Sunday Morning Musings: Anonymous Emails and City Council Coverage

This has been a busy week and there are two little odds and ends that I wanted to cover.

Anonymous Emails

Whoever invented the concept of anonymous emails, it certainly makes life more entertaining for a blogger. If people realized how many emails I get every week with tips about news stories I need to follow up, they would be amazed. Sometimes I am. And frankly there are a lot of potentially interesting stories that simply have not been followed up on not due to lack of interest but lack of time.

However, there are also some that I would love to follow up on, but they give me very little to go on. I do not know if people simply do not understand what information is needed in order to do sufficient follow up.

What else is very interesting is that I was talking yesterday to a campaign manager and that campaign manager had received a phone call with a tip to follow up on, but it was so vague, all the campaign manager could have done would have been to ask random people about the incident.

I bring this up, because on Friday I got about three very interesting tips and none of them had enough information to even start to follow up. One of them communicated a four year old incident involving an individual accused of vandalism and property destruction in which the police were called. They do not tell me who the victim was only who the perpetrator was. Without the victim, I cannot even start an inquiry. Police records do not tend to be public records. Incident reports are not kept long. And if the case does not go to trial and I doubt this one has, there is little in the way of a records trail.

That means unless I get a name, I cannot find out any information about the case. And because the individual who emailed me, did so anonymously, I cannot even follow up on it. A few times on such tips, I have gotten lucky and stumbled onto something, but for the most part, if you want me to actually do follow up, you have to give me something to go on.

Davis Enterprise Article

I commend the Davis Enterprise and reporter Claire St. John on a good series of articles on the city council candidates. I do not think the Enterprise has done enough frankly in terms of coverage of the campaign–which is unfortunate for the community. That is one reason I have gotten up at 4 am twice this week to transcribe recordings of the candidates forum to bring to the public. It is a lot of work and quite time consuming as anyone who has done transcription knows.

I did want to comment on one of the Enterprise articles that specifically mentions the Vanguard. Of course it is the one about my wife, Cecilia Escamilla-Greenwald. And overall I think it was a very good and fair article, but I think towards the end it goes from reporting to editorializing.

And I should state, I emphasize this because I find it amusing. I have very thick skin these days…

“Around the time the Human Relations Commission was disbanded, Escamilla-Greenwald’s husband, David Greenwald, started a blog. Called the People’s Vanguard of Davis, it focuses on ‘the dark underbelly of Davis,’ according to the site, with daily posts taking a decidedly conspiracy-theorist bent. “

The depiction of the blog as “conspiracy-theorist” caught my attention, it sounded like something more out of the X-Files than what the blog actually does. I do not think there is some grand conspiracy in the city of Davis, other than to perhaps not sufficiently cover public affairs.

The Enterprise article also rehashed the police issue, the HRC, and Chief Hyde’s exit. And that’s fair, it is part of the public record. And I think the article put the comments made by departing Police Chief Jim Hyde into good context.

I want to thank the Enterprise for finally clarifying that it was indeed the Buzayan case that forced the Chief to quit. They have put his famous quote about the Commission into that context, where it properly should be. It exposes the quote as a clear and obvious attempt to divert the public’s attention. Hyde wanted to shift public attention from the real message–that he had mishandled the Buzayan case and public criticism, and in so doing had exposed the City to millions in damages–to the messenger–a properly outraged Commission of citizens for which its chairwoman, Cecilia, was properly speaking.

Second, I appreciate that the Enterprise article mentions that the Vanguard tries to report political events in a balanced way.

“Greenwald initially wrote that he wouldn’t be writing about the City Council election since his wife is running, but he relented and tries to cover events in a balanced way, disclosing that he is Escamilla-Greenwald’s husband.”

That is exactly what the Vanguard will continue to do. In fact, the Vanguard, recognizing its unique relationship to one candidate, has since changing the policy had a standing, open invitation to any other candidate to submit comments about anything they want, and the Vanguard will post these comments unedited. This was conveyed personally and by email. To date, no one has taken the Vanguard up on its offer.

The article mentions recent criticism of Don Saylor. In fact, the Vanguard has been critical of several Council members about various issues, not just Mr Saylor, but as the Enterprise has seen fit to single out a Vanguard critique of this one candidate, the Vanguard reiterates its policy and invites Mr. Ssaylor to post his own response as he sees fit.

The Vanguard will continue to provide the city of Davis as well as the region with the best electoral coverage of the City Council, County Supervisor and 8th Assembly Race, in the area.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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City Council


  1. DPD, I agree w/ you that the Vanguard has been critical of other candidates besides Saylor. But your piece on Saylor does stick out to me as particularly critical compared to other criticisms. So from my perspective I think the Enterprise’s characterization in that passage reflected my reaction.

    To be fair, Don has done some very good things for this community. But also when a person has been in politics long enough, then his/her less desirable characteristics inevitably surface. I think that’s what we’ve seen w/ Don.

    I am personally troubled by the language of some of his criticisms as reported in the Enterprise and Vanguard, though it seems that it doesn’t necessarily come w/ an angry or sneering tone. But such words tend to end or disrupt civil conversation.

  2. DPD, I agree w/ you that the Vanguard has been critical of other candidates besides Saylor. But your piece on Saylor does stick out to me as particularly critical compared to other criticisms. So from my perspective I think the Enterprise’s characterization in that passage reflected my reaction.

    To be fair, Don has done some very good things for this community. But also when a person has been in politics long enough, then his/her less desirable characteristics inevitably surface. I think that’s what we’ve seen w/ Don.

    I am personally troubled by the language of some of his criticisms as reported in the Enterprise and Vanguard, though it seems that it doesn’t necessarily come w/ an angry or sneering tone. But such words tend to end or disrupt civil conversation.

  3. DPD, I agree w/ you that the Vanguard has been critical of other candidates besides Saylor. But your piece on Saylor does stick out to me as particularly critical compared to other criticisms. So from my perspective I think the Enterprise’s characterization in that passage reflected my reaction.

    To be fair, Don has done some very good things for this community. But also when a person has been in politics long enough, then his/her less desirable characteristics inevitably surface. I think that’s what we’ve seen w/ Don.

    I am personally troubled by the language of some of his criticisms as reported in the Enterprise and Vanguard, though it seems that it doesn’t necessarily come w/ an angry or sneering tone. But such words tend to end or disrupt civil conversation.

  4. DPD, I agree w/ you that the Vanguard has been critical of other candidates besides Saylor. But your piece on Saylor does stick out to me as particularly critical compared to other criticisms. So from my perspective I think the Enterprise’s characterization in that passage reflected my reaction.

    To be fair, Don has done some very good things for this community. But also when a person has been in politics long enough, then his/her less desirable characteristics inevitably surface. I think that’s what we’ve seen w/ Don.

    I am personally troubled by the language of some of his criticisms as reported in the Enterprise and Vanguard, though it seems that it doesn’t necessarily come w/ an angry or sneering tone. But such words tend to end or disrupt civil conversation.

  5. I guess I don’t understand why that was particularly critical–the Vanguard was pointing out the hit piece that his wife had written to the editor of the Enterprise against Lamar Heystek and then tying it to Saylor himself (not much of a stretch). I don’t see why that was particularly out of line.

  6. I guess I don’t understand why that was particularly critical–the Vanguard was pointing out the hit piece that his wife had written to the editor of the Enterprise against Lamar Heystek and then tying it to Saylor himself (not much of a stretch). I don’t see why that was particularly out of line.

  7. I guess I don’t understand why that was particularly critical–the Vanguard was pointing out the hit piece that his wife had written to the editor of the Enterprise against Lamar Heystek and then tying it to Saylor himself (not much of a stretch). I don’t see why that was particularly out of line.

  8. I guess I don’t understand why that was particularly critical–the Vanguard was pointing out the hit piece that his wife had written to the editor of the Enterprise against Lamar Heystek and then tying it to Saylor himself (not much of a stretch). I don’t see why that was particularly out of line.

  9. DPD’s note of a Davis Enterprise quote: “Called the People’s Vanguard of Davis, it focuses on ‘the dark underbelly of Davis,’ according to the site, with daily posts taking a decidedly conspiracy-theorist bent. “

    I find it very interesting that the Davis Enterprise seems to “check up” on what is in the Davis Vanguard. I feel as if the Vanguard is regularly”monitored”. I would rather not go into why I sense this, because my comment is not designed to single out any particular Davis Enterprise columnist who almost daily participates on this blog; or some of the nasty comments that appear at times if there has been a “good hit” on this blog against some in “the establishment” (City Council Majority).

    I think DPD and us bloggers should take it as a complement that the Davis Enterprise cares at all what we think, and seems somewhat concerned about what is said online at the Davis Vanguard. Obviously City Council members have shown their concern about what is said on this blog. Some have even had the grace to reply to other commenters or comment themselves on something DPD wrote.

    One of the more troubling aspects of political life that has occurred with too great a frequency lately is the circumvention of process. We see some City Council members constantly engaging in it; City Staffers aiding and abetting it; developers doing it with great regularity; School Boards/Districts participating in it.

    The Davis Enterprise is no exception. Often it has either intentionally or inadvertantly aided and abetted the circumvention of process by ignoring solid news stories, while filling its pages with fluff and nonsense. Example: when VOCS was up for discussion, it ran an article about charter schools in Ohio having difficulties – an obvious attempt to support the School Board’s decision to close Valley Oak rather than support the charter concept. Yet the Davis Enterprise failed to take note of currently existing and successful charter schools right around here. Its antagonism to the charter idea seemed to buttress the two candidates it had previously expressed support for – Richard Harris and Susan Lovenberg – who themselves wanted VO CLOSED.

    The only counterbalance to its “no news is good news” policy is the Davis Enterprise’s Letters to the Editor section. Here, citizens are free to criticize even the Enterprise itself. Anecdoteally, I have heard many folks say they only read the Letters to the Editor section in the Davis Enterprise, and skip the rest as drivel. I do peruse everything by scanning, but find most of it pretty uninformative as to what is going on in Davis. The recurrent fluff pieces I rarely read.

    Missing in the Davis Enterprise is the investigative reporting I would like to see. DPD’s investigation of the school mess and Total School Solutions was mindboggling and quite revealing as to why the schools in Davis are in such serious trouble. Because of his articles, the public is now acknowleging that the problem was and is not “declining enrollment” as such – the spin put on things by the School Board/District – so much as it is the choice of the School Board/District to build too many schools for the number of students projected.

    In point of fact, newspaper subscriptions are decreasing across the country, as more people get their news via the internet. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise makes its way into many homes that do not have internet access, or who still get their news the old fashioned way. I tend to believe there is a need for both, and feel glad that the Davis Enterprise is willing to acknowledge the existence and importance of internet blogs in general, and the Davis Vanguard in particular.

  10. DPD’s note of a Davis Enterprise quote: “Called the People’s Vanguard of Davis, it focuses on ‘the dark underbelly of Davis,’ according to the site, with daily posts taking a decidedly conspiracy-theorist bent. “

    I find it very interesting that the Davis Enterprise seems to “check up” on what is in the Davis Vanguard. I feel as if the Vanguard is regularly”monitored”. I would rather not go into why I sense this, because my comment is not designed to single out any particular Davis Enterprise columnist who almost daily participates on this blog; or some of the nasty comments that appear at times if there has been a “good hit” on this blog against some in “the establishment” (City Council Majority).

    I think DPD and us bloggers should take it as a complement that the Davis Enterprise cares at all what we think, and seems somewhat concerned about what is said online at the Davis Vanguard. Obviously City Council members have shown their concern about what is said on this blog. Some have even had the grace to reply to other commenters or comment themselves on something DPD wrote.

    One of the more troubling aspects of political life that has occurred with too great a frequency lately is the circumvention of process. We see some City Council members constantly engaging in it; City Staffers aiding and abetting it; developers doing it with great regularity; School Boards/Districts participating in it.

    The Davis Enterprise is no exception. Often it has either intentionally or inadvertantly aided and abetted the circumvention of process by ignoring solid news stories, while filling its pages with fluff and nonsense. Example: when VOCS was up for discussion, it ran an article about charter schools in Ohio having difficulties – an obvious attempt to support the School Board’s decision to close Valley Oak rather than support the charter concept. Yet the Davis Enterprise failed to take note of currently existing and successful charter schools right around here. Its antagonism to the charter idea seemed to buttress the two candidates it had previously expressed support for – Richard Harris and Susan Lovenberg – who themselves wanted VO CLOSED.

    The only counterbalance to its “no news is good news” policy is the Davis Enterprise’s Letters to the Editor section. Here, citizens are free to criticize even the Enterprise itself. Anecdoteally, I have heard many folks say they only read the Letters to the Editor section in the Davis Enterprise, and skip the rest as drivel. I do peruse everything by scanning, but find most of it pretty uninformative as to what is going on in Davis. The recurrent fluff pieces I rarely read.

    Missing in the Davis Enterprise is the investigative reporting I would like to see. DPD’s investigation of the school mess and Total School Solutions was mindboggling and quite revealing as to why the schools in Davis are in such serious trouble. Because of his articles, the public is now acknowleging that the problem was and is not “declining enrollment” as such – the spin put on things by the School Board/District – so much as it is the choice of the School Board/District to build too many schools for the number of students projected.

    In point of fact, newspaper subscriptions are decreasing across the country, as more people get their news via the internet. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise makes its way into many homes that do not have internet access, or who still get their news the old fashioned way. I tend to believe there is a need for both, and feel glad that the Davis Enterprise is willing to acknowledge the existence and importance of internet blogs in general, and the Davis Vanguard in particular.

  11. DPD’s note of a Davis Enterprise quote: “Called the People’s Vanguard of Davis, it focuses on ‘the dark underbelly of Davis,’ according to the site, with daily posts taking a decidedly conspiracy-theorist bent. “

    I find it very interesting that the Davis Enterprise seems to “check up” on what is in the Davis Vanguard. I feel as if the Vanguard is regularly”monitored”. I would rather not go into why I sense this, because my comment is not designed to single out any particular Davis Enterprise columnist who almost daily participates on this blog; or some of the nasty comments that appear at times if there has been a “good hit” on this blog against some in “the establishment” (City Council Majority).

    I think DPD and us bloggers should take it as a complement that the Davis Enterprise cares at all what we think, and seems somewhat concerned about what is said online at the Davis Vanguard. Obviously City Council members have shown their concern about what is said on this blog. Some have even had the grace to reply to other commenters or comment themselves on something DPD wrote.

    One of the more troubling aspects of political life that has occurred with too great a frequency lately is the circumvention of process. We see some City Council members constantly engaging in it; City Staffers aiding and abetting it; developers doing it with great regularity; School Boards/Districts participating in it.

    The Davis Enterprise is no exception. Often it has either intentionally or inadvertantly aided and abetted the circumvention of process by ignoring solid news stories, while filling its pages with fluff and nonsense. Example: when VOCS was up for discussion, it ran an article about charter schools in Ohio having difficulties – an obvious attempt to support the School Board’s decision to close Valley Oak rather than support the charter concept. Yet the Davis Enterprise failed to take note of currently existing and successful charter schools right around here. Its antagonism to the charter idea seemed to buttress the two candidates it had previously expressed support for – Richard Harris and Susan Lovenberg – who themselves wanted VO CLOSED.

    The only counterbalance to its “no news is good news” policy is the Davis Enterprise’s Letters to the Editor section. Here, citizens are free to criticize even the Enterprise itself. Anecdoteally, I have heard many folks say they only read the Letters to the Editor section in the Davis Enterprise, and skip the rest as drivel. I do peruse everything by scanning, but find most of it pretty uninformative as to what is going on in Davis. The recurrent fluff pieces I rarely read.

    Missing in the Davis Enterprise is the investigative reporting I would like to see. DPD’s investigation of the school mess and Total School Solutions was mindboggling and quite revealing as to why the schools in Davis are in such serious trouble. Because of his articles, the public is now acknowleging that the problem was and is not “declining enrollment” as such – the spin put on things by the School Board/District – so much as it is the choice of the School Board/District to build too many schools for the number of students projected.

    In point of fact, newspaper subscriptions are decreasing across the country, as more people get their news via the internet. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise makes its way into many homes that do not have internet access, or who still get their news the old fashioned way. I tend to believe there is a need for both, and feel glad that the Davis Enterprise is willing to acknowledge the existence and importance of internet blogs in general, and the Davis Vanguard in particular.

  12. DPD’s note of a Davis Enterprise quote: “Called the People’s Vanguard of Davis, it focuses on ‘the dark underbelly of Davis,’ according to the site, with daily posts taking a decidedly conspiracy-theorist bent. “

    I find it very interesting that the Davis Enterprise seems to “check up” on what is in the Davis Vanguard. I feel as if the Vanguard is regularly”monitored”. I would rather not go into why I sense this, because my comment is not designed to single out any particular Davis Enterprise columnist who almost daily participates on this blog; or some of the nasty comments that appear at times if there has been a “good hit” on this blog against some in “the establishment” (City Council Majority).

    I think DPD and us bloggers should take it as a complement that the Davis Enterprise cares at all what we think, and seems somewhat concerned about what is said online at the Davis Vanguard. Obviously City Council members have shown their concern about what is said on this blog. Some have even had the grace to reply to other commenters or comment themselves on something DPD wrote.

    One of the more troubling aspects of political life that has occurred with too great a frequency lately is the circumvention of process. We see some City Council members constantly engaging in it; City Staffers aiding and abetting it; developers doing it with great regularity; School Boards/Districts participating in it.

    The Davis Enterprise is no exception. Often it has either intentionally or inadvertantly aided and abetted the circumvention of process by ignoring solid news stories, while filling its pages with fluff and nonsense. Example: when VOCS was up for discussion, it ran an article about charter schools in Ohio having difficulties – an obvious attempt to support the School Board’s decision to close Valley Oak rather than support the charter concept. Yet the Davis Enterprise failed to take note of currently existing and successful charter schools right around here. Its antagonism to the charter idea seemed to buttress the two candidates it had previously expressed support for – Richard Harris and Susan Lovenberg – who themselves wanted VO CLOSED.

    The only counterbalance to its “no news is good news” policy is the Davis Enterprise’s Letters to the Editor section. Here, citizens are free to criticize even the Enterprise itself. Anecdoteally, I have heard many folks say they only read the Letters to the Editor section in the Davis Enterprise, and skip the rest as drivel. I do peruse everything by scanning, but find most of it pretty uninformative as to what is going on in Davis. The recurrent fluff pieces I rarely read.

    Missing in the Davis Enterprise is the investigative reporting I would like to see. DPD’s investigation of the school mess and Total School Solutions was mindboggling and quite revealing as to why the schools in Davis are in such serious trouble. Because of his articles, the public is now acknowleging that the problem was and is not “declining enrollment” as such – the spin put on things by the School Board/District – so much as it is the choice of the School Board/District to build too many schools for the number of students projected.

    In point of fact, newspaper subscriptions are decreasing across the country, as more people get their news via the internet. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise makes its way into many homes that do not have internet access, or who still get their news the old fashioned way. I tend to believe there is a need for both, and feel glad that the Davis Enterprise is willing to acknowledge the existence and importance of internet blogs in general, and the Davis Vanguard in particular.

  13. I have found most of the Enterprise articles about the candidates pretty banal…and the ones about Don and Sidney downright laughable. I wish they had had the various candidates answer the same questions with a very short and factual bio. Wheat berry chilli for a sick friend….come on….

  14. I have found most of the Enterprise articles about the candidates pretty banal…and the ones about Don and Sidney downright laughable. I wish they had had the various candidates answer the same questions with a very short and factual bio. Wheat berry chilli for a sick friend….come on….

  15. I have found most of the Enterprise articles about the candidates pretty banal…and the ones about Don and Sidney downright laughable. I wish they had had the various candidates answer the same questions with a very short and factual bio. Wheat berry chilli for a sick friend….come on….

  16. I have found most of the Enterprise articles about the candidates pretty banal…and the ones about Don and Sidney downright laughable. I wish they had had the various candidates answer the same questions with a very short and factual bio. Wheat berry chilli for a sick friend….come on….

  17. DPD,
    I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu.

    To Room For Both;
    Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.

  18. DPD,
    I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu.

    To Room For Both;
    Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.

  19. DPD,
    I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu.

    To Room For Both;
    Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.

  20. DPD,
    I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu.

    To Room For Both;
    Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.

  21. Newsflash: Sydney got a new kitten! (she’s got human interest potential!)
    And, if you read it in the Davis Enterprise, then it must be true.
    …Further about Sydney, Ron Glick on his speaking in tongues radio show had an interesting question for Sydney, who served on the city tree commission:
    “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”
    Sydney quickly changed the subject.

  22. Newsflash: Sydney got a new kitten! (she’s got human interest potential!)
    And, if you read it in the Davis Enterprise, then it must be true.
    …Further about Sydney, Ron Glick on his speaking in tongues radio show had an interesting question for Sydney, who served on the city tree commission:
    “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”
    Sydney quickly changed the subject.

  23. Newsflash: Sydney got a new kitten! (she’s got human interest potential!)
    And, if you read it in the Davis Enterprise, then it must be true.
    …Further about Sydney, Ron Glick on his speaking in tongues radio show had an interesting question for Sydney, who served on the city tree commission:
    “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”
    Sydney quickly changed the subject.

  24. Newsflash: Sydney got a new kitten! (she’s got human interest potential!)
    And, if you read it in the Davis Enterprise, then it must be true.
    …Further about Sydney, Ron Glick on his speaking in tongues radio show had an interesting question for Sydney, who served on the city tree commission:
    “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”
    Sydney quickly changed the subject.

  25. “I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu. “

    I’ve always acknowledged this. Why don’t you do a search of this blog before you make accusations that are baseless.

  26. “I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu. “

    I’ve always acknowledged this. Why don’t you do a search of this blog before you make accusations that are baseless.

  27. “I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu. “

    I’ve always acknowledged this. Why don’t you do a search of this blog before you make accusations that are baseless.

  28. “I want to thank you for finally admitting your wife, the Council Candidate is a union rep, seiu. “

    I’ve always acknowledged this. Why don’t you do a search of this blog before you make accusations that are baseless.

  29. Just wanted to say thanks to DPD for taking considerable amounts of his time to provide us with an alternative (and often more informative) view of events in Davis. Davis politics are oft laden w/ generally useless “greenwash”. For instance, in a recent City Council meeting, there was an “Earth Day” celebration that was an impressively positive event. A cute little award and organic foods for CC members and Housing czars. An impressive display of “warm fuzzies”. I honestly wondered if I’d gotten the day wrong. The considerably less happy Housing Commission portion took place after this. Focus was to discuss a long list of proposed developments and figure out which should be highest priority. Developers were present in force. The combination of Earth Day and aggressive development was hard to stomach.
    Best of luck to your wife. You’ve always been careful to clearly identify the relationship which is to your credit
    Thanks again

  30. Just wanted to say thanks to DPD for taking considerable amounts of his time to provide us with an alternative (and often more informative) view of events in Davis. Davis politics are oft laden w/ generally useless “greenwash”. For instance, in a recent City Council meeting, there was an “Earth Day” celebration that was an impressively positive event. A cute little award and organic foods for CC members and Housing czars. An impressive display of “warm fuzzies”. I honestly wondered if I’d gotten the day wrong. The considerably less happy Housing Commission portion took place after this. Focus was to discuss a long list of proposed developments and figure out which should be highest priority. Developers were present in force. The combination of Earth Day and aggressive development was hard to stomach.
    Best of luck to your wife. You’ve always been careful to clearly identify the relationship which is to your credit
    Thanks again

  31. Just wanted to say thanks to DPD for taking considerable amounts of his time to provide us with an alternative (and often more informative) view of events in Davis. Davis politics are oft laden w/ generally useless “greenwash”. For instance, in a recent City Council meeting, there was an “Earth Day” celebration that was an impressively positive event. A cute little award and organic foods for CC members and Housing czars. An impressive display of “warm fuzzies”. I honestly wondered if I’d gotten the day wrong. The considerably less happy Housing Commission portion took place after this. Focus was to discuss a long list of proposed developments and figure out which should be highest priority. Developers were present in force. The combination of Earth Day and aggressive development was hard to stomach.
    Best of luck to your wife. You’ve always been careful to clearly identify the relationship which is to your credit
    Thanks again

  32. Just wanted to say thanks to DPD for taking considerable amounts of his time to provide us with an alternative (and often more informative) view of events in Davis. Davis politics are oft laden w/ generally useless “greenwash”. For instance, in a recent City Council meeting, there was an “Earth Day” celebration that was an impressively positive event. A cute little award and organic foods for CC members and Housing czars. An impressive display of “warm fuzzies”. I honestly wondered if I’d gotten the day wrong. The considerably less happy Housing Commission portion took place after this. Focus was to discuss a long list of proposed developments and figure out which should be highest priority. Developers were present in force. The combination of Earth Day and aggressive development was hard to stomach.
    Best of luck to your wife. You’ve always been careful to clearly identify the relationship which is to your credit
    Thanks again

  33. “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”

    Because the fruit is a nuisance and a hazard. The pruning didn’t harm the trees at all.

  34. “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”

    Because the fruit is a nuisance and a hazard. The pruning didn’t harm the trees at all.

  35. “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”

    Because the fruit is a nuisance and a hazard. The pruning didn’t harm the trees at all.

  36. “Why did the olive trees along Russell Blvd. get hacked back so severely? Seems like the job of the tree commission ought to be about promoting tree growth.”

    Because the fruit is a nuisance and a hazard. The pruning didn’t harm the trees at all.

  37. After decades and decades of growing undisturbed, the olive trees all of a sudden are creating fruit that’s a nuisance?
    The UC Davis Grounds crew already had a more benign, aesthetically pleasing solution:
    harvest the olives and make olive oil, bottles of which are on sale in the UCD Bookstore.

  38. After decades and decades of growing undisturbed, the olive trees all of a sudden are creating fruit that’s a nuisance?
    The UC Davis Grounds crew already had a more benign, aesthetically pleasing solution:
    harvest the olives and make olive oil, bottles of which are on sale in the UCD Bookstore.

  39. After decades and decades of growing undisturbed, the olive trees all of a sudden are creating fruit that’s a nuisance?
    The UC Davis Grounds crew already had a more benign, aesthetically pleasing solution:
    harvest the olives and make olive oil, bottles of which are on sale in the UCD Bookstore.

  40. After decades and decades of growing undisturbed, the olive trees all of a sudden are creating fruit that’s a nuisance?
    The UC Davis Grounds crew already had a more benign, aesthetically pleasing solution:
    harvest the olives and make olive oil, bottles of which are on sale in the UCD Bookstore.

  41. Anonymous 8:51 said: “To Room For Both; Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.”

    If the Davis Enterprise made a statement in its pages as to the content of this blog, then I would say it must keep some sort of track of what is said here. How is that paranoia? A regular columnist from the Davis Enterprise comments on this blog quite frequently, usually in support of the status quo – the same people supported by his employer (the Davis Enterprise). How is that paranoia? If there is criticism of any of the Council Majority, very often some “anonymous” commenter blasts DPD or commenters who oppose the Council Majority – and repeatedly. How is that paranoia? Clearly the opposition reads this blog…

  42. Anonymous 8:51 said: “To Room For Both; Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.”

    If the Davis Enterprise made a statement in its pages as to the content of this blog, then I would say it must keep some sort of track of what is said here. How is that paranoia? A regular columnist from the Davis Enterprise comments on this blog quite frequently, usually in support of the status quo – the same people supported by his employer (the Davis Enterprise). How is that paranoia? If there is criticism of any of the Council Majority, very often some “anonymous” commenter blasts DPD or commenters who oppose the Council Majority – and repeatedly. How is that paranoia? Clearly the opposition reads this blog…

  43. Anonymous 8:51 said: “To Room For Both; Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.”

    If the Davis Enterprise made a statement in its pages as to the content of this blog, then I would say it must keep some sort of track of what is said here. How is that paranoia? A regular columnist from the Davis Enterprise comments on this blog quite frequently, usually in support of the status quo – the same people supported by his employer (the Davis Enterprise). How is that paranoia? If there is criticism of any of the Council Majority, very often some “anonymous” commenter blasts DPD or commenters who oppose the Council Majority – and repeatedly. How is that paranoia? Clearly the opposition reads this blog…

  44. Anonymous 8:51 said: “To Room For Both; Do you think the Davis Enterprise, “Checks Up on the vanguard”? Well even paranoids have real enemies.”

    If the Davis Enterprise made a statement in its pages as to the content of this blog, then I would say it must keep some sort of track of what is said here. How is that paranoia? A regular columnist from the Davis Enterprise comments on this blog quite frequently, usually in support of the status quo – the same people supported by his employer (the Davis Enterprise). How is that paranoia? If there is criticism of any of the Council Majority, very often some “anonymous” commenter blasts DPD or commenters who oppose the Council Majority – and repeatedly. How is that paranoia? Clearly the opposition reads this blog…

  45. To: ROOM FOR BOTH:
    I think you may have missed the point. So I have a further question; Do you think Grape Nuts is a venereal disease? How about Moby Dick? You see, nothing “Is Clear”. Thanks for being entertaining.

  46. To: ROOM FOR BOTH:
    I think you may have missed the point. So I have a further question; Do you think Grape Nuts is a venereal disease? How about Moby Dick? You see, nothing “Is Clear”. Thanks for being entertaining.

  47. To: ROOM FOR BOTH:
    I think you may have missed the point. So I have a further question; Do you think Grape Nuts is a venereal disease? How about Moby Dick? You see, nothing “Is Clear”. Thanks for being entertaining.

  48. To: ROOM FOR BOTH:
    I think you may have missed the point. So I have a further question; Do you think Grape Nuts is a venereal disease? How about Moby Dick? You see, nothing “Is Clear”. Thanks for being entertaining.