of West Village on the periphery of Davis in addition to the three development areas… Davis squeezed on both sides, West Village is underway. No mention at all about West Village in the GP. Complained about the timing of the meeting.

Jeanie Jones: Talked about land use needs and what it takes make tier one property to establish development. In favor of IC. The need for visibility from the freeway (why is that a need for a research facility???). Basically saying there are several needs for the facility, and this location provides them.

Jean Jackman: Asks for the study areas to be removed. talks about broken trust. Talks about the work that has been going on that will be rendered moot. Erosion of democracy. Local control.

Another person talking about the need for stem cells. (hey folks Stem Cell research is great, just not there). Lou Vismarro speaks for it and calls Yamada a leader on this in the entire state.

Holly Bishop is speaking against the proposal. Lacks infrastructure, water, sewers, etc.

My neighbor, Ami Daly, speaks in favor of the IC. She was a nurse at children’s hospital in Sac, now exec director of stem cell research organization. (Again I strongly favor stem cell research–just not there–at UC Davis would be perfect).

Rebecca Wu speaking for Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald… The “Pass-Through Agreement” allows us, as citizens of Davis; the right to determine the future of our city. It allows us as citizens to determine if we want to be surrounded by acres and acres of urban sprawl, or if we want our borders to have the beautiful agricultural land and open space, that for decades, has defined Davis. She addressed both Helen and Mariko for their contributions to the community and asked for them to honor and protect our heritage and our commitment to open space.

Wu speaking for herself became very passionate about her commitment to open space and the defense thereof in Davis.

Sally Parker of the Flatlander, argued against study areas. Suggested that Covell Village was opposed by a 60-40 margin of Davis voters, asked how many of them won by that margin back, McGowan raised his hand.

Research director of Psychology spoke in favor of IC.

Ann Privateer, 100 best places to live in Money Magazine, Davis not on the list, all of them under 50,000, many under 10000 people. Many people do not want to like in big cities. Describes population problems with 70K people.

Liver doctor supports stem cell research… (Do I have to say it again?)

Pam Nieberg, Co-chair of Yolano Sierra Club. Opposed to peripheral development, against bringing Covell Village. Davis does not want these massive developments on the borders. Davis should determine what it needs and what it does not need. ATK not proposing the stem cell research, proposing a 7500 development and the funds from that will go to SCR. (Great speech by Pam).

JD Stack, Sac Area Regional Tech Alliance. Guessing he’s going to talk about IC. No position on properties under consideration. Brings up UC Davis. UCD with private companies leaves to good jobs and great innovation. Supports IC.

Mark Spencer–quotes Gandhi, “he must hurry in order to catch up with his people.” Suspects someone has taken a wrong turn, and you are not wherever your constituents are. Your positions on these things do not trump your relationship with your constituents. Stem cell research is not the issue. SCR into this discussion divides people who agree on SCR against each other. Land use proposal, not a SCR proposal.

Break coming at 1 pm.

Did not catch the name, but he is speaking passionately against conflating stem cell research with land use. Arguing against sprawl and massive development.

Helene Wagner–school teacher, asking to exclude three parcels from general plan and honor pass-through agreement with the city of Davis. I’m for stem cell research. This is a land use issue, let’s not pull the heart strings. Let Davis vote for themselves.

Bob Thomas–represents ATK family. “Stop urban myths.” ATK supports study on 1500 acres, family not interested in building on 2800 acres. Will honor policy on ag pres, mit. habitat and farmland. Question is should we study the area–no specific plan at this time.

Katherine Hess, Ruth Asmundson and Don Saylor next…

Hess: city of Davis number of concerns… Violation of principles of Pass through agreement. Asks for two proposals to be removed. Concerns with special study areas–not sure what study area means with respect with city and county. Hopes that study area means no changes to map without w/o mutual consent of city and county.

Helen: is it a GP update in Davis or a housing plan?

Hess: Housing plan but will impact GP overall.

Asmundson: Davis is altogether on this issue–first time ever. Supports what Mayor Greenwald said. Pass through agreement most important thing we’ve done with city and county and hopes that we can honor it. Sit down and have joint rational discussion of city and county issues. Before put this in a study, we sit down and have a rational discussion/ civil discourse, mutually beneficial outcome.

Saylor: Represent adding 40-70% of existing land use acreage in city. Healthy and sustainable community that has healthy and sustained growth. Planning outside of boundary area, threatens this planning. Cannot implement mitigations when these proposals come forward. Points out none of these people have talked to anyone in city of Davis about IC. In general, would prefer that this would occur through dialogue rather than current approach. Constitute moves that we would see as growth-inducing.

Nancy Price: Speaks to SCR issue. Concerned about lobbying effort on this project.


Talking about break at 1 pm. 12 more people from Davis.

Meeting has resumed…

Susan Pelican: Lives on Road 95 in Woodland. Complains that all of these projects are developer driven; Davis wants citizens to decide for the citizenry, Davis wants to protect its own environment and its own community to survive. Wants to keep agriculture and strengthen it.

Don Reid: From Fremont. Does know stem cell politics–stem cell politics. Never heard of developer wanting to give 80 percent of proceeds away. Cannot separate use of land from the use of the land. A hasty no might cost something that we might never have a chance at again.

Carolyn Kopper: AKT can build the stem cell center on the UC Davis campus, just as Mondavi’s donated wine institute. Asking for us to pay for this with massive urban sprawl, traffic congestions, and air pollution. Stem cell center should be Davis’ citizens decision.

Karen Bloomquist: Many citizens voted for Measure J. Many voted against Covell Village and it lost. Wants the county to adhere to those decisions by Davis residents.

Lyle Smith–Big proponent of stem cell research and bringing it to Davis; this about AKT bringing Natomas to Davis. I have a big problem with this. Talks about big financial risk on this. Questions loss of ag land and building on a flood plain.

Randy Yakzan–Two key issues in Davis. Very large developer, UC Davis, an approved project on the city of Davis. If this had been a private developer there would have been many studies. Thinks the county has the duty to look at the region because of this. These are complex issues around Davis. It is appropriate for the county to lead the study. Agrees city and county should discuss. (Mr. Yakzan is the managing partner of the Oeste Ranch)

Glenn Holstein: That little space between Davis and Woodland–best place to grow tomatoes and where rare species of hawks live. This is a delicate area. Talks about the geology of the area–soils, well-watered, delta breeze. Spoke of Democracy and the fact that sometimes don’t like it when people don’t vote right. Establishment supported covell village. Voters voted it down. Now feels like they are punishing the people of Davis for their vote.

Yamada interjects: clarifies that at no time has there been a discussion of abolishing the pass-through agreement.

Steve Hayes: 34 year resident of Davis and Yolo County. California Dept of Water Resources. Supports comments from Mayor Greenwald. Requests honoring pass through agreement. Asks for compassionate way to respond to citizens pushing this and find a way to support this without the other development. Likened it to burning down a barn to cook a pig. Managed to unify the city in a way that we have never seen before.

Peggy Hayes: Teacher. Appreciates stem cell issue. But still thinks not time and place for this. Concerned about losing country and her democracy.

Matt Williams–struck by black and white depiction of this issue. Talks about stem cell research as a means to help people. Also has a 600 signature petition signed asking for no residential development to take place on the SE comments. Hearkens to Rexroad’s comments–this may be a good idea, but it may be the wrong place. This boils down to money, AKT would like to develop somewhere and make money. That development does not have to be on the prime agricultural land. Asks for AKT to mitigate development, fund the research, and provide the research. Doesn’t believe right place is in the southeast quadrant.

Constance McKee: Land use is a compromise between air, water, land, and people. AKT has proposed something that would be a compromise. Hopes in a discussion going forward some of the presuppositions can be set aside. 66 percent of people in this area voted for stem cells. (Again may I say it!!!) Said Woodland is a nice town but could use a few more jobs.

Bruce McKenzie: Davis is a nice place to live. I’d to see the city of Davis stay the same as it was–it was 40K now it is 70K. City of Davis made it clear that we did not want Covell Village.

Helen Thomson asks meaning of special study

Answer: area of specified future study in general plan. Right now it is a concept that have been directed to address. The assumption would be agriculture but would include possibilities to study certain areas as directed. Nothing specific, only a discussion between the two entities.

What would the wording in the plan say and what would that require you to do?

Engage communities in a dialogue as to how to address those properties. Not our intent to address them as landuse overlays. No change in general plan designation or zoning. Only looking at areas of future interest in conjunction with the discussions with other entities.

Chamberlain: opposes stem cells in that location. Wants to respect vote at Covell. Wants to work with cities not against them.

McGowan: First said that we should not tell Davis where we should have their growth. But somehow we need to improve this dialogue a little bit. I think the county should take some responsibility in improving that. Heard that in the council statements–a note of improving communication. Need to respect a city’s definition of themselves. Blaance that against some pressing demands for the county–those have to do with revenue issues. Disheartening to hear this disconnect between what the board believes in, its history and the perception out there. Protect unique differences between the communities. Troubling to here reaction toward my colleagues on the political side–vote people out who have dedicated their lives to trying to represent you.

I would like to take the lead from my collleagues of Davis–adult conversation, less charged conversation–representing needs of Davis with growing needs of County.

I have no idea where McGowan stands on any of this and he spoke for a long time.

Helen Thomson speaks next. Shares concerns about talk about democracy and process. Speaks about the services that county provides. Speaks directly to recall effort–says back gets stiff, becomes rigid, and becomes angry when she hears these threats.

Says she signed first pass-through agreement.

Says she doesn’t like fact daughter cannot live there. (in fact there are plenty of homes that she can afford just not the overpriced house like the one her parents live in).

People are feeling victimized–she’s rather surprised by that. Feels this was an open process that people should have been aware.

Thomson continues to lecture the community about how they are wrong and she is right.

Yamda goes next–what about Rexroad?

Also speaks about cost of homes. Talks about her lack of living in this area as not being a determinate of the merit of her arguments.

Says she would be the last person on this board who would say we ought to throw out the pass-through agreement. It is my view, that the county has subordinated its land use authority through the pass-through agreement.

I don’t think we should we should allow the fiscalization of land use become the politicization or terrorization of land use.

Yamada instead of diffusing the situation, is ratcheting up the heat.

Have a sense that county is disrespected as well. You might feel disrespected, but we feel disrespected as well. Not an enemy. Not trying to invade the borders. Says she is the city of Davis.

Proposes that she is not prepared to remove her responsibility to what is a higher order discussion to 2030 because she is threatened.

Yamada lecturing community on principals.

Wants to try to propose that we set aside, this is too threatening–symptomatic of the tremendous lack of trust. This is too threatening. She wants to set aside these areas. Not prepared to say no to study, but willing to set aside.

Yamada: Not prepared to remove this.

Rexroad makes punting analogy.

Helen Thomson: One thing that would help would be to remove the 1500 acres along the I80 corridor, doesn’t see this as a good site for housing. Doesn’t see a proposal. Doesn’t see this as acceptable.

Yamada said no residential. Also thinks this is too large in terms of acreage.

Prolonged discussion now about what to do…

McGowan wants to get rid of the red lines on pieces of dirt.

McGowan: suggested considering development around Davis but seemed to suggest only if they could make the political case so as to not produce this kind of angst.

Mariko finally starts to make sense. Suggests a discrepancy between what is written and how people feel. The board is FINALLY getting the fact that people do not trust the process right now.

McGowan: County can always do what it wants if it is willing to violate the pass-through agreement.

Rexroad: Moves to remove Northwest Quadrant and Covell from the Joint Study Area

Second by Chamberlain

Thomson argues against. Argues FOR Oeste. Wants at least a discussion on Oeste.

Rexroad: Thinks if this is to be developed it should be in the city of Davis by the city of Davis.

Yamada argues against Rexroad. Now she lectures again.

Motion fails 2-3 with Thomson, Yamada and McGowan voting against. (Let this end the discussion about Rexroad).

Thomson wants to do it again but take away the line.

Yamada, McGowan, and Thomson, voted to retain the NW Quadrant and Covell Village in joint study areas.

Recess until 4 pm

Everyone is reading this blog–supervisors, developers, staff, family members, etc. So perhaps I will say the following: if your intent was to diffuse tensions between the city and the county, what has occurred in the last hour has been the exact opposite. The city and its residents do not want the county and county supervisors lecturing them as to what we should or should not take offense to. The Davis supervisors voted against Rexroad’s proposal. I do not see where they are going now. I still do not know how we can fix this thing unless we take this threat off the table first, and then discuss it second, once the threat was removed.

Staff announces a solution: There was a break for supervisors to meet with staff behind closed doors.

Final vote:

Motion is made to set aside all of the “red lines” (on the general plan maps) around Davis and hold discussions. Basically this removes the proposed study areas from the general plan and authorizes some form of discussion in the future. The supervisors, based upon this vote, reversed their previous vote and now have removed all study area designations from the general plan update discussion.

Yamada proposes if necessary to bring in a professional mediator to help with discussion. Staff is suggesting an avenue for discussion as a policy matter. Staff wishes to pursue as a matter of policy further discussions.

Vote passes 4-1 with Chamberlain dissenting (he just wanted to kill it completely, no discussions in the future). Saylor and Asmundson spoke in support of this compromise.

It appears at this time, that the citizens of Davis and their city council have prevailed upon both Davis Supervisors and the entire board to reverse the course of planning staff’s recommendations and thereby have removed all massive developer projects in and around Davis from the general plan update process.

Thank you to everyone for following this issue so closely and thank you again to county staff for accommodating this live blog.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Land Use/Open Space


  1. Doug,

    Do you have any sense of when Public Comments will be taken up? For those of us that want to stop by on our lunch hour this would be very helpful.

    Do they operate like Davis City Council where members of the public can speak on an issue even if it is on the agenda, since a person may not be able to stay for the meeting?

    Please let us know. Thank you.

  2. Doug,

    Do you have any sense of when Public Comments will be taken up? For those of us that want to stop by on our lunch hour this would be very helpful.

    Do they operate like Davis City Council where members of the public can speak on an issue even if it is on the agenda, since a person may not be able to stay for the meeting?

    Please let us know. Thank you.

  3. Doug,

    Do you have any sense of when Public Comments will be taken up? For those of us that want to stop by on our lunch hour this would be very helpful.

    Do they operate like Davis City Council where members of the public can speak on an issue even if it is on the agenda, since a person may not be able to stay for the meeting?

    Please let us know. Thank you.

  4. Doug,

    Do you have any sense of when Public Comments will be taken up? For those of us that want to stop by on our lunch hour this would be very helpful.

    Do they operate like Davis City Council where members of the public can speak on an issue even if it is on the agenda, since a person may not be able to stay for the meeting?

    Please let us know. Thank you.

  5. Matt: I see mostly Davis people and developers and their consultants.

    Open space: Well they started at the beginning which would mean late, but they also mentioned that there are electeds and others with commitments, so we’ll see have to see. Anyone from Davis should have plenty of time to get up here because there is at least 45 minutes of speakers here.

  6. Matt: I see mostly Davis people and developers and their consultants.

    Open space: Well they started at the beginning which would mean late, but they also mentioned that there are electeds and others with commitments, so we’ll see have to see. Anyone from Davis should have plenty of time to get up here because there is at least 45 minutes of speakers here.

  7. Matt: I see mostly Davis people and developers and their consultants.

    Open space: Well they started at the beginning which would mean late, but they also mentioned that there are electeds and others with commitments, so we’ll see have to see. Anyone from Davis should have plenty of time to get up here because there is at least 45 minutes of speakers here.

  8. Matt: I see mostly Davis people and developers and their consultants.

    Open space: Well they started at the beginning which would mean late, but they also mentioned that there are electeds and others with commitments, so we’ll see have to see. Anyone from Davis should have plenty of time to get up here because there is at least 45 minutes of speakers here.

  9. So… what does a special study area of the Covell Village property mean? No entitlement, no change to residential designation? it just turning the screws a little more to break the Davis voter’s will.. by saying, hey Davis,We’re not really changing anything but we are REALLY LOOKING at this property for County development. Is this just more of this game of “chicken”,Davis voters vs peripheral sprawl promoters.

  10. So… what does a special study area of the Covell Village property mean? No entitlement, no change to residential designation? it just turning the screws a little more to break the Davis voter’s will.. by saying, hey Davis,We’re not really changing anything but we are REALLY LOOKING at this property for County development. Is this just more of this game of “chicken”,Davis voters vs peripheral sprawl promoters.

  11. So… what does a special study area of the Covell Village property mean? No entitlement, no change to residential designation? it just turning the screws a little more to break the Davis voter’s will.. by saying, hey Davis,We’re not really changing anything but we are REALLY LOOKING at this property for County development. Is this just more of this game of “chicken”,Davis voters vs peripheral sprawl promoters.

  12. So… what does a special study area of the Covell Village property mean? No entitlement, no change to residential designation? it just turning the screws a little more to break the Davis voter’s will.. by saying, hey Davis,We’re not really changing anything but we are REALLY LOOKING at this property for County development. Is this just more of this game of “chicken”,Davis voters vs peripheral sprawl promoters.

  13. ” but rather are the next step in the process that will culminate next summer and only then will these projects be final.”

    Does this mean that the study areas all can conceivably be “finalized” next summer and go on to the next step towards and EIR, designation change and entitlement?
    Does this mean that Davis will have this threat hanging over its head as our Council deliberates the potential project proposals before it(eg Covell Village)?
    Is the only way for this threat to be removed, and allow Davis to make its decisions without coersion, is for the study areas ,directly in conflict with our pass-through agreement, be rejected?

  14. ” but rather are the next step in the process that will culminate next summer and only then will these projects be final.”

    Does this mean that the study areas all can conceivably be “finalized” next summer and go on to the next step towards and EIR, designation change and entitlement?
    Does this mean that Davis will have this threat hanging over its head as our Council deliberates the potential project proposals before it(eg Covell Village)?
    Is the only way for this threat to be removed, and allow Davis to make its decisions without coersion, is for the study areas ,directly in conflict with our pass-through agreement, be rejected?

  15. ” but rather are the next step in the process that will culminate next summer and only then will these projects be final.”

    Does this mean that the study areas all can conceivably be “finalized” next summer and go on to the next step towards and EIR, designation change and entitlement?
    Does this mean that Davis will have this threat hanging over its head as our Council deliberates the potential project proposals before it(eg Covell Village)?
    Is the only way for this threat to be removed, and allow Davis to make its decisions without coersion, is for the study areas ,directly in conflict with our pass-through agreement, be rejected?

  16. ” but rather are the next step in the process that will culminate next summer and only then will these projects be final.”

    Does this mean that the study areas all can conceivably be “finalized” next summer and go on to the next step towards and EIR, designation change and entitlement?
    Does this mean that Davis will have this threat hanging over its head as our Council deliberates the potential project proposals before it(eg Covell Village)?
    Is the only way for this threat to be removed, and allow Davis to make its decisions without coersion, is for the study areas ,directly in conflict with our pass-through agreement, be rejected?

  17. ” it gives us time to respond and stop it. “

    I am not at all sure that you could get a recall and reelection in time to remove Thomson and/or Yamada and replace them with Davis reps who would not go ahead with this “finalizing” next summer.

  18. ” it gives us time to respond and stop it. “

    I am not at all sure that you could get a recall and reelection in time to remove Thomson and/or Yamada and replace them with Davis reps who would not go ahead with this “finalizing” next summer.

  19. ” it gives us time to respond and stop it. “

    I am not at all sure that you could get a recall and reelection in time to remove Thomson and/or Yamada and replace them with Davis reps who would not go ahead with this “finalizing” next summer.

  20. ” it gives us time to respond and stop it. “

    I am not at all sure that you could get a recall and reelection in time to remove Thomson and/or Yamada and replace them with Davis reps who would not go ahead with this “finalizing” next summer.

  21. DPD: If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?

  22. DPD: If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?

  23. DPD: If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?

  24. DPD: If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?

  25. Phew. It’s a good thing Saylor and Ruth are there. Ready to “defend” Davis, like the big brother on the play ground… “No one *but me* gets to beat up on my town!!!!”

    Of course Don’s got to make sure he comes across looking good with his reelection on the line. Now let’s see …lick finger ….stick in the air …which way is the wind blowing today?

  26. Phew. It’s a good thing Saylor and Ruth are there. Ready to “defend” Davis, like the big brother on the play ground… “No one *but me* gets to beat up on my town!!!!”

    Of course Don’s got to make sure he comes across looking good with his reelection on the line. Now let’s see …lick finger ….stick in the air …which way is the wind blowing today?

  27. Phew. It’s a good thing Saylor and Ruth are there. Ready to “defend” Davis, like the big brother on the play ground… “No one *but me* gets to beat up on my town!!!!”

    Of course Don’s got to make sure he comes across looking good with his reelection on the line. Now let’s see …lick finger ….stick in the air …which way is the wind blowing today?

  28. Phew. It’s a good thing Saylor and Ruth are there. Ready to “defend” Davis, like the big brother on the play ground… “No one *but me* gets to beat up on my town!!!!”

    Of course Don’s got to make sure he comes across looking good with his reelection on the line. Now let’s see …lick finger ….stick in the air …which way is the wind blowing today?

  29. Recall of Yamada and Thomson are necessary if they do not reject or table the decision for study areas that are located in Davis’ pass-through agreement.

  30. Recall of Yamada and Thomson are necessary if they do not reject or table the decision for study areas that are located in Davis’ pass-through agreement.

  31. Recall of Yamada and Thomson are necessary if they do not reject or table the decision for study areas that are located in Davis’ pass-through agreement.

  32. Recall of Yamada and Thomson are necessary if they do not reject or table the decision for study areas that are located in Davis’ pass-through agreement.

  33. DPD: If these study areas are not rejected today, is there any way that Yamada and Thomson can move these areas forward towards possible designation change and entitlement with their votes next summer when they, for different reasons, will both be decidedly lame-duck ?

  34. DPD: If these study areas are not rejected today, is there any way that Yamada and Thomson can move these areas forward towards possible designation change and entitlement with their votes next summer when they, for different reasons, will both be decidedly lame-duck ?

  35. DPD: If these study areas are not rejected today, is there any way that Yamada and Thomson can move these areas forward towards possible designation change and entitlement with their votes next summer when they, for different reasons, will both be decidedly lame-duck ?

  36. DPD: If these study areas are not rejected today, is there any way that Yamada and Thomson can move these areas forward towards possible designation change and entitlement with their votes next summer when they, for different reasons, will both be decidedly lame-duck ?

  37. wow, how shameless can you get, playing upon the needs of disabled people to generate support for large scale residential development?

    as if a stem cell research facility can’t be located anywhere else

    if Mariko votes for the special study areas, my guess is that she cites these people in her remarks as her reason for it

    that’s why she snapped at Rexroad, he was taking dead aim at her rationalization for a yes vote

    –Richard Estes

  38. wow, how shameless can you get, playing upon the needs of disabled people to generate support for large scale residential development?

    as if a stem cell research facility can’t be located anywhere else

    if Mariko votes for the special study areas, my guess is that she cites these people in her remarks as her reason for it

    that’s why she snapped at Rexroad, he was taking dead aim at her rationalization for a yes vote

    –Richard Estes

  39. wow, how shameless can you get, playing upon the needs of disabled people to generate support for large scale residential development?

    as if a stem cell research facility can’t be located anywhere else

    if Mariko votes for the special study areas, my guess is that she cites these people in her remarks as her reason for it

    that’s why she snapped at Rexroad, he was taking dead aim at her rationalization for a yes vote

    –Richard Estes

  40. wow, how shameless can you get, playing upon the needs of disabled people to generate support for large scale residential development?

    as if a stem cell research facility can’t be located anywhere else

    if Mariko votes for the special study areas, my guess is that she cites these people in her remarks as her reason for it

    that’s why she snapped at Rexroad, he was taking dead aim at her rationalization for a yes vote

    –Richard Estes

  41. “If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?”

    As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time, that was the big concern expressed by Kopper, Greenwald, and others.

  42. “If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?”

    As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time, that was the big concern expressed by Kopper, Greenwald, and others.

  43. “If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?”

    As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time, that was the big concern expressed by Kopper, Greenwald, and others.

  44. “If the study areas are not rejected now, how would you stop Mariko(a lame-duck with 4 months left as Supervisor) and Helen(who has indicated that she is leaving politics after this Sup term)from voting to “finalize”?”

    As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time, that was the big concern expressed by Kopper, Greenwald, and others.

  45. What was the name of the Director of the UC Davis Biotechnology Program speaking in support of the I-80 study area? Does the University know that she is doing this?????!!!!!

    She must be looking for another job – maybe at the new stem cell research center.

  46. What was the name of the Director of the UC Davis Biotechnology Program speaking in support of the I-80 study area? Does the University know that she is doing this?????!!!!!

    She must be looking for another job – maybe at the new stem cell research center.

  47. What was the name of the Director of the UC Davis Biotechnology Program speaking in support of the I-80 study area? Does the University know that she is doing this?????!!!!!

    She must be looking for another job – maybe at the new stem cell research center.

  48. What was the name of the Director of the UC Davis Biotechnology Program speaking in support of the I-80 study area? Does the University know that she is doing this?????!!!!!

    She must be looking for another job – maybe at the new stem cell research center.

  49. I’m with Matt. This isn’t a debate on pro or anti-stem cell research. It’s a development discussion. That said, it is indeed shameless to parade the disabled around for benefit of the developers …then again, they have to want to be paraded around.

    Thanks, DPD for covering this for us! Unfortunately we couldn’t make it but feel like we can at least be informed.

  50. I’m with Matt. This isn’t a debate on pro or anti-stem cell research. It’s a development discussion. That said, it is indeed shameless to parade the disabled around for benefit of the developers …then again, they have to want to be paraded around.

    Thanks, DPD for covering this for us! Unfortunately we couldn’t make it but feel like we can at least be informed.

  51. I’m with Matt. This isn’t a debate on pro or anti-stem cell research. It’s a development discussion. That said, it is indeed shameless to parade the disabled around for benefit of the developers …then again, they have to want to be paraded around.

    Thanks, DPD for covering this for us! Unfortunately we couldn’t make it but feel like we can at least be informed.

  52. I’m with Matt. This isn’t a debate on pro or anti-stem cell research. It’s a development discussion. That said, it is indeed shameless to parade the disabled around for benefit of the developers …then again, they have to want to be paraded around.

    Thanks, DPD for covering this for us! Unfortunately we couldn’t make it but feel like we can at least be informed.

  53. The university should stay out of land use planning in the county where it doesn’t adjoin the university. If they want a new building for stem cell research, they should fundraise the money and build it on campus and not support trading farmland that it doesn’t own for houses to raise the funds for it.

    This issue is not about stem cell research. It is about land use planning and preservation of open space and farmland in Yolo County.

    My respect for the Biotechnology Program at UCD has lowered even more (how could it be so after the Biolab fiasco).

  54. The university should stay out of land use planning in the county where it doesn’t adjoin the university. If they want a new building for stem cell research, they should fundraise the money and build it on campus and not support trading farmland that it doesn’t own for houses to raise the funds for it.

    This issue is not about stem cell research. It is about land use planning and preservation of open space and farmland in Yolo County.

    My respect for the Biotechnology Program at UCD has lowered even more (how could it be so after the Biolab fiasco).

  55. The university should stay out of land use planning in the county where it doesn’t adjoin the university. If they want a new building for stem cell research, they should fundraise the money and build it on campus and not support trading farmland that it doesn’t own for houses to raise the funds for it.

    This issue is not about stem cell research. It is about land use planning and preservation of open space and farmland in Yolo County.

    My respect for the Biotechnology Program at UCD has lowered even more (how could it be so after the Biolab fiasco).

  56. The university should stay out of land use planning in the county where it doesn’t adjoin the university. If they want a new building for stem cell research, they should fundraise the money and build it on campus and not support trading farmland that it doesn’t own for houses to raise the funds for it.

    This issue is not about stem cell research. It is about land use planning and preservation of open space and farmland in Yolo County.

    My respect for the Biotechnology Program at UCD has lowered even more (how could it be so after the Biolab fiasco).

  57. “As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time….”

    Time to do WHAT?… if they are unresponsive to the political pressure from their constituents?

  58. “As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time….”

    Time to do WHAT?… if they are unresponsive to the political pressure from their constituents?

  59. “As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time….”

    Time to do WHAT?… if they are unresponsive to the political pressure from their constituents?

  60. “As long as the finalization is a step away, we’ll have time….”

    Time to do WHAT?… if they are unresponsive to the political pressure from their constituents?

  61. Yes, this is a classic red herring. The developers are trying to make the argument be about stem cell research and not about profit and greed. Really insulting. How dumb do they think people are?

  62. Yes, this is a classic red herring. The developers are trying to make the argument be about stem cell research and not about profit and greed. Really insulting. How dumb do they think people are?

  63. Yes, this is a classic red herring. The developers are trying to make the argument be about stem cell research and not about profit and greed. Really insulting. How dumb do they think people are?

  64. Yes, this is a classic red herring. The developers are trying to make the argument be about stem cell research and not about profit and greed. Really insulting. How dumb do they think people are?

  65. “Question is should we study the area–no specific plan at this time.”

    How many times have we in Davis heard this refrain that is calculated to disarm concern??…. the last time for several years as our Davis Public Works Deparment just “studied” their surface water project..

  66. “Question is should we study the area–no specific plan at this time.”

    How many times have we in Davis heard this refrain that is calculated to disarm concern??…. the last time for several years as our Davis Public Works Deparment just “studied” their surface water project..

  67. “Question is should we study the area–no specific plan at this time.”

    How many times have we in Davis heard this refrain that is calculated to disarm concern??…. the last time for several years as our Davis Public Works Deparment just “studied” their surface water project..

  68. “Question is should we study the area–no specific plan at this time.”

    How many times have we in Davis heard this refrain that is calculated to disarm concern??…. the last time for several years as our Davis Public Works Deparment just “studied” their surface water project..

  69. Been gone for awhile and haven’t had time to find the answers to the following questions.
    does anyone know?

    How are the developers proposing to support the stem cell research center? Are they contructing all the required building at their expense, poviding annual grant money for a specified period of time, paying salaries,????. Who would run the joint?

    It wouldn’t change my mind on this bad deal, but I’m curious as to what they are proposing.

  70. Been gone for awhile and haven’t had time to find the answers to the following questions.
    does anyone know?

    How are the developers proposing to support the stem cell research center? Are they contructing all the required building at their expense, poviding annual grant money for a specified period of time, paying salaries,????. Who would run the joint?

    It wouldn’t change my mind on this bad deal, but I’m curious as to what they are proposing.

  71. Been gone for awhile and haven’t had time to find the answers to the following questions.
    does anyone know?

    How are the developers proposing to support the stem cell research center? Are they contructing all the required building at their expense, poviding annual grant money for a specified period of time, paying salaries,????. Who would run the joint?

    It wouldn’t change my mind on this bad deal, but I’m curious as to what they are proposing.

  72. Been gone for awhile and haven’t had time to find the answers to the following questions.
    does anyone know?

    How are the developers proposing to support the stem cell research center? Are they contructing all the required building at their expense, poviding annual grant money for a specified period of time, paying salaries,????. Who would run the joint?

    It wouldn’t change my mind on this bad deal, but I’m curious as to what they are proposing.

  73. Ruth Asmundson said:

    “Pass through agreement most important thing we’ve done with city..”

    For obvious reasons, she overlooked the true MOST IMPORTANT thing we’ve done for the city…ENACTMENT OF MEASURE J!

  74. Ruth Asmundson said:

    “Pass through agreement most important thing we’ve done with city..”

    For obvious reasons, she overlooked the true MOST IMPORTANT thing we’ve done for the city…ENACTMENT OF MEASURE J!

  75. Ruth Asmundson said:

    “Pass through agreement most important thing we’ve done with city..”

    For obvious reasons, she overlooked the true MOST IMPORTANT thing we’ve done for the city…ENACTMENT OF MEASURE J!

  76. Ruth Asmundson said:

    “Pass through agreement most important thing we’ve done with city..”

    For obvious reasons, she overlooked the true MOST IMPORTANT thing we’ve done for the city…ENACTMENT OF MEASURE J!

  77. I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has shown up at the Supervisors’ chambers to speak on this important subject.

    Also, my deep thanks to Matt Rexroad and Duane Chamberlain for opposing this wrong-headed proposal.

    It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors. You would think we should be able to count on the Supervisors we elected to protect us, but instead it is they who are pushing this debacle.

    David Suder

  78. I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has shown up at the Supervisors’ chambers to speak on this important subject.

    Also, my deep thanks to Matt Rexroad and Duane Chamberlain for opposing this wrong-headed proposal.

    It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors. You would think we should be able to count on the Supervisors we elected to protect us, but instead it is they who are pushing this debacle.

    David Suder

  79. I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has shown up at the Supervisors’ chambers to speak on this important subject.

    Also, my deep thanks to Matt Rexroad and Duane Chamberlain for opposing this wrong-headed proposal.

    It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors. You would think we should be able to count on the Supervisors we elected to protect us, but instead it is they who are pushing this debacle.

    David Suder

  80. I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has shown up at the Supervisors’ chambers to speak on this important subject.

    Also, my deep thanks to Matt Rexroad and Duane Chamberlain for opposing this wrong-headed proposal.

    It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors. You would think we should be able to count on the Supervisors we elected to protect us, but instead it is they who are pushing this debacle.

    David Suder

  81. That’s a good question.

    UC Davis was passed over in favor of UC SF and Southern CA when it came time to distribute the Stem Cell research funds.

    Yolo County is the ideal place for a stem cell research center now, where will the money come from and why didn’t they give the money to UC Davis before?

  82. That’s a good question.

    UC Davis was passed over in favor of UC SF and Southern CA when it came time to distribute the Stem Cell research funds.

    Yolo County is the ideal place for a stem cell research center now, where will the money come from and why didn’t they give the money to UC Davis before?

  83. That’s a good question.

    UC Davis was passed over in favor of UC SF and Southern CA when it came time to distribute the Stem Cell research funds.

    Yolo County is the ideal place for a stem cell research center now, where will the money come from and why didn’t they give the money to UC Davis before?

  84. That’s a good question.

    UC Davis was passed over in favor of UC SF and Southern CA when it came time to distribute the Stem Cell research funds.

    Yolo County is the ideal place for a stem cell research center now, where will the money come from and why didn’t they give the money to UC Davis before?

  85. “It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors.”

    Only because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Don’t believe for a second it is because of your concerns.

  86. “It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors.”

    Only because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Don’t believe for a second it is because of your concerns.

  87. “It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors.”

    Only because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Don’t believe for a second it is because of your concerns.

  88. “It is unbelievable to me that we have to go to Woodland to fight the “representation” of our two Supervisors.”

    Only because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Don’t believe for a second it is because of your concerns.

  89. McGowan on streaming video just stated he wanted to separate the housing, Tsakapolous, and the location from the conversation regarding whether we want Yolo County to be a location for stem cell research….

    Of course we do. But you cannot separate the above issues from the stem cell research center, considering the development (and the $300 million accompanying it) was THE funding source. Nobody was talking stem cell research center in Yolo until Tsakopolous raised the subject. Until a substitute funding source can be assumed, it’s misleading for the County Supervisors to ask Yolo residents to separate Tsakapolous, housing, and location from the stem cell research center.

  90. McGowan on streaming video just stated he wanted to separate the housing, Tsakapolous, and the location from the conversation regarding whether we want Yolo County to be a location for stem cell research….

    Of course we do. But you cannot separate the above issues from the stem cell research center, considering the development (and the $300 million accompanying it) was THE funding source. Nobody was talking stem cell research center in Yolo until Tsakopolous raised the subject. Until a substitute funding source can be assumed, it’s misleading for the County Supervisors to ask Yolo residents to separate Tsakapolous, housing, and location from the stem cell research center.

  91. McGowan on streaming video just stated he wanted to separate the housing, Tsakapolous, and the location from the conversation regarding whether we want Yolo County to be a location for stem cell research….

    Of course we do. But you cannot separate the above issues from the stem cell research center, considering the development (and the $300 million accompanying it) was THE funding source. Nobody was talking stem cell research center in Yolo until Tsakopolous raised the subject. Until a substitute funding source can be assumed, it’s misleading for the County Supervisors to ask Yolo residents to separate Tsakapolous, housing, and location from the stem cell research center.

  92. McGowan on streaming video just stated he wanted to separate the housing, Tsakapolous, and the location from the conversation regarding whether we want Yolo County to be a location for stem cell research….

    Of course we do. But you cannot separate the above issues from the stem cell research center, considering the development (and the $300 million accompanying it) was THE funding source. Nobody was talking stem cell research center in Yolo until Tsakopolous raised the subject. Until a substitute funding source can be assumed, it’s misleading for the County Supervisors to ask Yolo residents to separate Tsakapolous, housing, and location from the stem cell research center.

  93. How much clearer do we have to state our case?

    As DPD and all of us who support Stem Cell Research have said:

    Stem Cell Research Center =

    Location = BAD IDEA!!! We DO NOT support the suggested location.

    SUGGESTION = UC Davis Campus. What a wonderful legacy ATK would leave!

  94. How much clearer do we have to state our case?

    As DPD and all of us who support Stem Cell Research have said:

    Stem Cell Research Center =

    Location = BAD IDEA!!! We DO NOT support the suggested location.

    SUGGESTION = UC Davis Campus. What a wonderful legacy ATK would leave!

  95. How much clearer do we have to state our case?

    As DPD and all of us who support Stem Cell Research have said:

    Stem Cell Research Center =

    Location = BAD IDEA!!! We DO NOT support the suggested location.

    SUGGESTION = UC Davis Campus. What a wonderful legacy ATK would leave!

  96. How much clearer do we have to state our case?

    As DPD and all of us who support Stem Cell Research have said:

    Stem Cell Research Center =

    Location = BAD IDEA!!! We DO NOT support the suggested location.

    SUGGESTION = UC Davis Campus. What a wonderful legacy ATK would leave!

  97. This is such a farce! They have all these disabled advocates and stem cell proponents coming forward and supporting the Yamada position (or at least what she has been saying in the papers), yet we all know that the real champions of this development are the developers!
    This is exactly why we have transparency in campaign financing. Our campaign finance system in CA sucks, and we need actual public financing, but until that comes our only tool is transparency, but I digress.
    When the July 31st fundraising reports become public, one would believe that her advocacy for stem cells would result in significant fundraising from the biotech and VC crowd that supported the Stem Cell initiative with millions of dollars. However, if this is just about developers, then you would expect a ton of money from the folks who are pushing development in the region. She can say what she wants, but this reality will be clear as day and the transparency of her political funding will be a serious window to her political soul.
    Is there any way we can do a poll on just how much funding will she get from the Stem Cell advocates, and how much will she get from developers? Would be great if this site could just put up a little polling question on this point, and we could see on the 31st where her support lies.

  98. This is such a farce! They have all these disabled advocates and stem cell proponents coming forward and supporting the Yamada position (or at least what she has been saying in the papers), yet we all know that the real champions of this development are the developers!
    This is exactly why we have transparency in campaign financing. Our campaign finance system in CA sucks, and we need actual public financing, but until that comes our only tool is transparency, but I digress.
    When the July 31st fundraising reports become public, one would believe that her advocacy for stem cells would result in significant fundraising from the biotech and VC crowd that supported the Stem Cell initiative with millions of dollars. However, if this is just about developers, then you would expect a ton of money from the folks who are pushing development in the region. She can say what she wants, but this reality will be clear as day and the transparency of her political funding will be a serious window to her political soul.
    Is there any way we can do a poll on just how much funding will she get from the Stem Cell advocates, and how much will she get from developers? Would be great if this site could just put up a little polling question on this point, and we could see on the 31st where her support lies.

  99. This is such a farce! They have all these disabled advocates and stem cell proponents coming forward and supporting the Yamada position (or at least what she has been saying in the papers), yet we all know that the real champions of this development are the developers!
    This is exactly why we have transparency in campaign financing. Our campaign finance system in CA sucks, and we need actual public financing, but until that comes our only tool is transparency, but I digress.
    When the July 31st fundraising reports become public, one would believe that her advocacy for stem cells would result in significant fundraising from the biotech and VC crowd that supported the Stem Cell initiative with millions of dollars. However, if this is just about developers, then you would expect a ton of money from the folks who are pushing development in the region. She can say what she wants, but this reality will be clear as day and the transparency of her political funding will be a serious window to her political soul.
    Is there any way we can do a poll on just how much funding will she get from the Stem Cell advocates, and how much will she get from developers? Would be great if this site could just put up a little polling question on this point, and we could see on the 31st where her support lies.

  100. This is such a farce! They have all these disabled advocates and stem cell proponents coming forward and supporting the Yamada position (or at least what she has been saying in the papers), yet we all know that the real champions of this development are the developers!
    This is exactly why we have transparency in campaign financing. Our campaign finance system in CA sucks, and we need actual public financing, but until that comes our only tool is transparency, but I digress.
    When the July 31st fundraising reports become public, one would believe that her advocacy for stem cells would result in significant fundraising from the biotech and VC crowd that supported the Stem Cell initiative with millions of dollars. However, if this is just about developers, then you would expect a ton of money from the folks who are pushing development in the region. She can say what she wants, but this reality will be clear as day and the transparency of her political funding will be a serious window to her political soul.
    Is there any way we can do a poll on just how much funding will she get from the Stem Cell advocates, and how much will she get from developers? Would be great if this site could just put up a little polling question on this point, and we could see on the 31st where her support lies.

  101. The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better. If the land was on the other side of the Causeway then developers would be talking about the West Sac Stem Cell Research Center. And, being the urban sprawl supporter that he is then he would gladly hold both hands out.

    I don’t believe that Mariko got a lot of $$ for this. Cabaldon is somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000 whereas Mariko will have raised over $100,000.

    I wish we had a great 3rd choice…maybe Skip Thompson from Solano County will give thought to running? Hmmm…

  102. The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better. If the land was on the other side of the Causeway then developers would be talking about the West Sac Stem Cell Research Center. And, being the urban sprawl supporter that he is then he would gladly hold both hands out.

    I don’t believe that Mariko got a lot of $$ for this. Cabaldon is somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000 whereas Mariko will have raised over $100,000.

    I wish we had a great 3rd choice…maybe Skip Thompson from Solano County will give thought to running? Hmmm…

  103. The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better. If the land was on the other side of the Causeway then developers would be talking about the West Sac Stem Cell Research Center. And, being the urban sprawl supporter that he is then he would gladly hold both hands out.

    I don’t believe that Mariko got a lot of $$ for this. Cabaldon is somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000 whereas Mariko will have raised over $100,000.

    I wish we had a great 3rd choice…maybe Skip Thompson from Solano County will give thought to running? Hmmm…

  104. The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better. If the land was on the other side of the Causeway then developers would be talking about the West Sac Stem Cell Research Center. And, being the urban sprawl supporter that he is then he would gladly hold both hands out.

    I don’t believe that Mariko got a lot of $$ for this. Cabaldon is somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000 whereas Mariko will have raised over $100,000.

    I wish we had a great 3rd choice…maybe Skip Thompson from Solano County will give thought to running? Hmmm…

  105. Mariko raised $100,000?

    I know that she did an event or two in Davis, and I’ve talked to a few people who gave her between $100 and $250, but those kind of checks do not get her anywhere near $100,000.

    And I havent herad of any developers giving her money, no matter how bad she has been on this. ATK isn’t going to give her money, and she has been good against development before.

    I don’t think that 100,000 figure is right.

  106. Mariko raised $100,000?

    I know that she did an event or two in Davis, and I’ve talked to a few people who gave her between $100 and $250, but those kind of checks do not get her anywhere near $100,000.

    And I havent herad of any developers giving her money, no matter how bad she has been on this. ATK isn’t going to give her money, and she has been good against development before.

    I don’t think that 100,000 figure is right.

  107. Mariko raised $100,000?

    I know that she did an event or two in Davis, and I’ve talked to a few people who gave her between $100 and $250, but those kind of checks do not get her anywhere near $100,000.

    And I havent herad of any developers giving her money, no matter how bad she has been on this. ATK isn’t going to give her money, and she has been good against development before.

    I don’t think that 100,000 figure is right.

  108. Mariko raised $100,000?

    I know that she did an event or two in Davis, and I’ve talked to a few people who gave her between $100 and $250, but those kind of checks do not get her anywhere near $100,000.

    And I havent herad of any developers giving her money, no matter how bad she has been on this. ATK isn’t going to give her money, and she has been good against development before.

    I don’t think that 100,000 figure is right.

  109. I have heard the $100,000 figure from several sources, but we will not know until the reports come out.

    Cabaldon is in the $400,000 range. It will be interesting to see who gave him money.

  110. I have heard the $100,000 figure from several sources, but we will not know until the reports come out.

    Cabaldon is in the $400,000 range. It will be interesting to see who gave him money.

  111. I have heard the $100,000 figure from several sources, but we will not know until the reports come out.

    Cabaldon is in the $400,000 range. It will be interesting to see who gave him money.

  112. I have heard the $100,000 figure from several sources, but we will not know until the reports come out.

    Cabaldon is in the $400,000 range. It will be interesting to see who gave him money.

  113. The sad thing is that Yamada was promoting herself as the alternative to Cabaldon. Her supporters, including me, a personal supporter but not a donor, believed that she was a true liberal candidate. The contrast between her and Cabaldon (and even Wolk/Thompson) is her focus on really fixing social problems, fighting the corporations and developers, and being true grass-roots.

    I don’t think I will be joining the bandwagon if her campaign can only be characterized as a different shade of Cabaldon. I would honestly rather vote for the term limits extension and hope that Wolk stays in office. I guess it’s like the old adage “prefer the disappointing Assemblymember that you know over the disappointing assembly candidate you don’t know.”

  114. The sad thing is that Yamada was promoting herself as the alternative to Cabaldon. Her supporters, including me, a personal supporter but not a donor, believed that she was a true liberal candidate. The contrast between her and Cabaldon (and even Wolk/Thompson) is her focus on really fixing social problems, fighting the corporations and developers, and being true grass-roots.

    I don’t think I will be joining the bandwagon if her campaign can only be characterized as a different shade of Cabaldon. I would honestly rather vote for the term limits extension and hope that Wolk stays in office. I guess it’s like the old adage “prefer the disappointing Assemblymember that you know over the disappointing assembly candidate you don’t know.”

  115. The sad thing is that Yamada was promoting herself as the alternative to Cabaldon. Her supporters, including me, a personal supporter but not a donor, believed that she was a true liberal candidate. The contrast between her and Cabaldon (and even Wolk/Thompson) is her focus on really fixing social problems, fighting the corporations and developers, and being true grass-roots.

    I don’t think I will be joining the bandwagon if her campaign can only be characterized as a different shade of Cabaldon. I would honestly rather vote for the term limits extension and hope that Wolk stays in office. I guess it’s like the old adage “prefer the disappointing Assemblymember that you know over the disappointing assembly candidate you don’t know.”

  116. The sad thing is that Yamada was promoting herself as the alternative to Cabaldon. Her supporters, including me, a personal supporter but not a donor, believed that she was a true liberal candidate. The contrast between her and Cabaldon (and even Wolk/Thompson) is her focus on really fixing social problems, fighting the corporations and developers, and being true grass-roots.

    I don’t think I will be joining the bandwagon if her campaign can only be characterized as a different shade of Cabaldon. I would honestly rather vote for the term limits extension and hope that Wolk stays in office. I guess it’s like the old adage “prefer the disappointing Assemblymember that you know over the disappointing assembly candidate you don’t know.”

  117. Anonymous 3:37 said:

    “Isn’t one strategy to take out loans and then get the donations to pay them off at the very end with reporting after the election?”

    This is true, and sometimes done by assembly candidates. They can loan themselves up to $100,000, and then pay that back to themselves later in the campaign or after the election. So, if Cabaldon or Yamada were interested in puffing up their campaign finance reports, they could do a loan. But every dollar after $100,000 is a non-refundable contribution to their campaign. They do not get that back.

    As with most laws written by politicians, there are loopholes. It is unethical, but a politician could receive a commitment from the ATK family to give him/her a bucket load of cash after the campaign under the debt-retirement rules, and repay themselves the money they had loaned to their campaign.

    Real campaign finance reform would eliminate this loophole. You cannot restrict freedom of speech, and the Supreme Court has found that self-contributions cannot be restricted under that constitutional protection, but you could say that none of it is refundable as that gives politicians to use $100,000 of their own money to get elected, then the special interests that are trying to lobby them on bills can essentially pay off the loan. It is something very different psychologically when an organization gives $10,000 to your campaign committee, versus when that contribution is coming back to you to pay for your home remodel or family vacation!

  118. Anonymous 3:37 said:

    “Isn’t one strategy to take out loans and then get the donations to pay them off at the very end with reporting after the election?”

    This is true, and sometimes done by assembly candidates. They can loan themselves up to $100,000, and then pay that back to themselves later in the campaign or after the election. So, if Cabaldon or Yamada were interested in puffing up their campaign finance reports, they could do a loan. But every dollar after $100,000 is a non-refundable contribution to their campaign. They do not get that back.

    As with most laws written by politicians, there are loopholes. It is unethical, but a politician could receive a commitment from the ATK family to give him/her a bucket load of cash after the campaign under the debt-retirement rules, and repay themselves the money they had loaned to their campaign.

    Real campaign finance reform would eliminate this loophole. You cannot restrict freedom of speech, and the Supreme Court has found that self-contributions cannot be restricted under that constitutional protection, but you could say that none of it is refundable as that gives politicians to use $100,000 of their own money to get elected, then the special interests that are trying to lobby them on bills can essentially pay off the loan. It is something very different psychologically when an organization gives $10,000 to your campaign committee, versus when that contribution is coming back to you to pay for your home remodel or family vacation!

  119. Anonymous 3:37 said:

    “Isn’t one strategy to take out loans and then get the donations to pay them off at the very end with reporting after the election?”

    This is true, and sometimes done by assembly candidates. They can loan themselves up to $100,000, and then pay that back to themselves later in the campaign or after the election. So, if Cabaldon or Yamada were interested in puffing up their campaign finance reports, they could do a loan. But every dollar after $100,000 is a non-refundable contribution to their campaign. They do not get that back.

    As with most laws written by politicians, there are loopholes. It is unethical, but a politician could receive a commitment from the ATK family to give him/her a bucket load of cash after the campaign under the debt-retirement rules, and repay themselves the money they had loaned to their campaign.

    Real campaign finance reform would eliminate this loophole. You cannot restrict freedom of speech, and the Supreme Court has found that self-contributions cannot be restricted under that constitutional protection, but you could say that none of it is refundable as that gives politicians to use $100,000 of their own money to get elected, then the special interests that are trying to lobby them on bills can essentially pay off the loan. It is something very different psychologically when an organization gives $10,000 to your campaign committee, versus when that contribution is coming back to you to pay for your home remodel or family vacation!

  120. Anonymous 3:37 said:

    “Isn’t one strategy to take out loans and then get the donations to pay them off at the very end with reporting after the election?”

    This is true, and sometimes done by assembly candidates. They can loan themselves up to $100,000, and then pay that back to themselves later in the campaign or after the election. So, if Cabaldon or Yamada were interested in puffing up their campaign finance reports, they could do a loan. But every dollar after $100,000 is a non-refundable contribution to their campaign. They do not get that back.

    As with most laws written by politicians, there are loopholes. It is unethical, but a politician could receive a commitment from the ATK family to give him/her a bucket load of cash after the campaign under the debt-retirement rules, and repay themselves the money they had loaned to their campaign.

    Real campaign finance reform would eliminate this loophole. You cannot restrict freedom of speech, and the Supreme Court has found that self-contributions cannot be restricted under that constitutional protection, but you could say that none of it is refundable as that gives politicians to use $100,000 of their own money to get elected, then the special interests that are trying to lobby them on bills can essentially pay off the loan. It is something very different psychologically when an organization gives $10,000 to your campaign committee, versus when that contribution is coming back to you to pay for your home remodel or family vacation!

  121. “Yamada, McGowan, and Thomson, voted to retain the NW Quadrant and Covell Village in joint study areas.”

    Well.. there you have it. The predicted but impotent public posturing of Saylor and Asmundson defending our city while Thomson(fellow feeder at the developer trough) does the dirty work as she thumbs her nose at us from her announced lame-duck postion.Mariko?, a disappointment but ..she’s made her bed and now…. you know the rest… OFF with both their heads.

  122. “Yamada, McGowan, and Thomson, voted to retain the NW Quadrant and Covell Village in joint study areas.”

    Well.. there you have it. The predicted but impotent public posturing of Saylor and Asmundson defending our city while Thomson(fellow feeder at the developer trough) does the dirty work as she thumbs her nose at us from her announced lame-duck postion.Mariko?, a disappointment but ..she’s made her bed and now…. you know the rest… OFF with both their heads.

  123. “Yamada, McGowan, and Thomson, voted to retain the NW Quadrant and Covell Village in joint study areas.”

    Well.. there you have it. The predicted but impotent public posturing of Saylor and Asmundson defending our city while Thomson(fellow feeder at the developer trough) does the dirty work as she thumbs her nose at us from her announced lame-duck postion.Mariko?, a disappointment but ..she’s made her bed and now…. you know the rest… OFF with both their heads.

  124. “Yamada, McGowan, and Thomson, voted to retain the NW Quadrant and Covell Village in joint study areas.”

    Well.. there you have it. The predicted but impotent public posturing of Saylor and Asmundson defending our city while Thomson(fellow feeder at the developer trough) does the dirty work as she thumbs her nose at us from her announced lame-duck postion.Mariko?, a disappointment but ..she’s made her bed and now…. you know the rest… OFF with both their heads.

  125. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Have you spoken with Mariko? She’s as dumb as a rock. I’m not kidding. Calling her smart is mistaken.

  126. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Have you spoken with Mariko? She’s as dumb as a rock. I’m not kidding. Calling her smart is mistaken.

  127. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Have you spoken with Mariko? She’s as dumb as a rock. I’m not kidding. Calling her smart is mistaken.

  128. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Have you spoken with Mariko? She’s as dumb as a rock. I’m not kidding. Calling her smart is mistaken.

  129. It’s not fair to call her “dumb as a rock.”

    If that were true, then why in the world would so many people be helping her? Why would Cabaldon have helped her in her Supervisor’s campaign (after she was appointed)?

  130. It’s not fair to call her “dumb as a rock.”

    If that were true, then why in the world would so many people be helping her? Why would Cabaldon have helped her in her Supervisor’s campaign (after she was appointed)?

  131. It’s not fair to call her “dumb as a rock.”

    If that were true, then why in the world would so many people be helping her? Why would Cabaldon have helped her in her Supervisor’s campaign (after she was appointed)?

  132. It’s not fair to call her “dumb as a rock.”

    If that were true, then why in the world would so many people be helping her? Why would Cabaldon have helped her in her Supervisor’s campaign (after she was appointed)?

  133. Once the name-calling starts you lose all your credibility. “Dumb as a rock” is coming from someone who won’t even reveal thier identity.

    I hope Davis can realize it will have to grow. Growth can happen in a smart way.

  134. Once the name-calling starts you lose all your credibility. “Dumb as a rock” is coming from someone who won’t even reveal thier identity.

    I hope Davis can realize it will have to grow. Growth can happen in a smart way.

  135. Once the name-calling starts you lose all your credibility. “Dumb as a rock” is coming from someone who won’t even reveal thier identity.

    I hope Davis can realize it will have to grow. Growth can happen in a smart way.

  136. Once the name-calling starts you lose all your credibility. “Dumb as a rock” is coming from someone who won’t even reveal thier identity.

    I hope Davis can realize it will have to grow. Growth can happen in a smart way.

  137. Moral of the story… don’t elect someone back down the political ladder from Assemblyperson to County Supervisor… they never adjust to the demotion.

  138. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Avoid developer money?!


    To anonymous, who is moving to Sac because s/he can’t afford a home in Davis: 25 years ago, my spouse and I – both working professionals – couldn’t afford a home in Davis either. That’s nothing new. What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like. The way the real estate market is going now, that may occur sooner than you think, anyway.

    What did we do? Bought a home elsewhere, developed our equity, and moved back to Davis when our income and equity allowed us to do so. It didn’t occur to us to bitch about it.

    Davis will always command a price premium as long as it is considered more desirable than the locations it is compared to. There are only two ways to change that. Either make other places more desirable, – or make Davis less desirable.

  139. Moral of the story… don’t elect someone back down the political ladder from Assemblyperson to County Supervisor… they never adjust to the demotion.

  140. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Avoid developer money?!


    To anonymous, who is moving to Sac because s/he can’t afford a home in Davis: 25 years ago, my spouse and I – both working professionals – couldn’t afford a home in Davis either. That’s nothing new. What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like. The way the real estate market is going now, that may occur sooner than you think, anyway.

    What did we do? Bought a home elsewhere, developed our equity, and moved back to Davis when our income and equity allowed us to do so. It didn’t occur to us to bitch about it.

    Davis will always command a price premium as long as it is considered more desirable than the locations it is compared to. There are only two ways to change that. Either make other places more desirable, – or make Davis less desirable.

  141. Moral of the story… don’t elect someone back down the political ladder from Assemblyperson to County Supervisor… they never adjust to the demotion.

  142. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Avoid developer money?!


    To anonymous, who is moving to Sac because s/he can’t afford a home in Davis: 25 years ago, my spouse and I – both working professionals – couldn’t afford a home in Davis either. That’s nothing new. What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like. The way the real estate market is going now, that may occur sooner than you think, anyway.

    What did we do? Bought a home elsewhere, developed our equity, and moved back to Davis when our income and equity allowed us to do so. It didn’t occur to us to bitch about it.

    Davis will always command a price premium as long as it is considered more desirable than the locations it is compared to. There are only two ways to change that. Either make other places more desirable, – or make Davis less desirable.

  143. Moral of the story… don’t elect someone back down the political ladder from Assemblyperson to County Supervisor… they never adjust to the demotion.

  144. “Mariko is smart enough to avoid developer money during this whole debacle. Otherwise this would all look like a quid-pro-quo.”

    Avoid developer money?!


    To anonymous, who is moving to Sac because s/he can’t afford a home in Davis: 25 years ago, my spouse and I – both working professionals – couldn’t afford a home in Davis either. That’s nothing new. What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like. The way the real estate market is going now, that may occur sooner than you think, anyway.

    What did we do? Bought a home elsewhere, developed our equity, and moved back to Davis when our income and equity allowed us to do so. It didn’t occur to us to bitch about it.

    Davis will always command a price premium as long as it is considered more desirable than the locations it is compared to. There are only two ways to change that. Either make other places more desirable, – or make Davis less desirable.

  145. “It appears at this time, that the citizens of Davis and their city council have prevailed upon both Davis Supervisors and the entire board to reverse the course of planning staff’s recommendations and thereby have removed all massive developer projects in and around Davis from the general plan update process.”

    sort of….

    This will be back, just packaged another way.

  146. “It appears at this time, that the citizens of Davis and their city council have prevailed upon both Davis Supervisors and the entire board to reverse the course of planning staff’s recommendations and thereby have removed all massive developer projects in and around Davis from the general plan update process.”

    sort of….

    This will be back, just packaged another way.

  147. “It appears at this time, that the citizens of Davis and their city council have prevailed upon both Davis Supervisors and the entire board to reverse the course of planning staff’s recommendations and thereby have removed all massive developer projects in and around Davis from the general plan update process.”

    sort of….

    This will be back, just packaged another way.

  148. “It appears at this time, that the citizens of Davis and their city council have prevailed upon both Davis Supervisors and the entire board to reverse the course of planning staff’s recommendations and thereby have removed all massive developer projects in and around Davis from the general plan update process.”

    sort of….

    This will be back, just packaged another way.

  149. My very preliminary assessment is that the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks. Will minority, slow growth Davis City Councilmembers and Yolo County Supervisors be included, or will only the City Council and Board of Supervisor majority factions be at the table?

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

  150. My very preliminary assessment is that the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks. Will minority, slow growth Davis City Councilmembers and Yolo County Supervisors be included, or will only the City Council and Board of Supervisor majority factions be at the table?

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

  151. My very preliminary assessment is that the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks. Will minority, slow growth Davis City Councilmembers and Yolo County Supervisors be included, or will only the City Council and Board of Supervisor majority factions be at the table?

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

  152. My very preliminary assessment is that the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks. Will minority, slow growth Davis City Councilmembers and Yolo County Supervisors be included, or will only the City Council and Board of Supervisor majority factions be at the table?

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

  153. “…the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks…”

    Actually, the obvious and best solution is to return right back where we started from… Sue Greenwald and Don Saylor having 2X2 “JOINT DISCUSSIONS” about land use on Davis’ periphery with perhaps Sups Yamada and Rexroad.

  154. “…the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks…”

    Actually, the obvious and best solution is to return right back where we started from… Sue Greenwald and Don Saylor having 2X2 “JOINT DISCUSSIONS” about land use on Davis’ periphery with perhaps Sups Yamada and Rexroad.

  155. “…the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks…”

    Actually, the obvious and best solution is to return right back where we started from… Sue Greenwald and Don Saylor having 2X2 “JOINT DISCUSSIONS” about land use on Davis’ periphery with perhaps Sups Yamada and Rexroad.

  156. “…the outcome will now depend on who represents the City and the County in the upcoming talks…”

    Actually, the obvious and best solution is to return right back where we started from… Sue Greenwald and Don Saylor having 2X2 “JOINT DISCUSSIONS” about land use on Davis’ periphery with perhaps Sups Yamada and Rexroad.

  157. That would be ridiculous. Rexroad has no interest in more revenue for the county to provide health care or mental health or any of the other services Yamada and Thomson are fighting for. Not for Davis people, nor anyone else in the county. That’s the problem with Republican Supervisors statewide. They don’t support the primary mission of counties: health and welfare. They only support law enforcement and roads, and that’s about it. Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal. Their motivations are in the right place.

  158. That would be ridiculous. Rexroad has no interest in more revenue for the county to provide health care or mental health or any of the other services Yamada and Thomson are fighting for. Not for Davis people, nor anyone else in the county. That’s the problem with Republican Supervisors statewide. They don’t support the primary mission of counties: health and welfare. They only support law enforcement and roads, and that’s about it. Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal. Their motivations are in the right place.

  159. That would be ridiculous. Rexroad has no interest in more revenue for the county to provide health care or mental health or any of the other services Yamada and Thomson are fighting for. Not for Davis people, nor anyone else in the county. That’s the problem with Republican Supervisors statewide. They don’t support the primary mission of counties: health and welfare. They only support law enforcement and roads, and that’s about it. Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal. Their motivations are in the right place.

  160. That would be ridiculous. Rexroad has no interest in more revenue for the county to provide health care or mental health or any of the other services Yamada and Thomson are fighting for. Not for Davis people, nor anyone else in the county. That’s the problem with Republican Supervisors statewide. They don’t support the primary mission of counties: health and welfare. They only support law enforcement and roads, and that’s about it. Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal. Their motivations are in the right place.

  161. Sue Greenwald said:

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

    Relieved that Matt Rexroad just saved us from Mariko Yamada?

    I’m not relieved, I’m scared.

  162. Sue Greenwald said:

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

    Relieved that Matt Rexroad just saved us from Mariko Yamada?

    I’m not relieved, I’m scared.

  163. Sue Greenwald said:

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

    Relieved that Matt Rexroad just saved us from Mariko Yamada?

    I’m not relieved, I’m scared.

  164. Sue Greenwald said:

    Only time will tell. For now, I feel quite relieved.

    Relieved that Matt Rexroad just saved us from Mariko Yamada?

    I’m not relieved, I’m scared.

  165. anonymous 4:56 said:

    Their motivations are in the right place.

    Yeah, in the right place if you happen to be the right hip pocket of angelo tsakopoulos.

    The fundraising reports at the end of the month will tell the truth. All of Mariko’s money, spare a few small donations, will come from developers, friends of developers, fishing buddies of developers, Republican developers, McDonalds owning developers, dunnigan developers, railyard developers, Elks Building developers, Stem Cell Trojan Horse Developers, and maybe a couple friends of ours who aren’t developers at all, just to give it that homespun feel!

  166. anonymous 4:56 said:

    Their motivations are in the right place.

    Yeah, in the right place if you happen to be the right hip pocket of angelo tsakopoulos.

    The fundraising reports at the end of the month will tell the truth. All of Mariko’s money, spare a few small donations, will come from developers, friends of developers, fishing buddies of developers, Republican developers, McDonalds owning developers, dunnigan developers, railyard developers, Elks Building developers, Stem Cell Trojan Horse Developers, and maybe a couple friends of ours who aren’t developers at all, just to give it that homespun feel!

  167. anonymous 4:56 said:

    Their motivations are in the right place.

    Yeah, in the right place if you happen to be the right hip pocket of angelo tsakopoulos.

    The fundraising reports at the end of the month will tell the truth. All of Mariko’s money, spare a few small donations, will come from developers, friends of developers, fishing buddies of developers, Republican developers, McDonalds owning developers, dunnigan developers, railyard developers, Elks Building developers, Stem Cell Trojan Horse Developers, and maybe a couple friends of ours who aren’t developers at all, just to give it that homespun feel!

  168. anonymous 4:56 said:

    Their motivations are in the right place.

    Yeah, in the right place if you happen to be the right hip pocket of angelo tsakopoulos.

    The fundraising reports at the end of the month will tell the truth. All of Mariko’s money, spare a few small donations, will come from developers, friends of developers, fishing buddies of developers, Republican developers, McDonalds owning developers, dunnigan developers, railyard developers, Elks Building developers, Stem Cell Trojan Horse Developers, and maybe a couple friends of ours who aren’t developers at all, just to give it that homespun feel!

  169. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    Perhaps balancing Democratic and Republican “deep pockets” interests on the Sups side of the table could help to neutralize their influence.

  170. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    Perhaps balancing Democratic and Republican “deep pockets” interests on the Sups side of the table could help to neutralize their influence.

  171. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    Perhaps balancing Democratic and Republican “deep pockets” interests on the Sups side of the table could help to neutralize their influence.

  172. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    Perhaps balancing Democratic and Republican “deep pockets” interests on the Sups side of the table could help to neutralize their influence.

  173. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    STOP RIGHT THERE!! No one is talking about negotiations.. this is supposed to be discussion and communication. I would hope that each then returns to their respective constituencies who then will decide, within the parameters of the pass-through agreement outlining Davis autonomy in peripheral land use decisions, what they see as Davis’ future.

  174. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    STOP RIGHT THERE!! No one is talking about negotiations.. this is supposed to be discussion and communication. I would hope that each then returns to their respective constituencies who then will decide, within the parameters of the pass-through agreement outlining Davis autonomy in peripheral land use decisions, what they see as Davis’ future.

  175. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    STOP RIGHT THERE!! No one is talking about negotiations.. this is supposed to be discussion and communication. I would hope that each then returns to their respective constituencies who then will decide, within the parameters of the pass-through agreement outlining Davis autonomy in peripheral land use decisions, what they see as Davis’ future.

  176. “Thomson and Yamada can negotiate a fair deal.”

    STOP RIGHT THERE!! No one is talking about negotiations.. this is supposed to be discussion and communication. I would hope that each then returns to their respective constituencies who then will decide, within the parameters of the pass-through agreement outlining Davis autonomy in peripheral land use decisions, what they see as Davis’ future.

  177. Davis residents,

    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl). Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?. Pls don’t say West Sac – not going to happen.

  178. Davis residents,

    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl). Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?. Pls don’t say West Sac – not going to happen.

  179. Davis residents,

    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl). Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?. Pls don’t say West Sac – not going to happen.

  180. Davis residents,

    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl). Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?. Pls don’t say West Sac – not going to happen.

  181. Meanwhile Placer approves 14000 new homes on the eastern Sacramento County Line. Nobody is even talking about that level of development here and there is all this opposition from all the usual suspects.

    I guess the question nobody asked is what are the housing needs for the area. Of course if you own a home this is irrelevant.

  182. Meanwhile Placer approves 14000 new homes on the eastern Sacramento County Line. Nobody is even talking about that level of development here and there is all this opposition from all the usual suspects.

    I guess the question nobody asked is what are the housing needs for the area. Of course if you own a home this is irrelevant.

  183. Meanwhile Placer approves 14000 new homes on the eastern Sacramento County Line. Nobody is even talking about that level of development here and there is all this opposition from all the usual suspects.

    I guess the question nobody asked is what are the housing needs for the area. Of course if you own a home this is irrelevant.

  184. Meanwhile Placer approves 14000 new homes on the eastern Sacramento County Line. Nobody is even talking about that level of development here and there is all this opposition from all the usual suspects.

    I guess the question nobody asked is what are the housing needs for the area. Of course if you own a home this is irrelevant.

  185. Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?

    I know it is an easy mistake to make, but logically speaking, the fact that a residential developer wants to build a lot of houses next to a stem cell research center does not mean that the employees of the center will live in those homes.

    Quite the contrary, given the realities of the cost of that housing, because of the premium attached to Davis homes, the overwhelming probability is that few, if any, of the employees, will do so.

    Indeed, Tsakopoulis will say that, because I’m building the center, that means less affordable housing, less environmental mitigation, less land for school site dedication, I need to build as much profitable, high end housing as possible

    Tsakopoulis tried this scam in Sacramento when he offered to build a Kings arena in return for development rights, and it was laughed out of town.

    –Richard Estes

  186. Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?

    I know it is an easy mistake to make, but logically speaking, the fact that a residential developer wants to build a lot of houses next to a stem cell research center does not mean that the employees of the center will live in those homes.

    Quite the contrary, given the realities of the cost of that housing, because of the premium attached to Davis homes, the overwhelming probability is that few, if any, of the employees, will do so.

    Indeed, Tsakopoulis will say that, because I’m building the center, that means less affordable housing, less environmental mitigation, less land for school site dedication, I need to build as much profitable, high end housing as possible

    Tsakopoulis tried this scam in Sacramento when he offered to build a Kings arena in return for development rights, and it was laughed out of town.

    –Richard Estes

  187. Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?

    I know it is an easy mistake to make, but logically speaking, the fact that a residential developer wants to build a lot of houses next to a stem cell research center does not mean that the employees of the center will live in those homes.

    Quite the contrary, given the realities of the cost of that housing, because of the premium attached to Davis homes, the overwhelming probability is that few, if any, of the employees, will do so.

    Indeed, Tsakopoulis will say that, because I’m building the center, that means less affordable housing, less environmental mitigation, less land for school site dedication, I need to build as much profitable, high end housing as possible

    Tsakopoulis tried this scam in Sacramento when he offered to build a Kings arena in return for development rights, and it was laughed out of town.

    –Richard Estes

  188. Even on this post, some are complaining about traffic for the stem cell development if on I80, but suggest they would be ok with it being on Davis campus. How does that help — do you think there will be no stem cell center without adquate housing — where are all the new employees going to live?

    I know it is an easy mistake to make, but logically speaking, the fact that a residential developer wants to build a lot of houses next to a stem cell research center does not mean that the employees of the center will live in those homes.

    Quite the contrary, given the realities of the cost of that housing, because of the premium attached to Davis homes, the overwhelming probability is that few, if any, of the employees, will do so.

    Indeed, Tsakopoulis will say that, because I’m building the center, that means less affordable housing, less environmental mitigation, less land for school site dedication, I need to build as much profitable, high end housing as possible

    Tsakopoulis tried this scam in Sacramento when he offered to build a Kings arena in return for development rights, and it was laughed out of town.

    –Richard Estes

  189. “The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better….”

    Cabaldon has already paid back his IOU’s to developers and the free ride to the Assembly is extra to show the next crop of ambitious coming-up pols what they can expect if they play ball when they CAN influence the developer’s bottom line.

  190. “The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better….”

    Cabaldon has already paid back his IOU’s to developers and the free ride to the Assembly is extra to show the next crop of ambitious coming-up pols what they can expect if they play ball when they CAN influence the developer’s bottom line.

  191. “The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better….”

    Cabaldon has already paid back his IOU’s to developers and the free ride to the Assembly is extra to show the next crop of ambitious coming-up pols what they can expect if they play ball when they CAN influence the developer’s bottom line.

  192. “The sad thing is that Christopher Cabaldon is no better….”

    Cabaldon has already paid back his IOU’s to developers and the free ride to the Assembly is extra to show the next crop of ambitious coming-up pols what they can expect if they play ball when they CAN influence the developer’s bottom line.

  193. There are currently Republicans on city council. They are Democrats in Name Only (DINOs). Their names are Asmundson/Saylor/Souza. In any other city they would be card carrying Republicans.

    Rexroad welcome to Davis. At least you would be better than the other DINOs.


  194. There are currently Republicans on city council. They are Democrats in Name Only (DINOs). Their names are Asmundson/Saylor/Souza. In any other city they would be card carrying Republicans.

    Rexroad welcome to Davis. At least you would be better than the other DINOs.


  195. There are currently Republicans on city council. They are Democrats in Name Only (DINOs). Their names are Asmundson/Saylor/Souza. In any other city they would be card carrying Republicans.

    Rexroad welcome to Davis. At least you would be better than the other DINOs.


  196. There are currently Republicans on city council. They are Democrats in Name Only (DINOs). Their names are Asmundson/Saylor/Souza. In any other city they would be card carrying Republicans.

    Rexroad welcome to Davis. At least you would be better than the other DINOs.


  197. I am astounded by the elitist and arrogant Davisites who call themselves “progressives”. They care not a wit about the poor or the disenfranchised, the ill or the disabled. Just their property values! They have more in common with Republicans and Bush than anyone. They disgust me.

  198. I am astounded by the elitist and arrogant Davisites who call themselves “progressives”. They care not a wit about the poor or the disenfranchised, the ill or the disabled. Just their property values! They have more in common with Republicans and Bush than anyone. They disgust me.

  199. I am astounded by the elitist and arrogant Davisites who call themselves “progressives”. They care not a wit about the poor or the disenfranchised, the ill or the disabled. Just their property values! They have more in common with Republicans and Bush than anyone. They disgust me.

  200. I am astounded by the elitist and arrogant Davisites who call themselves “progressives”. They care not a wit about the poor or the disenfranchised, the ill or the disabled. Just their property values! They have more in common with Republicans and Bush than anyone. They disgust me.

  201. I agree. Rexroad has a long history of opposing health care, mental health parity, help to the poor, farm preservation, environmental issues galore, labor rights, the list is endless. Yet, so called “progressives” will sell their sole to him for a cheap stand on a petty project that calls upon no sacrifice of his own. What suckers you are. You should be ashamed.

  202. I agree. Rexroad has a long history of opposing health care, mental health parity, help to the poor, farm preservation, environmental issues galore, labor rights, the list is endless. Yet, so called “progressives” will sell their sole to him for a cheap stand on a petty project that calls upon no sacrifice of his own. What suckers you are. You should be ashamed.

  203. I agree. Rexroad has a long history of opposing health care, mental health parity, help to the poor, farm preservation, environmental issues galore, labor rights, the list is endless. Yet, so called “progressives” will sell their sole to him for a cheap stand on a petty project that calls upon no sacrifice of his own. What suckers you are. You should be ashamed.

  204. I agree. Rexroad has a long history of opposing health care, mental health parity, help to the poor, farm preservation, environmental issues galore, labor rights, the list is endless. Yet, so called “progressives” will sell their sole to him for a cheap stand on a petty project that calls upon no sacrifice of his own. What suckers you are. You should be ashamed.

  205. Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    To anonymous: so someone praises a vote that Rexroad made for preservation and you jump to huge assumptions about Davis voters? That’s absurd.

  206. Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    To anonymous: so someone praises a vote that Rexroad made for preservation and you jump to huge assumptions about Davis voters? That’s absurd.

  207. Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    To anonymous: so someone praises a vote that Rexroad made for preservation and you jump to huge assumptions about Davis voters? That’s absurd.

  208. Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    To anonymous: so someone praises a vote that Rexroad made for preservation and you jump to huge assumptions about Davis voters? That’s absurd.

  209. I welcome the end of anonymous postings. It will reveal those phony self described “progressives” who will sell out their societal responsiblilities for their own narrow self interest, living in a bubble. (Or it will force them to retreat into their self-indulgent caves.) Carry on the fight Mariko! And you too, Helen. Justice will prevail!

  210. I welcome the end of anonymous postings. It will reveal those phony self described “progressives” who will sell out their societal responsiblilities for their own narrow self interest, living in a bubble. (Or it will force them to retreat into their self-indulgent caves.) Carry on the fight Mariko! And you too, Helen. Justice will prevail!

  211. I welcome the end of anonymous postings. It will reveal those phony self described “progressives” who will sell out their societal responsiblilities for their own narrow self interest, living in a bubble. (Or it will force them to retreat into their self-indulgent caves.) Carry on the fight Mariko! And you too, Helen. Justice will prevail!

  212. I welcome the end of anonymous postings. It will reveal those phony self described “progressives” who will sell out their societal responsiblilities for their own narrow self interest, living in a bubble. (Or it will force them to retreat into their self-indulgent caves.) Carry on the fight Mariko! And you too, Helen. Justice will prevail!

  213. Vincente said…
    Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    I couldn’t agree more Vincente. The value of the comment becomes questinable if the person posting isn’t willing to stand up and be counted.

    Regarding the upcoming County / City discussions, why would any format other than 5 by 5 be appropriate? What possible reason can there be for excluding any of the 10 from the discussions? Is this a reverse Noah’s Ark where people march off the Ark in pairs? Even if you agreed to reduce the number, who goes first? Chamberlain? I certainly hope not, but for the sake of argument lets choose him as the first Supervisor. Which Council Member goes with Duane? 5 by 5 is the most realistic, most representative form for the discussions.

  214. Vincente said…
    Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    I couldn’t agree more Vincente. The value of the comment becomes questinable if the person posting isn’t willing to stand up and be counted.

    Regarding the upcoming County / City discussions, why would any format other than 5 by 5 be appropriate? What possible reason can there be for excluding any of the 10 from the discussions? Is this a reverse Noah’s Ark where people march off the Ark in pairs? Even if you agreed to reduce the number, who goes first? Chamberlain? I certainly hope not, but for the sake of argument lets choose him as the first Supervisor. Which Council Member goes with Duane? 5 by 5 is the most realistic, most representative form for the discussions.

  215. Vincente said…
    Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    I couldn’t agree more Vincente. The value of the comment becomes questinable if the person posting isn’t willing to stand up and be counted.

    Regarding the upcoming County / City discussions, why would any format other than 5 by 5 be appropriate? What possible reason can there be for excluding any of the 10 from the discussions? Is this a reverse Noah’s Ark where people march off the Ark in pairs? Even if you agreed to reduce the number, who goes first? Chamberlain? I certainly hope not, but for the sake of argument lets choose him as the first Supervisor. Which Council Member goes with Duane? 5 by 5 is the most realistic, most representative form for the discussions.

  216. Vincente said…
    Two anonymous posters talking to themselves eight minutes apart, I wonder what the chances are that they are the same person. I’ve heard a rumor that anonymous posting is about to end, I welcome it.

    I couldn’t agree more Vincente. The value of the comment becomes questinable if the person posting isn’t willing to stand up and be counted.

    Regarding the upcoming County / City discussions, why would any format other than 5 by 5 be appropriate? What possible reason can there be for excluding any of the 10 from the discussions? Is this a reverse Noah’s Ark where people march off the Ark in pairs? Even if you agreed to reduce the number, who goes first? Chamberlain? I certainly hope not, but for the sake of argument lets choose him as the first Supervisor. Which Council Member goes with Duane? 5 by 5 is the most realistic, most representative form for the discussions.

  217. Count me among those tired of the anonymous posting B.S. I’ll say who I am if you’ll say who you are. Psuedonyms don’t count. Then only the webmaster knows, and who trusts him. (see what happened to Rexroad’s blog? Nobody posts anything.) So, ditch the anonymous crap and require posting your email address.

  218. Count me among those tired of the anonymous posting B.S. I’ll say who I am if you’ll say who you are. Psuedonyms don’t count. Then only the webmaster knows, and who trusts him. (see what happened to Rexroad’s blog? Nobody posts anything.) So, ditch the anonymous crap and require posting your email address.

  219. Count me among those tired of the anonymous posting B.S. I’ll say who I am if you’ll say who you are. Psuedonyms don’t count. Then only the webmaster knows, and who trusts him. (see what happened to Rexroad’s blog? Nobody posts anything.) So, ditch the anonymous crap and require posting your email address.

  220. Count me among those tired of the anonymous posting B.S. I’ll say who I am if you’ll say who you are. Psuedonyms don’t count. Then only the webmaster knows, and who trusts him. (see what happened to Rexroad’s blog? Nobody posts anything.) So, ditch the anonymous crap and require posting your email address.

  221. Let me just interject: I am strongly considering requiring registration for commenting. I would like to have that discussion in another thread at another time. This topic should be reserved for discussion about the general plan and its implications.

  222. Let me just interject: I am strongly considering requiring registration for commenting. I would like to have that discussion in another thread at another time. This topic should be reserved for discussion about the general plan and its implications.

  223. Let me just interject: I am strongly considering requiring registration for commenting. I would like to have that discussion in another thread at another time. This topic should be reserved for discussion about the general plan and its implications.

  224. Let me just interject: I am strongly considering requiring registration for commenting. I would like to have that discussion in another thread at another time. This topic should be reserved for discussion about the general plan and its implications.

  225. Goog idea DPD. Just remember that registration is only transparent to YOU. Not Democratic unless you make it transparent to everyone.

    Back on topic. 5×5 wouldn’t work. Brown Act, etc. Davis council (especially Greenwald) would just play to the crowd. No real negotiation. Poor brown kids get screwed. Wealthy white phony progressives win. End of story.

  226. Goog idea DPD. Just remember that registration is only transparent to YOU. Not Democratic unless you make it transparent to everyone.

    Back on topic. 5×5 wouldn’t work. Brown Act, etc. Davis council (especially Greenwald) would just play to the crowd. No real negotiation. Poor brown kids get screwed. Wealthy white phony progressives win. End of story.

  227. Goog idea DPD. Just remember that registration is only transparent to YOU. Not Democratic unless you make it transparent to everyone.

    Back on topic. 5×5 wouldn’t work. Brown Act, etc. Davis council (especially Greenwald) would just play to the crowd. No real negotiation. Poor brown kids get screwed. Wealthy white phony progressives win. End of story.

  228. Goog idea DPD. Just remember that registration is only transparent to YOU. Not Democratic unless you make it transparent to everyone.

    Back on topic. 5×5 wouldn’t work. Brown Act, etc. Davis council (especially Greenwald) would just play to the crowd. No real negotiation. Poor brown kids get screwed. Wealthy white phony progressives win. End of story.

  229. I guess I should point out, it won’t be transparent to me either. I won’t know who is who, what we will be able to do however is have consistent moniker’s that will allow people to start developing a bit of an online community rather than interfacing with a faceless anonymous parade.

  230. I guess I should point out, it won’t be transparent to me either. I won’t know who is who, what we will be able to do however is have consistent moniker’s that will allow people to start developing a bit of an online community rather than interfacing with a faceless anonymous parade.

  231. I guess I should point out, it won’t be transparent to me either. I won’t know who is who, what we will be able to do however is have consistent moniker’s that will allow people to start developing a bit of an online community rather than interfacing with a faceless anonymous parade.

  232. I guess I should point out, it won’t be transparent to me either. I won’t know who is who, what we will be able to do however is have consistent moniker’s that will allow people to start developing a bit of an online community rather than interfacing with a faceless anonymous parade.

  233. On the 2 by 2 issue, it’s a tough call. In a lot of ways, the 2 by 2 system is bad because as someone heavily involved told me today, it means you cannot communicate what is going on until you bring it before the full body due to brown act restrictions.

    On the other hand, it would not be practical to have full joint meetings on every topic.

    The current configuration has some problems with Thomson and Yamada for the county, Greenwald and Saylor for the city. There is a lot of take on that group but not much give. I think it might be better to swap out one on each side with a more conciliatory member. But that would cause problems as well, so 5 by 5 might be the best way to go.

  234. On the 2 by 2 issue, it’s a tough call. In a lot of ways, the 2 by 2 system is bad because as someone heavily involved told me today, it means you cannot communicate what is going on until you bring it before the full body due to brown act restrictions.

    On the other hand, it would not be practical to have full joint meetings on every topic.

    The current configuration has some problems with Thomson and Yamada for the county, Greenwald and Saylor for the city. There is a lot of take on that group but not much give. I think it might be better to swap out one on each side with a more conciliatory member. But that would cause problems as well, so 5 by 5 might be the best way to go.

  235. On the 2 by 2 issue, it’s a tough call. In a lot of ways, the 2 by 2 system is bad because as someone heavily involved told me today, it means you cannot communicate what is going on until you bring it before the full body due to brown act restrictions.

    On the other hand, it would not be practical to have full joint meetings on every topic.

    The current configuration has some problems with Thomson and Yamada for the county, Greenwald and Saylor for the city. There is a lot of take on that group but not much give. I think it might be better to swap out one on each side with a more conciliatory member. But that would cause problems as well, so 5 by 5 might be the best way to go.

  236. On the 2 by 2 issue, it’s a tough call. In a lot of ways, the 2 by 2 system is bad because as someone heavily involved told me today, it means you cannot communicate what is going on until you bring it before the full body due to brown act restrictions.

    On the other hand, it would not be practical to have full joint meetings on every topic.

    The current configuration has some problems with Thomson and Yamada for the county, Greenwald and Saylor for the city. There is a lot of take on that group but not much give. I think it might be better to swap out one on each side with a more conciliatory member. But that would cause problems as well, so 5 by 5 might be the best way to go.

  237. Perhaps 5X5 would work as there are not supposed to be negotiations, just communication and discussion.Does the Brown Act come into play under those circumstances?

  238. Perhaps 5X5 would work as there are not supposed to be negotiations, just communication and discussion.Does the Brown Act come into play under those circumstances?

  239. Perhaps 5X5 would work as there are not supposed to be negotiations, just communication and discussion.Does the Brown Act come into play under those circumstances?

  240. Perhaps 5X5 would work as there are not supposed to be negotiations, just communication and discussion.Does the Brown Act come into play under those circumstances?

  241. DPD has done one fantastic job and a great service for the Davis community! Wow! It is going to be so much fun at the birthday party July 30. Maybe some fotos and tapes will be shown there. Thanks so much, Doug.

  242. DPD has done one fantastic job and a great service for the Davis community! Wow! It is going to be so much fun at the birthday party July 30. Maybe some fotos and tapes will be shown there. Thanks so much, Doug.

  243. DPD has done one fantastic job and a great service for the Davis community! Wow! It is going to be so much fun at the birthday party July 30. Maybe some fotos and tapes will be shown there. Thanks so much, Doug.

  244. DPD has done one fantastic job and a great service for the Davis community! Wow! It is going to be so much fun at the birthday party July 30. Maybe some fotos and tapes will be shown there. Thanks so much, Doug.

  245. Didn’t we get a good reading today on how a 5X5 would come down on Davis’ right to make independent decisions concerning growth on its periphery? Wasn’t it a unanimous City Council(5) plus 2 Sups,7 to 3.

  246. Didn’t we get a good reading today on how a 5X5 would come down on Davis’ right to make independent decisions concerning growth on its periphery? Wasn’t it a unanimous City Council(5) plus 2 Sups,7 to 3.

  247. Didn’t we get a good reading today on how a 5X5 would come down on Davis’ right to make independent decisions concerning growth on its periphery? Wasn’t it a unanimous City Council(5) plus 2 Sups,7 to 3.

  248. Didn’t we get a good reading today on how a 5X5 would come down on Davis’ right to make independent decisions concerning growth on its periphery? Wasn’t it a unanimous City Council(5) plus 2 Sups,7 to 3.

  249. How about this? Davis says “OK, we’ll cover health care for all children in Davis and mental health for everyone (just like you want to), and you let us make all land use decisions.”

    Now that would be a discussion worth watching! 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, or 5×5! As of now it’s just Davis saying, “Sorry, we cut a deal that worked before and we don’t care if it doesn’t work now. Those kids aren’t my kids and I don’t have a mental illness so that’s YOUR problem Helen and Mariko. Take a hike!”

    I hope we can do better than that. But thus far I have never heard a peep from Ms. Greenwald and little from the others on the council that they care about those issues or feel any responsibility to see those consituents as their own. It’s just NO on EVERYTHING. (Because those are the people who attend council meetings and volunteer for council campaigns, not poor children or mentally ill folks. Where is SEIU when you need them? Silent I’m afraid.

  250. How about this? Davis says “OK, we’ll cover health care for all children in Davis and mental health for everyone (just like you want to), and you let us make all land use decisions.”

    Now that would be a discussion worth watching! 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, or 5×5! As of now it’s just Davis saying, “Sorry, we cut a deal that worked before and we don’t care if it doesn’t work now. Those kids aren’t my kids and I don’t have a mental illness so that’s YOUR problem Helen and Mariko. Take a hike!”

    I hope we can do better than that. But thus far I have never heard a peep from Ms. Greenwald and little from the others on the council that they care about those issues or feel any responsibility to see those consituents as their own. It’s just NO on EVERYTHING. (Because those are the people who attend council meetings and volunteer for council campaigns, not poor children or mentally ill folks. Where is SEIU when you need them? Silent I’m afraid.

  251. How about this? Davis says “OK, we’ll cover health care for all children in Davis and mental health for everyone (just like you want to), and you let us make all land use decisions.”

    Now that would be a discussion worth watching! 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, or 5×5! As of now it’s just Davis saying, “Sorry, we cut a deal that worked before and we don’t care if it doesn’t work now. Those kids aren’t my kids and I don’t have a mental illness so that’s YOUR problem Helen and Mariko. Take a hike!”

    I hope we can do better than that. But thus far I have never heard a peep from Ms. Greenwald and little from the others on the council that they care about those issues or feel any responsibility to see those consituents as their own. It’s just NO on EVERYTHING. (Because those are the people who attend council meetings and volunteer for council campaigns, not poor children or mentally ill folks. Where is SEIU when you need them? Silent I’m afraid.

  252. How about this? Davis says “OK, we’ll cover health care for all children in Davis and mental health for everyone (just like you want to), and you let us make all land use decisions.”

    Now that would be a discussion worth watching! 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, or 5×5! As of now it’s just Davis saying, “Sorry, we cut a deal that worked before and we don’t care if it doesn’t work now. Those kids aren’t my kids and I don’t have a mental illness so that’s YOUR problem Helen and Mariko. Take a hike!”

    I hope we can do better than that. But thus far I have never heard a peep from Ms. Greenwald and little from the others on the council that they care about those issues or feel any responsibility to see those consituents as their own. It’s just NO on EVERYTHING. (Because those are the people who attend council meetings and volunteer for council campaigns, not poor children or mentally ill folks. Where is SEIU when you need them? Silent I’m afraid.

  253. As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right . Drop the whole idea; the Davis pass-through agreement is the definitive description of the process.

  254. As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right . Drop the whole idea; the Davis pass-through agreement is the definitive description of the process.

  255. As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right . Drop the whole idea; the Davis pass-through agreement is the definitive description of the process.

  256. As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right . Drop the whole idea; the Davis pass-through agreement is the definitive description of the process.

  257. davisite said…
    As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right .

    Chalk up another win for the rich white guys and another loss for the poor brown kids. Go Davisite!

  258. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

  259. davisite said…
    As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right .

    Chalk up another win for the rich white guys and another loss for the poor brown kids. Go Davisite!

  260. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

  261. davisite said…
    As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right .

    Chalk up another win for the rich white guys and another loss for the poor brown kids. Go Davisite!

  262. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

  263. davisite said…
    As you can see from the difficulties explored in the above posts,Supervisor Chamberlain had it right .

    Chalk up another win for the rich white guys and another loss for the poor brown kids. Go Davisite!

  264. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

  265. Yamada quotes from the Sac Bee:

    “I think we need to take a couple of Ibuprofen, sit down and see if we can work this out,”

    “I’m a city of Davis resident; I’m not your enemy,”

    “I’m not trying to invade your borders.”


    And to correct a previous posting, she’s not in office for just 4 more months. She has 16 months left. Egads!

  266. Yamada quotes from the Sac Bee:

    “I think we need to take a couple of Ibuprofen, sit down and see if we can work this out,”

    “I’m a city of Davis resident; I’m not your enemy,”

    “I’m not trying to invade your borders.”


    And to correct a previous posting, she’s not in office for just 4 more months. She has 16 months left. Egads!

  267. Yamada quotes from the Sac Bee:

    “I think we need to take a couple of Ibuprofen, sit down and see if we can work this out,”

    “I’m a city of Davis resident; I’m not your enemy,”

    “I’m not trying to invade your borders.”


    And to correct a previous posting, she’s not in office for just 4 more months. She has 16 months left. Egads!

  268. Yamada quotes from the Sac Bee:

    “I think we need to take a couple of Ibuprofen, sit down and see if we can work this out,”

    “I’m a city of Davis resident; I’m not your enemy,”

    “I’m not trying to invade your borders.”


    And to correct a previous posting, she’s not in office for just 4 more months. She has 16 months left. Egads!

  269. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

    Good idea Curious, but Helen Thomson already passed a law allowing Yolo cities to raise the sales tax and all of them (Woodland, West Sac and Davis) did. Problem is none of them used the money for social programs. That’s part of the problem. The cities (their leaders) feel no responsibility for those issues and those constituents, even though they reside in their city. That’s why Pete Wilson was often referred to as the “wholly owned subsidiary of the League of Cities.” He always sided with the cities over the counties. That’s what Republicans always do. City politics favors the haves over the have-nots. That’s why it is ironic to see Davis self-described “liberals/progressives” and siding with the haves over the have nots… over and over again. (With many noteable exceptions, including our two supervisors.)

  270. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

    Good idea Curious, but Helen Thomson already passed a law allowing Yolo cities to raise the sales tax and all of them (Woodland, West Sac and Davis) did. Problem is none of them used the money for social programs. That’s part of the problem. The cities (their leaders) feel no responsibility for those issues and those constituents, even though they reside in their city. That’s why Pete Wilson was often referred to as the “wholly owned subsidiary of the League of Cities.” He always sided with the cities over the counties. That’s what Republicans always do. City politics favors the haves over the have-nots. That’s why it is ironic to see Davis self-described “liberals/progressives” and siding with the haves over the have nots… over and over again. (With many noteable exceptions, including our two supervisors.)

  271. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

    Good idea Curious, but Helen Thomson already passed a law allowing Yolo cities to raise the sales tax and all of them (Woodland, West Sac and Davis) did. Problem is none of them used the money for social programs. That’s part of the problem. The cities (their leaders) feel no responsibility for those issues and those constituents, even though they reside in their city. That’s why Pete Wilson was often referred to as the “wholly owned subsidiary of the League of Cities.” He always sided with the cities over the counties. That’s what Republicans always do. City politics favors the haves over the have-nots. That’s why it is ironic to see Davis self-described “liberals/progressives” and siding with the haves over the have nots… over and over again. (With many noteable exceptions, including our two supervisors.)

  272. How about the County trying to raise the sales tax a little or assessing some form of special tax on land speculation in Yolo to help fund those social programs?

    Good idea Curious, but Helen Thomson already passed a law allowing Yolo cities to raise the sales tax and all of them (Woodland, West Sac and Davis) did. Problem is none of them used the money for social programs. That’s part of the problem. The cities (their leaders) feel no responsibility for those issues and those constituents, even though they reside in their city. That’s why Pete Wilson was often referred to as the “wholly owned subsidiary of the League of Cities.” He always sided with the cities over the counties. That’s what Republicans always do. City politics favors the haves over the have-nots. That’s why it is ironic to see Davis self-described “liberals/progressives” and siding with the haves over the have nots… over and over again. (With many noteable exceptions, including our two supervisors.)

  273. How about we try and have productive dialogue that will both bring a stem cell facility to the County and leave the agricultural land south of I-80 in agriculture.

    I believe the Tsakopoulos land in Yolo County can yield the kind of value AKT wants in more than one way. AKT shouldn’t care what County their development profits are made in, just as long as there are profits to be made. UCDavis, with major components in both Sacramento and Yolo Counties, could be an ideal vehicle for a stem cell research center with a presence both on the campus in Davis (pure research) and the Medical Center in Sacramento (clinical application).

    Maybe those 5 by 5 discussions should focus on how Yolo County can work with Sacramento County to allow multi-County agricultural land mitigation, whereby AKT can avoid having to use their Sacramento County land for mitigation and as a result have more developable acres there to offset any loss of developable acres in Yolo.

    In such a multi-County mitigation scenario, Yolo County would maximize the amount of prime agricultural land placed into permanent agricultural easement.

    One additional possibility could be use of the AKT lands by UCDavis as agricultural research fields. In moving forward with West Village, I believe UCDavis has converted/lost research fields. I don’t know if they would like to expand their number of acres in research, but it may well be worth exploring.

    However, if the City and the County don’t sit down and explore these possibilities then we will have to be satisfied with mistrust, rancor and posturing

  274. How about we try and have productive dialogue that will both bring a stem cell facility to the County and leave the agricultural land south of I-80 in agriculture.

    I believe the Tsakopoulos land in Yolo County can yield the kind of value AKT wants in more than one way. AKT shouldn’t care what County their development profits are made in, just as long as there are profits to be made. UCDavis, with major components in both Sacramento and Yolo Counties, could be an ideal vehicle for a stem cell research center with a presence both on the campus in Davis (pure research) and the Medical Center in Sacramento (clinical application).

    Maybe those 5 by 5 discussions should focus on how Yolo County can work with Sacramento County to allow multi-County agricultural land mitigation, whereby AKT can avoid having to use their Sacramento County land for mitigation and as a result have more developable acres there to offset any loss of developable acres in Yolo.

    In such a multi-County mitigation scenario, Yolo County would maximize the amount of prime agricultural land placed into permanent agricultural easement.

    One additional possibility could be use of the AKT lands by UCDavis as agricultural research fields. In moving forward with West Village, I believe UCDavis has converted/lost research fields. I don’t know if they would like to expand their number of acres in research, but it may well be worth exploring.

    However, if the City and the County don’t sit down and explore these possibilities then we will have to be satisfied with mistrust, rancor and posturing

  275. How about we try and have productive dialogue that will both bring a stem cell facility to the County and leave the agricultural land south of I-80 in agriculture.

    I believe the Tsakopoulos land in Yolo County can yield the kind of value AKT wants in more than one way. AKT shouldn’t care what County their development profits are made in, just as long as there are profits to be made. UCDavis, with major components in both Sacramento and Yolo Counties, could be an ideal vehicle for a stem cell research center with a presence both on the campus in Davis (pure research) and the Medical Center in Sacramento (clinical application).

    Maybe those 5 by 5 discussions should focus on how Yolo County can work with Sacramento County to allow multi-County agricultural land mitigation, whereby AKT can avoid having to use their Sacramento County land for mitigation and as a result have more developable acres there to offset any loss of developable acres in Yolo.

    In such a multi-County mitigation scenario, Yolo County would maximize the amount of prime agricultural land placed into permanent agricultural easement.

    One additional possibility could be use of the AKT lands by UCDavis as agricultural research fields. In moving forward with West Village, I believe UCDavis has converted/lost research fields. I don’t know if they would like to expand their number of acres in research, but it may well be worth exploring.

    However, if the City and the County don’t sit down and explore these possibilities then we will have to be satisfied with mistrust, rancor and posturing

  276. How about we try and have productive dialogue that will both bring a stem cell facility to the County and leave the agricultural land south of I-80 in agriculture.

    I believe the Tsakopoulos land in Yolo County can yield the kind of value AKT wants in more than one way. AKT shouldn’t care what County their development profits are made in, just as long as there are profits to be made. UCDavis, with major components in both Sacramento and Yolo Counties, could be an ideal vehicle for a stem cell research center with a presence both on the campus in Davis (pure research) and the Medical Center in Sacramento (clinical application).

    Maybe those 5 by 5 discussions should focus on how Yolo County can work with Sacramento County to allow multi-County agricultural land mitigation, whereby AKT can avoid having to use their Sacramento County land for mitigation and as a result have more developable acres there to offset any loss of developable acres in Yolo.

    In such a multi-County mitigation scenario, Yolo County would maximize the amount of prime agricultural land placed into permanent agricultural easement.

    One additional possibility could be use of the AKT lands by UCDavis as agricultural research fields. In moving forward with West Village, I believe UCDavis has converted/lost research fields. I don’t know if they would like to expand their number of acres in research, but it may well be worth exploring.

    However, if the City and the County don’t sit down and explore these possibilities then we will have to be satisfied with mistrust, rancor and posturing

  277. wow, thanks for all the liveblogging. as should be clear to everyone here from the comment thread discussion, it is possible to arrive at the same position on a vote like this for very different reasons, just as it is possible to arrive at different positions for the same reasons in some cases.

    i totally agree with rexroad that this is primarily about land use, not stem cell research or senior housing or whatever. even as i am in favor of a lot more money going to the county to support whatever level of services that we need to run the place well and take care of the less fortunate, funded by higher taxes if need be.

    if tsakapolous wants to fund a stem cell center, let him put it in a city (UCD would be nice, but west sac/woodland/davis/sacramento would all make sense), but it’s not rerally germane to the discussion of whether thyat land should be developed. if people want senior housing in davis (hey, how about some affordable young people housing, while we’re talking, eh?) then let’s talk about where works best to do that, and how, but don’t tell me that it absolutely positively has to happen out there in the oeste tract or those poor seniors are going to end up on the street.

    (covell village i’m more sanguine about because i thought corbett had a great design there, but i’ve beat that one well into the ground by now, so i’ll leave that one be)

    and finally, i’ll agree with the ex-davisite moving to sac that davis housing is prohibitively expensive and driving davis kids and students out of town, and that no- or slow-growthers (who are nearly always homeowners) aren’t helping things. but that doesn’t mean that all development projects are equally reasonable, and the ones up for discussion today were laughable, and rightfully shot down.

  278. wow, thanks for all the liveblogging. as should be clear to everyone here from the comment thread discussion, it is possible to arrive at the same position on a vote like this for very different reasons, just as it is possible to arrive at different positions for the same reasons in some cases.

    i totally agree with rexroad that this is primarily about land use, not stem cell research or senior housing or whatever. even as i am in favor of a lot more money going to the county to support whatever level of services that we need to run the place well and take care of the less fortunate, funded by higher taxes if need be.

    if tsakapolous wants to fund a stem cell center, let him put it in a city (UCD would be nice, but west sac/woodland/davis/sacramento would all make sense), but it’s not rerally germane to the discussion of whether thyat land should be developed. if people want senior housing in davis (hey, how about some affordable young people housing, while we’re talking, eh?) then let’s talk about where works best to do that, and how, but don’t tell me that it absolutely positively has to happen out there in the oeste tract or those poor seniors are going to end up on the street.

    (covell village i’m more sanguine about because i thought corbett had a great design there, but i’ve beat that one well into the ground by now, so i’ll leave that one be)

    and finally, i’ll agree with the ex-davisite moving to sac that davis housing is prohibitively expensive and driving davis kids and students out of town, and that no- or slow-growthers (who are nearly always homeowners) aren’t helping things. but that doesn’t mean that all development projects are equally reasonable, and the ones up for discussion today were laughable, and rightfully shot down.

  279. wow, thanks for all the liveblogging. as should be clear to everyone here from the comment thread discussion, it is possible to arrive at the same position on a vote like this for very different reasons, just as it is possible to arrive at different positions for the same reasons in some cases.

    i totally agree with rexroad that this is primarily about land use, not stem cell research or senior housing or whatever. even as i am in favor of a lot more money going to the county to support whatever level of services that we need to run the place well and take care of the less fortunate, funded by higher taxes if need be.

    if tsakapolous wants to fund a stem cell center, let him put it in a city (UCD would be nice, but west sac/woodland/davis/sacramento would all make sense), but it’s not rerally germane to the discussion of whether thyat land should be developed. if people want senior housing in davis (hey, how about some affordable young people housing, while we’re talking, eh?) then let’s talk about where works best to do that, and how, but don’t tell me that it absolutely positively has to happen out there in the oeste tract or those poor seniors are going to end up on the street.

    (covell village i’m more sanguine about because i thought corbett had a great design there, but i’ve beat that one well into the ground by now, so i’ll leave that one be)

    and finally, i’ll agree with the ex-davisite moving to sac that davis housing is prohibitively expensive and driving davis kids and students out of town, and that no- or slow-growthers (who are nearly always homeowners) aren’t helping things. but that doesn’t mean that all development projects are equally reasonable, and the ones up for discussion today were laughable, and rightfully shot down.

  280. wow, thanks for all the liveblogging. as should be clear to everyone here from the comment thread discussion, it is possible to arrive at the same position on a vote like this for very different reasons, just as it is possible to arrive at different positions for the same reasons in some cases.

    i totally agree with rexroad that this is primarily about land use, not stem cell research or senior housing or whatever. even as i am in favor of a lot more money going to the county to support whatever level of services that we need to run the place well and take care of the less fortunate, funded by higher taxes if need be.

    if tsakapolous wants to fund a stem cell center, let him put it in a city (UCD would be nice, but west sac/woodland/davis/sacramento would all make sense), but it’s not rerally germane to the discussion of whether thyat land should be developed. if people want senior housing in davis (hey, how about some affordable young people housing, while we’re talking, eh?) then let’s talk about where works best to do that, and how, but don’t tell me that it absolutely positively has to happen out there in the oeste tract or those poor seniors are going to end up on the street.

    (covell village i’m more sanguine about because i thought corbett had a great design there, but i’ve beat that one well into the ground by now, so i’ll leave that one be)

    and finally, i’ll agree with the ex-davisite moving to sac that davis housing is prohibitively expensive and driving davis kids and students out of town, and that no- or slow-growthers (who are nearly always homeowners) aren’t helping things. but that doesn’t mean that all development projects are equally reasonable, and the ones up for discussion today were laughable, and rightfully shot down.

  281. oh, and to the inchoate mass of anonymous posters: you need not give up your anonymity one bit when you choose a pseudonym, not to doug paul davis, not to anybody. just click “other” right below the comment box when you post and make up some pseudonymous handle, and you’re good to go.

    you have nothing to lose but the confusion of your readers.

  282. oh, and to the inchoate mass of anonymous posters: you need not give up your anonymity one bit when you choose a pseudonym, not to doug paul davis, not to anybody. just click “other” right below the comment box when you post and make up some pseudonymous handle, and you’re good to go.

    you have nothing to lose but the confusion of your readers.

  283. oh, and to the inchoate mass of anonymous posters: you need not give up your anonymity one bit when you choose a pseudonym, not to doug paul davis, not to anybody. just click “other” right below the comment box when you post and make up some pseudonymous handle, and you’re good to go.

    you have nothing to lose but the confusion of your readers.

  284. oh, and to the inchoate mass of anonymous posters: you need not give up your anonymity one bit when you choose a pseudonym, not to doug paul davis, not to anybody. just click “other” right below the comment box when you post and make up some pseudonymous handle, and you’re good to go.

    you have nothing to lose but the confusion of your readers.

  285. what is liberal about not allowing any growth in your community??? nothing, social-economic equality (not in davis anymore). saving the land by not allowing growth.. not really those homes will be built in sac, why not build green in davis???????????????????????

  286. what is liberal about not allowing any growth in your community??? nothing, social-economic equality (not in davis anymore). saving the land by not allowing growth.. not really those homes will be built in sac, why not build green in davis???????????????????????

  287. what is liberal about not allowing any growth in your community??? nothing, social-economic equality (not in davis anymore). saving the land by not allowing growth.. not really those homes will be built in sac, why not build green in davis???????????????????????

  288. what is liberal about not allowing any growth in your community??? nothing, social-economic equality (not in davis anymore). saving the land by not allowing growth.. not really those homes will be built in sac, why not build green in davis???????????????????????

  289. Anonymous wrote:

    “Davis residents,
    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl).”
    Obviously written by an out-of-towner who got “grossly insulted.” Hm, reading between the lines, I’d say can you spell Tskoupoulous? Some member of the family by that name?
    Kudos to DPD for providing excellent gavel to gavel coverage on this very important BOS meeting.
    The sheer magnitude of the voices of dedicated, articulate people who deeply care about the place in which they live does make a difference.
    Brian Orr

  290. Anonymous wrote:

    “Davis residents,
    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl).”
    Obviously written by an out-of-towner who got “grossly insulted.” Hm, reading between the lines, I’d say can you spell Tskoupoulous? Some member of the family by that name?
    Kudos to DPD for providing excellent gavel to gavel coverage on this very important BOS meeting.
    The sheer magnitude of the voices of dedicated, articulate people who deeply care about the place in which they live does make a difference.
    Brian Orr

  291. Anonymous wrote:

    “Davis residents,
    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl).”
    Obviously written by an out-of-towner who got “grossly insulted.” Hm, reading between the lines, I’d say can you spell Tskoupoulous? Some member of the family by that name?
    Kudos to DPD for providing excellent gavel to gavel coverage on this very important BOS meeting.
    The sheer magnitude of the voices of dedicated, articulate people who deeply care about the place in which they live does make a difference.
    Brian Orr

  292. Anonymous wrote:

    “Davis residents,
    Growth will happen, on your periphery. The world does not stand still (or back up), even for the most well educated, elitist groups around. The only remaining question is are you smart enough to realize this fact and come to grips with allowing some reasonable development instead of grossly insulting any proposed development (ie very dense developments cause too many traffic problems, not dense enough causes urban sprawl).”
    Obviously written by an out-of-towner who got “grossly insulted.” Hm, reading between the lines, I’d say can you spell Tskoupoulous? Some member of the family by that name?
    Kudos to DPD for providing excellent gavel to gavel coverage on this very important BOS meeting.
    The sheer magnitude of the voices of dedicated, articulate people who deeply care about the place in which they live does make a difference.
    Brian Orr

  293. Wow 100 comments.

    To several people: this was not about growth, this was about who got to determine how and where we grow.

    As far as social services go, there is no stronger supporter of social services than myself and many of my allies. If that is you concern, let’s work together to fully fund them. I’ve had to take friends to communicare and use Y-chip. The problem with the county’s proposal is that it would have taken money away from those programs, not given money to those programs. I’m all for increasing funding to them. Let’s find a way to do so that we can all agree on. You cannot develop your way to funding those programs—period.

  294. Wow 100 comments.

    To several people: this was not about growth, this was about who got to determine how and where we grow.

    As far as social services go, there is no stronger supporter of social services than myself and many of my allies. If that is you concern, let’s work together to fully fund them. I’ve had to take friends to communicare and use Y-chip. The problem with the county’s proposal is that it would have taken money away from those programs, not given money to those programs. I’m all for increasing funding to them. Let’s find a way to do so that we can all agree on. You cannot develop your way to funding those programs—period.

  295. Wow 100 comments.

    To several people: this was not about growth, this was about who got to determine how and where we grow.

    As far as social services go, there is no stronger supporter of social services than myself and many of my allies. If that is you concern, let’s work together to fully fund them. I’ve had to take friends to communicare and use Y-chip. The problem with the county’s proposal is that it would have taken money away from those programs, not given money to those programs. I’m all for increasing funding to them. Let’s find a way to do so that we can all agree on. You cannot develop your way to funding those programs—period.

  296. Wow 100 comments.

    To several people: this was not about growth, this was about who got to determine how and where we grow.

    As far as social services go, there is no stronger supporter of social services than myself and many of my allies. If that is you concern, let’s work together to fully fund them. I’ve had to take friends to communicare and use Y-chip. The problem with the county’s proposal is that it would have taken money away from those programs, not given money to those programs. I’m all for increasing funding to them. Let’s find a way to do so that we can all agree on. You cannot develop your way to funding those programs—period.

  297. As Anonymous at 7/17/07 4:23 PM said about another Anonymous, “What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like.”

    I lived in Davis, moved to the Bay and moved back to Davis. However, when I lived in the Bay Area I never felt like I had the RIGHT to buy a home in Burlingame and those rich people were out to get me, keeping me from owning one. Gimmie a break! You’re not going to afford to be able to live everywhere and no one OWES you that.

  298. As Anonymous at 7/17/07 4:23 PM said about another Anonymous, “What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like.”

    I lived in Davis, moved to the Bay and moved back to Davis. However, when I lived in the Bay Area I never felt like I had the RIGHT to buy a home in Burlingame and those rich people were out to get me, keeping me from owning one. Gimmie a break! You’re not going to afford to be able to live everywhere and no one OWES you that.

  299. As Anonymous at 7/17/07 4:23 PM said about another Anonymous, “What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like.”

    I lived in Davis, moved to the Bay and moved back to Davis. However, when I lived in the Bay Area I never felt like I had the RIGHT to buy a home in Burlingame and those rich people were out to get me, keeping me from owning one. Gimmie a break! You’re not going to afford to be able to live everywhere and no one OWES you that.

  300. As Anonymous at 7/17/07 4:23 PM said about another Anonymous, “What is new is the expectation that somebody owes you a home in Davis at a price you like.”

    I lived in Davis, moved to the Bay and moved back to Davis. However, when I lived in the Bay Area I never felt like I had the RIGHT to buy a home in Burlingame and those rich people were out to get me, keeping me from owning one. Gimmie a break! You’re not going to afford to be able to live everywhere and no one OWES you that.

  301. “Eternal vigilance is the price of peace” Keeping people informed so they can make a difference. I am sure that there are some unhappy developers who wished that this was all just handled at the staff level and rubber-stamped by the board as some sort of innocuous special study area- Good job Paul.

  302. “Eternal vigilance is the price of peace” Keeping people informed so they can make a difference. I am sure that there are some unhappy developers who wished that this was all just handled at the staff level and rubber-stamped by the board as some sort of innocuous special study area- Good job Paul.

  303. “Eternal vigilance is the price of peace” Keeping people informed so they can make a difference. I am sure that there are some unhappy developers who wished that this was all just handled at the staff level and rubber-stamped by the board as some sort of innocuous special study area- Good job Paul.

  304. “Eternal vigilance is the price of peace” Keeping people informed so they can make a difference. I am sure that there are some unhappy developers who wished that this was all just handled at the staff level and rubber-stamped by the board as some sort of innocuous special study area- Good job Paul.

  305. I think this is a step in a better direction but I do not think it is a step in the right direction.

    I am in agreement with Champerlain but appreciate Rexroad, (He is the only one who responded to my emails to the supervisors so far).

    Perhaps Davis residents were overeacting but because it was unknown what would be studied in the large areas it was understandable. Yet, I felt that in the lectures the overreacting was not that acceptable.

    As for Rexroad, I do think that Woodland’s develpment has been Anytown USA or Sameville and could have been done much better. Good land has also been developed around woodland

  306. I think this is a step in a better direction but I do not think it is a step in the right direction.

    I am in agreement with Champerlain but appreciate Rexroad, (He is the only one who responded to my emails to the supervisors so far).

    Perhaps Davis residents were overeacting but because it was unknown what would be studied in the large areas it was understandable. Yet, I felt that in the lectures the overreacting was not that acceptable.

    As for Rexroad, I do think that Woodland’s develpment has been Anytown USA or Sameville and could have been done much better. Good land has also been developed around woodland

  307. I think this is a step in a better direction but I do not think it is a step in the right direction.

    I am in agreement with Champerlain but appreciate Rexroad, (He is the only one who responded to my emails to the supervisors so far).

    Perhaps Davis residents were overeacting but because it was unknown what would be studied in the large areas it was understandable. Yet, I felt that in the lectures the overreacting was not that acceptable.

    As for Rexroad, I do think that Woodland’s develpment has been Anytown USA or Sameville and could have been done much better. Good land has also been developed around woodland

  308. I think this is a step in a better direction but I do not think it is a step in the right direction.

    I am in agreement with Champerlain but appreciate Rexroad, (He is the only one who responded to my emails to the supervisors so far).

    Perhaps Davis residents were overeacting but because it was unknown what would be studied in the large areas it was understandable. Yet, I felt that in the lectures the overreacting was not that acceptable.

    As for Rexroad, I do think that Woodland’s develpment has been Anytown USA or Sameville and could have been done much better. Good land has also been developed around woodland

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